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Caligae are sandals that are really

strong. They have metal studs at the
bottom of the shoes. These shoes
were helpful during war because they
allowed the Roman soldiers to march
to scare their opponents.


A cingulum is a belt that the Roman

soldiers used. The belts had leather
stirpes as decoration and to protect
them. These belts jingled and made
noise whilst they marched so they
would scare their enemies.


A Gladius is a sword that Roman

soldiers had during war. It was an
amazing stabbing weapon. They
would use it when they were up close
to attack their enemies.


A javelin is sort of a long sword that

you can throw at your opponents.
The point of the javelin was very
sharp so it would go through shields
and armor. The Roman soldiers
would throw them all at the same
time to break their opponents charge.


This is a metal helmet that their

soldiers used. It was used during war,
to get protect for you head, neck, and
face from opponents.


A scutum is a shield the Roman

soldiers would use. They would use
the shields to block away attacks
from their enemies. They would have
something called a tortoise, where
they would all go down on the
ground, covers their whole bodies
with their shields as they link them.


A lorica segmentata is armor for your

torso. It will help protect your during
war with enemies. It helps for when
they are up close a hit you with a


Centurions are commanding officers.

They were the ones who had more
armor than normal soldiers.


Legions were a type of a Roman

army. There are many different ones.
Each legions were about 5,000 army

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