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Benchmark #5: Answering Your Research Questions

Due Date: May 13, 2016

Directions: Using your research and Cornell Notes, use the best information you found from
your sources to answer your research questions. Follow the steps below:
1) Copy and paste the sources you used for your notes into the Source box and
number each source
2) Take the questions you used during your research and paste one question into
each row on the left hand side
3) Answer the questions on the right hand side of the table (provide source
numbers for where you found your answers)
4) Figure out what you and your group still needs to learn and research more about
and what new questions you have.

Mr. Rutherfords Example:

Questions and Answers:
1)What inventions/innovations
did the ancient Romans

The Romans invented and innovated aqueducts, roads, arches,

amphitheaters and concrete. (Sources 1,3,5) The Romans also invented
and innovated sewer systems and the Julian Calendar (Sources 2,4)

What do you still need to learn more about?

Question you still have:
How were the Roman inventions built?
What materials did the Romans use to build
these inventions

Information you still need to learn

I still need to learn more about how these
inventions worked and what they were used for.
I also need to find out the causes of
building these inventions and innovations and the
effects these innovations had on Romans.

Your Work
3 Kids Discovery Articles.

Questions and Answers:


Answers (Source #)

How did they carry their food and


The way the Romans soldiers carried their supplies would be something
called equipment. In their equipment, they would have a toolkit, pans,
and dishes. In their toolkit, they would have a three day supply of food.
They would also carried things like a cloak, a leather bottle for water or
wine. This helped them when they were on long journeys or even in
wars. They had all they need packed and ready to go. Source 1

What did the Roman soldiers wear/

wear for armour?

The soldiers wore armor during war to protect them from attacks. The
armor they would wear would are metal jackets, cingulum, and helmets.
They would use metal jackets to protect their torso from weapons like
swords. The cingulum is a protection and distraction in one. It protects
the waist. It also makes a noise that distracts and scares the opponents.
The helmets were made of bronze because it is strong enough to protect
them from a steel blade. The Roman body armor was steel and wrought
Source 1

What people did they sent out

during the war and what did they

The Roman soldiers were the ones that fought hannibal and his troops in
Punic war #2. He would get his elephants across the mountains, get
them alcohol, stab them in the leg, and make them angry to attack the
Roman soldiers. He would do that so the elephants would get mad and
attack the Roman soldiers. They used spears, daggers, gladius, and
javelins. They would use daggers and gladius for when they are up close
they their enemies and spears and javelins for when they want to kill an
opponent from far.
Source 1

What materials did they bring

besides weapons and armor?

The Roman soldiers brought food and tools that consist of axes,
hammers, and other materials. They would use these in case they
needed to build something such as a place to stay when it got late while
traveling. They would use axes for when they need to cut something.
And hammers screw things together.
Source 3

How did winning war help


Rome beating Hannibal really affected their civilization. It helps the

Romans have more power. It also helps them get more land by

conquering their opponents. They would be able to get some of their

opponents land. If you lost, then you would have lost a lot of Roman
soldiers and Romans in general. Also, that means they would have more
power over you.
Source 3
Who did Rome fight in these wars?

In the second Punic war, the Roman soldiers fought Hannibal and his
troops, from Carthage. Hannibal brought elephants to attack Rome, he
also took his troops and animals around the mountains instead of going
across sea.
Source 3

What weapons did Roman soldiers


The weapons the Roman soldiers used are called gladius and javelins.
The gladius are basically swords that are useful for when your
opponents are up close to you. The javelins are long swords that you
can throw at your opponents when they are far away.
Source 2

What other soldiers did the

romans have at war?

During war, they have groups called the legionary which where a large
group of people. They also had centurions which were the commanding
people that worked for the
Source 2

What is a legion?

They are groups of soldiers with about 4,000 to 6,000 soldiers in each
group. This was like if you were at sixth grade camp you have a people
that are in the same cabin.
Source 2


What do you still need to learn more about?
Questions you still have:
Who made the armour for the
Where would the soldiers get their
Where would they keep their armor
after training?
Where in Rome would the soldiers
How would they choose who the
soldiers are?
Where would they make their
gameplans for wars?

Information you still need to learn

Who was the emperor/king during the Second
Punic War?
Where exactly in Rome was the war of Punic #2?
What was the reason hannibal crossover to Rome?
Why did hannibal crossing over make a big war
against each other?
Did hannibal when he crossed over want to make a
war for just the land?

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