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Assessment schedule (student copy): Geography 91245 Wellington is not ready for the big quake!

Evidence/Judgements for Achievement

Evidence/Judgements for Achievement with


Evidence/Judgements for Achievement with


The student has:

The student has:

The student has:

described the nature of the geographic issue

described the nature of the geographic issue

described the nature of the geographic issue

described the significance of location

described the significance of location

described the significance of location

described an effect of this issue on people

described an effect of this issue on people

described an effect of this issue on people

described an effect of this issue on the


described an effect of this issue on the


described an effect of this issue on the


provided reasons for the different viewpoints

that individuals or groups hold in relation to the

provided reasons, with supporting evidence, for

the different viewpoints that individuals or
groups hold in relation to the issue

described how the viewpoint of one person or

group could change over time.

explained how a persons viewpoint can

change over time

provided reasons, with supporting evidence,

for the different viewpoints that individuals or
groups hold in relation to the issue, including
perspectives, geographic terminology and

explained the strength(s) and weakness(es) of

the different courses of action

explained the strength(s) and weakness(es) of

the different courses of action

explained in detail how a persons viewpoint

can change over time

provided a recommended course of action with

argument(s) and/or evidence.

provided a justified, recommended course of

action with detailed argument(s) and/or

fully explained the strength(s) and

weakness(es) of the different courses of

provided a fully-justified, recommended

course of action with detailed argument(s)
and/or evidence and justifying why it is better
than the other courses of action.

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