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RETURN BOOS Fun yy, CALVBGean. | ISTORY a 1 Se et Meee tains dag, — ware worn for protection from ell pea * Meek Of w dead warrtcr was eaten ns part ote religions ceremony. ~ Y f . - B i eee é yramend with trempures D. C wn i rigs custoin of eye Wat 2 hen a ‘04 Bonet of ancestors were kept for, cestil we: + se & A 10. tom 11 ‘Tefers $s the following statement. ; 1 Fe Mage was ome ofthe most mévancod of the Amartndancaltre» . Allof the apport the above statement EXCEPT. - é SSogcepes ayierditond eo en arate rites 2 : Bor whe bry te prions es 1B TAY pomemed advanced anc eee : % s 11. The following was NOT a reason for the migration of the Amerindians @ for warmer climate search-of food C, [In seareh of new farm lends" D, [in search of new feeding grounds 2, ‘was the moat popalar pattern of migratiba for Aimcirtnélaie Ii tho West indica? ‘of the following poopies were the iuhabitanis of the islands éuctoned by the Mya 1. Taino ‘HL Kalinga 5 and WH only Land 1H only Wand 1 only 1, and OF 14, What is the significance of the place st Y7 QB) The mttement areas of the Mayn und the Ince earliest settlement of the Trisos The cradie lands of the Aztec * ” 7 # 1D. The cradie lands of the Kallnago 15, The place marked X refersto — - pa ‘A. ‘The settioment of the Mays 3B. Thovettiement of the Tainos settlement of the 'D. The settlement of the Kalinago. 16, Whldh continent did the Amerindian migrate fram? aes é 1% up tte own inde were crepe ty Doth Toto and Kang st me am 19. All of the following were cultivated by the Talnos and Kalinagos EXCEPT fare B B c D. Tobacco 20, Meyfm technology involved all ofthe following EXCEPT A tion schemes a ‘chisels c roads D. broae buildings 24. All df the following were common practices of the Taluie EXCEPT A Bz © ® 2 ‘of the following miéthods of obtaining foods was NOT ubed by the Talnoe and A Wild fruits and roots B c @ [Tending Borde 22. in Whigch of the following were the Tainos wore sldilfil tha the Kalisages? qi i i as 24, Thejraler of'a Mayan city state was called a/an A B " & Pees tas ! d 25. Whiph of the following were NOT used by the Tainos? 9) ‘A. Fish nets B C. Wyeoden mortars o ealendars 6. of the following weapons were NOT used by the Kalhiagps? 2 ee” C. [Bort staves dD shields of the following is NOT true of both the Tainos and the Mayas? ‘made articles from cotton and stane #F 28, Alllof the following ware evident im Taino and Kalinago society before 1500 EXCEPT 29, Whi ef te lowing etiritn wae mon oety xeocatd withthe Taio practice of “Tooorgantze the work of the vitae / Pedttte on hlstaccomor To decide Omethor rot to attack nelghbouring tbe TV. To lead his people in festivals and ceremonice A, Inga TK only QR 1 tir ead IV only ‘C. Land IV only D, 1.0, and IV of the following skills did the Talnos and Katinagos 34, The a B c ® aw ws’ arvtval in the Caribbean? @ trey wor ‘by Telnos TR. Poey wore inhabited by Kainngoe © Biey were by the Maya Di Faey wore met iakabtiat 36. Wh of the following BEST describes the religlous practices of the Katinngos and the t fatare worship and animal wcrifice find ancestor warnip 7 : . and anion sacrifice D. ‘periods of fasting and ancestor worship o< ead # vorQ yg re@r 8) a! D. 2Ree [incy planted wales and easmva of the following items wore uted by the Talnos beforetheiarttvakct te Bucopeans? i, 40, OT and 1V 41, Whith of te ftotngHedtmnént are tre te Maya? L a or posiveie great silts tn farming, building and artronomy fof thom were akiled seamen and long distance traders held strong religious beliefs and priests were very a A. Land osty {the instructions of Christopher Columbes and inthe cary stout opmtury, the er of he Andnca which sprite Wet nah onde eet ea heed om san figures. an esimation by torons: 250 000 nates nhabeen entire 'andshipmnt of Tala to Reroys Sctnvoment tt overvorking of Amerbedaas by Spaniards Imecurecy of ary staiatca shout the Went Indien 3. ts ” rnlwickof ha places entife on the map were the eft Iving wit SH Spel Al s,ana9 \ 2 4and 5 i 68nd 10 | ; ee plage where Couns wn stprnchn on he 4 Parc port ot eal for ad 5 from Spanish ralds ‘Providing ‘Trading in the staple crop MAIN purpose of the ssiento was to the entry of slaves to the Spanish American empire Fitbie Spain to maintain a monopoly on the African slave trade Ahoer the Dutch to supply slaves to the Spanish American warptre eerat Portugal from taking part io the African slave trade ? nich contury did the Enpls, French and Dutch make thelr first sacchesfal setiement Caribbean! the Caribbean? marked (l'en'the map indientes the Roses Nea ‘First sland bn the Caribbean sighted ‘piace where Columbus set up the first Spanish settlement ‘in the fifteenth centary? atte 7] ‘5G. The jusabers {B) and [Bi on the map indicate the AL ie @ D. sl m rant forts built by the Spanish stations set ap by the Dutch ‘at up by the Engtish buccaneers colonies set up by Portuguese df the following were reasons for failure to settle in Guiana? 1. There was little promise of mineral woalth - ‘Supplies were difficult to obtain ‘The area was swampy and hot. (V.. The Jocal Indians were hostile A. Vand Honly TWand IV only \ | 1, Wand TH onty << —- (B Hyntand IV ony eS EC c eee on the map above. proved MOST Mipsis Gifebes cn to Europe? 62 61. ‘The X om the map Indlestes the island in the Caribbean ‘Where a trading station was set up by the Dutch "Where a slave colony was ect up by the Portuguese . Which was first sighted by Columbus ‘Onwhich Columbus set up the first Spanish settlement practice” referred to in the statement above was known asthe | AL Aslento B. Audieacta © Nitec ‘Residencia _ 63, Whlch of the following BEST describes the intontSon of the Treaty of Tordestles? ‘To.liow only Spats to calm the “New World : ‘To'allow Spata and Portugal to share claims 0 the “New World _—~ ‘To give England the chance to explore the Caribbean ‘To give all Enropessie nations the right to explore the Caribbean withthe Pope's + ste ig de Span me pote er snimnvelt se New Wore™ 1 Wand TV only : of the following were reasons for the failure ofthe early attempts of the Europeans to on the const of Guyana? ° ‘There Sas resistance from tome Amertodlan groups IL. The area was swampy, hot and unhealthy for them I. Thay bad oe slfegnen the winde und cca earFnts to get thes om Earope A. Land fTonly Land 1 only Hand Hl only BH hitman ga Th pcetien of th Cast sbi notary he vena cya | ett traitors | dntamery prone : ‘Rebellions slaves (i Retains ceuenrs : 7; Lefer at marque procs the rip of 1a | oases wrsnshe Peni ints x mts} ae wero exuttond Bugehse to cantve nboiiine popatatons (B) Femenoten wo plonder enemy slppien 16 76. ta: Of the following ways did the Dutch hetp the British aud Freach settlers in the West nal “ cleo : Supply theay with salt from Araya,” Brltglog its equipmcat tnd tappies © LD. Kecplig the attention ofthe Spanish away from thom 17, ‘Thq Spaniard responsible for the Convoy system was Diego Columbus Gonzalo Veloce Meneader te Aviles ee ‘Nicolas de Ovando * hh ti ating Caton ide oy A. | Barbados: * ‘ POR> Cas art reer or Mb “ter of be non? ‘ballads: A B part in the conquest of Cabe ._ Spe Pen oft - 81, Mepeantiinn Polley of A. | Elantaon cotter ean $3, Columbus fist vistted Sematen on his First voyage @ | Second vornge ‘Third voyage D, | Fourth voyage Mb %3, of the following was NOT « reasoa for the esle of Africans ws slaves? ‘A. | Some were prisoners of war who were sold to the slave traders,“ Some Africans were willing to ell themeclves into slavery ‘Some Africans were kidaapped and sold into slavery. /~ D. | Some household slaves were sold to traders as payment for debts.“ 9, Rateronearorn or export ny Baropen scr in he Carat er 479 a NOT CE : 95. ‘Which of the following were the frst to transport laws amt Afs6 to the Gxribbean 7a ‘ 1B. |The English re wyrae ernest pier @ Reoreeieal treat ds Semear oc bec ta [Satpemereine inwaat w areeeuasamemct b. ibe wtneus wore alle to work bardor‘an che EerObeni oft hry port ware Rik sev ape MOT Bist Wi vee Goring the jeomtaury? ‘A. Land HT only BK Mand only © Land ilonty B. Hh Wand IV only 2 Sagar i Africans were willing to work on sugar pian 101, Wh of the folowing refers to the contract given to other Iurbpeans to supply saves tothe Spanheh colonies? eed © D. Partidas Note @ e 3) 128. Which, the folowing events in the Caribbean was MOST infuenced ‘feo to occupy an Toe st snide : ef produce inthe markot Bassy ‘by the French Revpiitit:? fara end pet conces 10 sell fare end Euneway slaves aa members oftheir community hae cause of the “Buses Revolt” of 1816 in Barbados was the Hebe Pes was being delayed Dew ponerse i Deriororer Faun Sinspe’s revolt io Jemnnice aids and coloureds which incited rebellion 135, What was he major political change granted tothe Preach colonies by thie Prich Government i. 17897 iy we Ne lected ) Elected assemblies with power to make their own Jaws assemblies with power to approve or disatlow laws made in France with power to make their own Iams . ‘with power to approve or disallow laors made in France 136. Which of te following wea NOT « leader of the Hisitian Revolution? ©) mulatto comtrol of factories in Haiti ashes ih rete erin mn rnc el men SD ae sine in Haiti's production and export of sugar after 1791 was caused by tho" -peioe in France. upheavels in Haiti . ‘Frosch Revolutlonary government, \ i e EMANCIPATION AND APPRENTICESHIP vache beh Caretn paar who ripped he oon of thle tae dil MATS ett ar Law (©) Morality @) Reis AOp Economics 144. The jus paw the Amelioration propossls eoawnyt© | Nour wine ed to slavery nib Bris Caibbeen “he Eaditions of slaves i the Brith Caribbean, / re the L | Freedametweihip = + se 1.) ‘Social privileges equal to-those 6s TL Beogesnic: through the sale of cash 1V| Grealemoke disanve bnteon exes se eg A. Hand M1 only ‘Oumar DU Mand only OLumead” 194. Whict of the following BEST defines a West Indian pessant progrietoc? A ‘sho works for very low wages 2 B ‘whe works on a large farm ‘who owns and cultivates at least wo acres of laid’ ‘who sells ground provisions in the merket 195. There|were more frec villages in Jamaica than there were in Barbados because @ be main there was more land avalisble . anc cette et ar th plans C. the Jamaican planters encouraged their cx-alaves to set up free viliages 'D. the Jernsican ex-alaves had more money to buy land then the ex-sleves ix Barbados Government wer portion of to land was aueady taken by sugar ceases Waieves did pot want to leave the plantations =. 17! Td West indian pauat sno ertablished es of tradion tad soe 4 the end which be caaerols |All of the following prove this point EXCEPT West Indian peasantry is recent in origin Went ingen Peassaty existed along side and in conflic with te plantation st Indian Psa no pend ocinively on aol clvation fr ter income mn ‘Subsistence _Subalenre® pousanty existed ony ftom the beginning ofthe suger revolton 198. ofthe feowing wes NOT aimeens by which exlaves sou Ind afer emancpstion? ‘Buying old estate lands (©) Renting gates Janc Reoeiving land from the British government (D) Squatting gci Crown land 199. ote ftoing cope was NOT grb fr ble by Briah Crean ponent inshe soom ‘of the nineteenth contury? Orange : (©) Ginger . Arowrsot (D) Pimento, 200. “fie fllowing is the MAIN reason wy pantrs in the Windward islands adopted she ‘The planters were eseured of labour forthe plantations, The Pimelaves Tefused to acoopt contracts for work on the Plantations ofthe towing BEST explains why toro wer oof tn nee” 8 Align? ra tege wopyhy ot exalt higue : . ia ony litle Nand. avaltable in Antieus Se aT on we nox roqured 1 eve an apprenticeship Peso ps te plasation nbour ia Amiga were extremely Digs : 202, reigsou denomination gave te mos tistance fee wilgesimmesiely CASE They wasted the exalnves wo be indopendent of the PIRES © ‘A. end HL only = (CM end only B. Tend Wi only Wp, Mand TH 0a. seg sn en meen cates SS “yas to pave thean guard the plantations —~ ‘on the plantations 5 Biel he nearby schools, ED) uve estate hospitals 208. site loving wes NOT a0 oe developmen of epee Sah BAN Caribtloen after 18387 Ting wy of mats one ears | gi tegen ae proce of bese “E. 1Diversification of the econoiny Diversion of ofne non-conformist churches 20 225, The MAIN reason forthe Unit States interest in Paneraa inthe frst decade ofthe twentieth a8 Fesprove the relationship berween the two countries sqmmuniction between the Atti and the Paciic\__-~ sretcr Opportunies for toda provide employment for Americans im Panama <7 226. The Unived States helped Cuba gain independence from Spain MAINLY because the ‘United States large investmeots in Cubs had to be protected 1B Cubans who were on the edge of defeat requested help C, United States government backed moves for independence by Caribbean cotonies D| warship Maine was blown up in Havana 227, Fidel|Cestro overthrew the government of Pulgencia Batista by ‘organizing arsved internal uprisings 'B| Joining forees with foreign powers C| using American financial help . aking use of Russian warships 28 ‘of the following describes the Bay of Pigs episode? ‘Al American involvement in Panama ‘The invagion of Cuba by anti-Castro forces ‘The uprising in the Dominican Republic ‘The defeat of Batiste by Fidel Castro 229. In witich of the following had United States private business invested the largest sums of money by contury? the dd of the nineteenth: ue Panama Mexico D.Pusrto Heo 230. Whifh of th following wai NOT ruiresunt ofthe Pat Amendaneat? ‘A, The United States should protect Cuba's independence | The Untied State sould supervise Cuba's fitmaces ‘Cuba should lease lands to the United States for naval bases, ‘Cube should conto! its own foreign policy 231. With which ofthe following United States presidents isthe Good Neighbour Policy associated? Franiain Roosovelt oka Ta : }. Theodore Roosevelt ‘D. James Monroe 232. Whith of he following territories was occupied by United States troops before 19007 ‘Haiti C. Grenada, SOCIAL UNREST IN THE 1930°S of the following statements is NOT tru ofthe octal unrest ofthe 1930's? It wes connecied with toade union activities I wais a protest against sdein} conditions If ed tothe appointment of the Moyne Comraission 1 ws Jed by European revolutlonazics sunjon activity was discouraged in the first haif of the twentieth century; MAINLY because 234, Seeihet sndernnd th demands of wade union fender feared uprising end preferred to keep workers under total control ‘could not afford to meet the basic demands of the warkers ‘ ). were encouraged by the colctial office to ignore the demands of the unionists 3] 235, Which of the following did tho Moyne Commission of 1939 recommend? ‘nltand1v only end 1 oly ‘BIL and Il only ». 1, HL, Mi and TV 236. ‘of the following factors comributed to the carly growth of trade unionism in the Britis Corivbean Long workinghours Injustices shown to employees Tw wagee Dratand for independence AL end 11 only (xt and only ‘B.|D and IV only ‘D.L [ and {V only 237, Lof the following was NOT a result of the social which took piece i the British Caren pie 195007 al : aspen ttn en facie in ete no ne (The introduction | C.lThe slow extension of the right to vote 'D.|The passing of laws for the recognition of trade unions. 238, Whi ofthe following helped yo create the labour unrest in the 1990's inthe British Caribbean? 1.| Poor working éonditions <= Desire for sy end Monty ee . it enly D. 1, Hand I 239. Which! follewirig perions played sm important in the struggle for, )St. Kitts in $ 7 ee a apottens pes or postal tien in § Adaens Uriah Butler & Robert Bradshaw 1B. Clement Payoe 2140, Whietl ofthe following was NOT « feeture ofthe labour unrest in the British Caribbean io, the 1930's? A pase oo Roa tt, The Moyne Commlslon blamed the poor working condone inthe Briss Carobeen in te 1930+ a C. political @ prin government 1. trade won Teaders 242, Whi of the following was MATNLY responsible forthe rapid growth of trade none tn the British Caribbean. 19397 i in thé Iabour foroe The support of church leaders be a er + eA Pee pesssae of Pavone ws | 5 ze, XB, Tea movement tovends te. am = hen ds (Gate Coleen was mers on erates CAD a matte wo 22 eee ee: (A) palitical partion in the Cuihbons: \ (0) Fematianwoubdndp the depend ©) the Brite Goverment wes mot Sane ove al ‘evaand common woutd SO ieeanehtome ‘Beaty brie ©) mented shor yours of genteel an.” Reereting tena zs * SSE or ere @ | wom, => o fs § “gt | ala it lege To Tei tee - 370. De Tite ct ge maa at os 2S ements = : oo e #: ae z eg ues : _ aes ® eefoey trom Come 4 sine 3077 ah Wena 121, . . a Sa eee Settee panat eet ‘oo Ue . in 3 — 5 ane eo xem _ : -2rh rpeaceeenatatenarase nin g "aI, mai © wine = al seas om = eo | Laven anes 2 E een esiennmeindp eat np ae yc ‘wort pep) ap Ot toch age emeRO RY, Ga) Be sere ne o sg uagorp wih mG san £ Lanegan se ,Y) : ‘Line, gp teas Poncing poten “¢:<; spamseni en ole eee Secrets et o OLN eR Cr ode ORTON Cy) yong kag woe 50 _ Pep A Rem ARRON “757 Enh donnie pram, Saapeen & online pice © a ‘pace Cary enone nie m ms ene 99 RUN we eases act aig @ batewprpliter trim oltdeectitoe! i setemaari.abr brondeanieeriamarte lane HRD ‘Seed ep oe aod pep oa. {Y) ‘tema mmt a a ve a a A493

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