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Inversions of Triads

NCVPS AP Music Theory

Presentation by Dr. Tom Moncrief

Inversion of Triads
When first learning to identify and spell chords

we spell them in block form. Block form (or

snowman stacked form) is when all of the 3 rd
are in order, stacked on top of one another.
Remember, Tertian Harmony is based on the
element of this interval of the 3 rd.
When the Root of the chord is in the lowest
voice (Bass), the chord is in Root Position. Not
every chord has the Root as the lowest note
and to account for that we identify the
inversion that a chord is in.

Inversion of Triads
Lets take a basic triad. Below is the Triad in Root

Position and also in 1st Inversion. Notice that in

both chords the notes are (A, C#, E). We use
these notes to identify the Quality and Scale
Degree Function of the chord. So, this chord has
a Quality of Major and the Root of both of the
chords is A.

A Major in Root Position


A Major Chord in 1st

Inversion of Triads
These two chords do have the same pitches,

however they do not sound the same. The

sonority of the chord will sound different because
of the part of the chord that is in the lowest
sounding voice. Our ear will hear that chord in 1 st
inversion as not being as complete or sonorous
than the Root Position chord.

A Major in Root Position


A Major Chord in 1st

Inversion of Triads
Lets discuss how we notate that a chord is in an

inversion. We use Arabic Figures to notate

inversions. Arabic Numbers are the numbers that
we use in money transactions (1, 2, 3) as
compared to Roman Numerals (I, II, III). A triad
that is in first inversion will use the Arabic
Number (6) to identify that the triad is in first

Inversion of Triads
Notice that the Root Position triad does not

have any figures underneath it. Because

Tertian Harmony is based on 3rds and the
Root is the lowest voice, there is no need for
figures to further identify the Root Position

Inversion of Triads
The (6) in the first inversion, is notating that

there is a 6th above the lowest note (Bass),

from C# to A and a 3rd above from C# to
E. The Arabic Numbers could show this a (6)
and (3), however these figures are short hand
and the 3rd is assumed in a first inversion triad.


Inversion of Triads
Lets take a look at a 1st inversion chord and

figure out how to identify it. First, we must

identify all of the notes that are sounded (G, Bb,
Eb). Then we must ask if these notes are in
Stacked form (in direct 3rds of one another). No,
this chord is not. Second, we must rearrange
these notes so that they are in direct 3rds or
stacked form. The stacked form would be (Eb, G,

Inversion of Triads
Knowing that the stacked form is (Eb, G, Bb) we

can identify the chord and its quality. The Root

of the chord is Eb and the quality of the triad is
Major. This is a Eb Major triad, however the Root
is not the lowest sounding voice (in the Bass).
Because the 3rd of the triad (G) is the lowest
sounding voice, this chord is in first inversion.
We can identify it as an Eb Major Triad in 1 st

Inversion of Triads
A Triad has three pitches (Root, 3 rd and 5th). If the

Root is in the lowest voice (Bass), the triad is in Root

Position. Root Position does not require any figures.
If the 3rd is in the lowest voice (Bass), the triad is in
1st Inversion. First Inversion uses the Arabic Number
(6) to delineate that it is in 1 st inversion. If the 5th is
in the lowest voice (Bass), the triad is in 2 nd inversion
and that is what we need to discuss next.

Root Position First Inversion



Inversion of Triads
Second Inversion Chords have the 5 th of the

stacked chord as the lowest sounding pitch

(in the Bass). The triad below has the
following pitches (E, A, and C#). These
pitches are not in order by thirds (because
E to A is a fourth not a third). In order
to identify the triad and its quality we must
first put them in order by thirds (A, C#, E).
This is an A Major Chord, however A is not
the lowest sounding voice and we must
account for that with an inversion figure

Inversion of Triads
The inversion figure for the A Major Triad is (6,

4). We must use both of the Arabic Numbers

here because if we only used the (6) we would
be using the same figure as a 1st inversion triad.
The (6) represents an interval of a 6th above the
lowest voice (Bass) and (4) represents an
interval of a 4th above the lowest voice (Bass).
In this chord the interval of the 6th is between
the E and the C# and the 4th is between the
E and the A.

Lets Practice!
What is the Root of

this Triad?
What is the Quality
of the Triad?
What inversion is
this Triad in?

The Answer
What is the Root of

this Triad? The notes

are (Ab, C, and F) and
they form a stacked
(F, Ab, C) so the Root
is F.
What is the Quality of
the Triad? Minor, (F,
Ab, C) is a minor triad.
What inversion is this
Triad in? 1st Inversion,
the 3rd Ab is in the
lowest sounding voice.

Lets Practice!
What is the Root of

this Triad?
What is the Quality
of the Triad?
What inversion is
this Triad in?

The Answer
What is the Root of this

Triad? The notes are

(G#, B, and E) and
they form a stacked (E,
G#, B) so the Root is
What is the Quality of
the Triad? Major, (E,
G#, B) is a Major triad.
What inversion is this
Triad in? 1st Inversion,
the 3rd, G# is the
lowest sounding voice.

Lets Practice!
What is the Root of

this Triad?
What is the Quality
of the Triad?
What inversion is
this Triad in?

The Answer
What is the Root of

this Triad? The notes

are (A, D, and F) and
they form a stacked
(D, F, A) so the Root is
What is the Quality of
the Triad? Minor, (D,
F, A) is a minor triad.
What inversion is this
Triad in? 2nd Inversion,
the 5th A is in the
lowest sounding voice.

Lets Practice!
What is the Root of

this Triad?
What is the Quality
of the Triad?
What inversion is
this Triad in?

The Answer
What is the Root of

this Triad? The notes

are (F#, A# and C#)
and they are already
in stacked form so the
Root is F#.
What is the Quality of
the Triad? Major, (F#,
A#, C#) is a Major
What inversion is this
Triad in? Root Position
as the Root is in the
lowest sounding voice.

Inversion of Triads
Inversions of Triads can be identified by the part of

the triad that is the lowest sounding voice (Bass).

A Root Position triad has the Root as the lowest
sounding voice. The 1st Inversion Triad has the 3rd
as the lowest sounding voice. The 2nd Inversion
Triad has the 5th as the lowest sounding voice.

Root Position First Inversion



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