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Agenda for Celebrating Cromford

meeting held at The Boat;

Tuesday 7th June, 2016
7.30 pm.

Present: Paul, Marie & AmberTurner, Ian and Sylvia Evetts , John & Clarice Pass, Isabelle Chatfield,, Russ
Boyack, Sue Mosley, Ted Morris, Dave Mitchell, Rosie and Stewart, Clem, Rachel Walker
Apologies: Nigel Huish

1. Bunting
Saturday 11th June, 2pm on Scarthin. Marie to call Rick, who is happy to help. We will continue on Sunday afternoon,
2pm to do more as necessary.
2. Prom clean up
Tuesday 14th June, 7:00pm on Scarthin. Bring sweeping brushes, secateurs etc.
3. Marquee
Thursday 16th June. Meet 6:30pm at Nigels garage (Chapel Hill) to load up, or about 6:45pm on the prom. Paul will
arrange transport (Dave G or D).
John P kindly donated a set of spanners for assembling the marquee- many thanks to him.
4. Hill pull
We need a minimum of 4 marshalls for the hill pull, wearing high viz jackets. Paul, Marie, Rosie, Stewart and John H
(in his absence!) volunteered. We nominated John H to be in charge of proceedings.
5. Tables and Chairs
We need a man & van to collect chairs from the Methodist church on Friday night. Tables for the picnic on the prom
need collecting on Saturday evening or Sunday morning.
6. Mobile cave
Tony and Stewart are picking up the mobile cave on Friday morning. Meet outside the Methodist church at 11am on
Friday 17th June to help unload and assemble it if you are available.
7. Parking
Paul to speak to Simon from the basket shop and ask if its OK to use their car park for model railway exhibitors,
performers and stall holders over the weekend.

8. Stalls
Dale Diva would like a stall on Saturday.
Ted will speak to Richard about the location of the table for music equipment.
Ian and Clem would like a stall next to the CC stall for the Cromford Flag information.

9. Raffle prizes/ wine and water

Lorraine has kindly donated a case of wine. We would appreciate more donations of bottles of wine, and empties filled
with water, then wrapped in newspaper please.
Goulds Garage has offered to donate a free MOT as a raffle prize. Marie has a selection of items to donate as prizes.
Any other good quality items would be appreciated. Please bring along to the stall on the day. John P offered his
services for cutting/ splitting logs. Ian and Sylvia will ask Rachel Pinks if she would donate some sort of art session.
We discussed the idea of local businesses offering to give an hour of their time as a prize. This could be a possibility
for Apple Day raffle or next year?
10. Advert money
A lot of money has been collected for the adverts- many thanks to all local businesses who have supported us. There
is still some outstanding. Marie will email reminders.
11. Games for Sunday
CC has bought a giant Jenga, noughts and crosses and Twister game for the picnic on the prom. Dave also has some
homemade wooden games that we can use.
13. Cromford Flag
Ian and Clem presented information about the proposed Cromford Flag. The design was accepted by the Celebrating
Cromford Committee. There will be an information stall during the weekend of the CC festival to allow for public
14. Community Centre
There are plans for the Community Centre to be open from the Friday of Celebrating Cromford.
15. Pallet Gardens
Isabelle to send the final, final version of the leaflet to Marie for printing by the end of this week.
Ian E offered to help make the wooden numbers for each pallet.
Judges have been organised for 9th July.
16. Open Gardens
It needs to be clear on the OG publicity that it is at your own risk. CC does not have insurance to cover this event.
Dave and Isabelle to look into any cheap insurance schemes for open gardens.


St Marys church will be open- Ian E to confirm times and then publicise on FB/ Twitter
Programmes- spares available to collect from outside 4, Chapel Hill
Fell Race- any volunteers for marshalls?
200 Club- John P gave an update of the accounts. We are 54 numbers down but still in profit.
John P has managed to arrange Darthvader, R2D2 and a Sandwarrior for Saturday 18 th- 180
Sue Mosley is the contact for the Ladys hockey team- meet 6:45pm, start 7pm
Paul Tabor is confirmed as playing at The Bell on Friday night, 7:30pm. Put up CC pop-up gazebo in
case of showers? Cost split 50:50 between The Bell and CC
Dave Mountford mentioned the plans for The Greyhound to be converted into a nursing home. He
offered support to the community if they wish to pursue any plans prevent this happening.
Celebrating Cromford will publicise plans when they are confirmed to keep the local community

Next CC Meeting: Tues 5th July, 7:30pm, TBC

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