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Music Career Project

Name: Sydney Friedman

Checklist to Complete Assignment
the article
From the Source
Section #1

In Your Own Words
Section #2
Your Final Job Description
Section #3
Best Fact to Share
Section #4
Think About It
Section #5

Complete the
Career Jump Activity
Section #6
Is my work
t, in
complete sentences
, and
section is completed


Music Career Jump Grading

Individual Participation During Project
40-50 on task, involved all the time
30-39 on task, involved most of the time
20-29 off task, wasting time, teacher reminders
to work needed
0-19 not on task, ignores teacher reminders

Completed Project
40-50 all tasks complete, in detail, neat, and
30-39 all tasks complete, satisfactory answers,
and legible
20-29 most tasks complete, answers are brief
and not detailed, work is sloppy
0-19 few tasks complete, answers are
incomplete, and little effort is shown

Fill out this information based on the information on the M

usic Careers Website.Dont use other sources!

#1 From the Source

#2 In Your Own Words

Job Title: Music Producer

Job Title: Music Producer

Career Overview:
A Music Producer writes,

Career Overview: Music producers make songs

for themselves and other artists.

About this Music Career

(Career Description)

About this Music Career

(Career Description)

Theyre shaping the sound of another artists

1. Theyre making a good beat for their songs

and other artists.

I am responsible for every aspect of my

2. Theyre responsible for their studio they cant

sit around. They have a busy day starting off
with checking what theyre going to do for the
day and getting everything ready for their

Once the client shows up, I want my

3. Dont get distracted by other things in the

studio keep your attention on the artist you
are helping.

I usually work for about 10-12 hours with lots

4. Work for about 10-12 hours a day with very

little breaks. But if you have a chance to get a
break it usually consists of phone calls, emails,
texts, and checking social media.

There is a lot of work that goes into being a

5. You are very busy outside of the studio being

arranges, produces and records songs for

other artists or for their own projects.

album or creating beats or songs for their own

business and its definitely not all rock n roll
glory. A typical day for me starts with
checking my Producer notes, prepping the
studio and checking gear functionality.
attention 100% on the artist and the music
creation process. Nothing else comes first.
of ear and mental breaks worked in
throughout the day. While on a break, I am
usually attending to phone calls, emails, texts,
social media and even accounting.

Music Career Project

Producer outside of the studio such as
attending rehearsals, meetings, writing
sessions, and going out to shows.

at rehearsals, writing sessions, and going to




1. $49,000

1. $49,000

2. $25,000 - $1,000,000

2. $25,000 - $1,000,000



Taking advantage of networking and

1. Network a lot and take advantage of

opportunities to learn new things.

Butch told me that he and some friends got a

2. Other artists can tell other bands about

music producers to talk to. One rule when
these bands came was that they had to supply
beer as a type of payment.



Production is an extremely competitive field,

1. Producing famous artists is very competitive

and you have to show the artists that you are
the best in the business. You also have to show
you are different from other producers.

So many of my peers not only produce, but

2. Many producers also do other work to pay

the bills for themselves like DJ, program tracks,
play on records, and even engineer.

Education and Training

Education and Training

.Yes, formal music education is a must (know

1. Education is important in this business you

have to know the basics. Producing works with
technology a lot so learn how to use the

As you learn to use new gear or software, you

2. As you learn to use the new software at your

fingertips, use it to grow and learn from. Next
you should work with another client or even
producer who is known for their work in the
business. Dont forget to follow the newest

learning opportunities.

place and gear to track some punk bands and

make records. The rule was that bands supplied
beer as payment. It worked because a lot of
bands showed up.

and advancement comes as a Producer builds

and diversifies his or her skill set or works with
more prestigious artists. Luksa puts it this way.
Lots of little kids dream of being star athletes,
but theyre more likely to win the lottery.
play on records, write, engineer,
tracks or function as artists themselves to pay
the bills. You have to ask yourself the question,
what kind of records do I want to produce?
because you need to be in love with the work.
There is no guaranteed financial success.

the rules before you break em), Luksa says.

This industry runs at lightning speed as far as
technology goes, so learn the basics from t
schools, or music schools with recording
arts/music engineering and production
can use that formal education as a platform to
grow on. Next, apprentice with someone who is
respected in the part of the industry you want
to work in. You need to follow production
trends and methods.

Music Career Project

Experience, Skills, and Personality

Experience, Skills, and Personality

Some folks will get into producing by way of

1. Some people might start getting into

producing by doing it for fun for a friend. Some
people just start making jams in their
bedroom. Others might start because they
want to help bands produce good music. Their
is no special touch to becoming a producer.

The two things that are essential are passion

2. You should be passionate with your work

and others work that you produced. Be flexible
with your skills and stuff you still need to work

That being said, I think it comes down to my

3. All producers are different because they

have different tastes and types of music they
like to produce. Give feedback to the artists so
the sound can be as good as possible, make
sure they dont take the feedback personally
though. Make the songs sound like the artist
not you, it has to have the taste the artist is in

Unions and Associations

Unions and Associations

Producers arent unionized, but networking

1. Stay connected to the community so you acn

getg more clients. You need to be prepared for
writing and publishing collections.

There are so many resources out there, it

2. There are so many different genres in the

music business so follow your heart and do
what you are best at. Get inspired by other
producers too because they might have good

Suggestions for Getting Started

Suggestions for Getting Started

Find an artist and start, even if you have to

1. Find a artist that is promising and start from

square one.

helping a friend record while playing/writing

on said record, others will just be crushing
tracks out of their bedroom and word gets
around, while others might come to produce
because they are engineering and start helping
bands get through the tracking process. There
is no one single magic solution to launching
your career as a Producer.
and a diverse skill set. He says, As a Producer, I
contribute with engineering, playing, writing,
arranging and creative guru skills. I approach
listening to songs, bands and artists from a
fans perspective. I aurally digest music
CONSTANTLY. If a great track comes on, I get a
rush of dopamine from my brain
tastes and how I am able to listen to music like
a multi track machine, focusing in on each
element at will. I can objectively give feedback
to the artist, regardless of what I would do or
my musical influences. I try and produce
according to that projects genre and most
importantly who the artist is artistically and
how I think fans might react.

and community are vital for success. Luksa

advices fledgling Producers to register with a
PRO [Publishing Rights Organization] so you
are prepared for writing and publishing
royalty collection.
just depends on the music and scene you want
to be a part of. Stick to where your clients
might hang their interactive selves or follow
other Record Producers or

do it for free. Trial by fire is the best way to get

your hands dirty.

Music Career Project

You will learn more from your mistakes than

your successes. This applies to not only

creating the music, but the business aspect as

2. Learn from your mistakes in the business

aspect and the part when you are creating the

#3 Your Final Job Description:

Convince someone this is the best job in the music

industry! Write in complete thoughts and sentences IYOW). When you read this out loud, it
should be about 30 seconds.
A Music producer is the best job in the music industry because you get to meet famous
artists to help them produce their songs. The salary of a Producer is in the range from
$25,000 - $1,000,000, that is a lot of money for a job that is so fun and entertaining. You also
get to help the artists grow with their songs and music. A part of the business is you get to
work with any genre of music, so one day you could work with a pop artist the next a rock n
roll band. While being a producer for other artists is fun you can be a music producer for
yourself and then you can produce your own songs. If you want to be a music producer you
should go for it because it is so fun!

#4 Best Fact to Share:

Write one sentence summarizing and highlighting the best part
about this job.

The best part about being a Music Producer is meeting new promising artists and clients.

#5 Think About It
-List 3 school subjects that would be useful to know to perform this job.
1. World language - because if one of your clients speaks a different language you know
2. Language Arts - because you have to write about your new client on social media and
you have to make it sound interesting.
3. Music - because you can learn all the beats and rhythms of music and how to make it
sound good together.
-Would this job be a good fit for you? Why or why not? Support your opinion in complete
This job would be a good fit for me because I like listening to music so I know what sounds
good together. I also think this would be a good fit for me because I like meeting and
interacting with new people and getting to know them. In addition, I think I could push the
artists to their full potential when making their music.


Music Career Project

#6 Career Jump Activity:
Quickly write down the job title and one interesting thing

about each job as you rotate through the career jump.

1. Colleen - Music Critic - Get to go to a lot of concerts.
2. Zoey - Choreographer - Getting to do dances performed by other people.
3. Ina - Piano Tuner - Get to tune peoples pianos to sound good.
4. Isabella - Voice Therapist - Get to work with singers who have problems with their
5. Julia - DJ - It is self taught.
6. Haley I - Personal Manager - Work with artists and provide career directions.
7. Haley R - Music Therapist - Having experience with music and help people with
8. Erin - Tour Manager - Handle finances and budgets.
9. Max - Singer - Make a lot of money.
10. Michael - Rockstar - Get a lot of money per concert.
11. Thomas - Personal Manager - Make 20% of the artists earnings.
12. Noah - Record Producer - Get to talk to artists.
13. Lucio - Security Guard - Carries a gun.
14. Rhone - Night Club Manager - Get to go to different night clubs.
15. Evan - Radio Producer - Talk about music on the radio.
16. Andrew - Tour Bus Driver - Drive famous people to their tours.
17. Austin - Tour Publicist - You make money.
18. Charlie - Advanced Person - Get to go to the tours early.
Best Job:
Worst Job:

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