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Kimberly Stromberg

July 1, 2014
MUSE 582
Orff In Class Teaching
Dr. Liu

Obj: come up with dance moves that show the phrasing of the song and add
punctuation to the meaning of the words.
Process: I will show, students follow
I will say, students do
Materials: mexican folk song
Obj: learn the song and perform with supported, open sound in head voice for girls.
Boys whose voices have changed should sing in their comfortable octave.
Process: music sung first on words, students listen
sung on solfege (to set up for later lesson plans on harmony and reinforce
tonic - dominant relationship)
back to words when dancing
Materials: mexican folk song
Obj: Harmonic relationship between tonic and dominant
o I-V-I chord progression
Process: learn melody by rote
have students sing and play with tonic and dominant on their instruments
listen for home and away sounds
When do we ALWAYS hear it at home?
Decide which notes the bass will play, and when it will switch
Other instruments play the melody
now experiment with adding
Materials: experimentation pitched instruments

LESSON CYCLE (have melody on the board without words)

Learn the song by rote
Imitate rhythms for Chiapanecas chorus
stomp on beat 1
clap on 2 3 for the first two measures, rest for second 2 measures
snap on 2 3 for measure 4
o Show the melody (on the board or screen) without words
Sing on solfege
Ask yourself if you are home or away while you sing and designate spots for
home and away. Move to those places as the melody moves.
o Transfer melody to instruments
Now listen to the bass sounds. When should we switch?
o Sing and play at the same time, with bass notes
o Add percussion (clapping rhythm)
o Step on the beat
Come up with movements that go along with the words
think of our rhythmic patterns before if youre having trouble coming up with
Make the dance together
Perform the dance together

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