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Similarity Portfolio

Qualities of a Mathematician
Growth mindset
Finding Patterns
Similarity Practice

I was absent in the we got this
worksheet, so people in my
group explained what to do. Of
course, I asked them for
questions.One of the question I
remember asking was Do
have to find the scale factor
and then multiply. Then they
answered my question.
I also got called on for the class
discussion and I had to explain
why both of the triangles in the
problem are similar. They were
similar because the triangles
shares the same angles.

Mirror Madness


My elbow partner and I worked

on this together. We both
decided to try to draw and
label on the picture so it can
help us. This was similar to
when we did the group mirror
thing outside. So we had to find
the scale factor by dividing
then we multiply that by the
length. Which that gave us the
One of my friends asked for
helped and I helped them and
explained step by step on what
to do. I also explained this to
Ms. Aly.

Similar Problems


For that homework, I tried to

just do it on my own. For the
first problem I knew that when
you want to make a small
triangle into a bigger one with
the same angles, gotta multiply
the lengths. Vice versa for big
to small by dividing.

Triangle Similarity Theorems



As a group we all worked

together on this. I also asked
my elbow partner to help me
explained to me on how to do
For this paper we had to pick
two different lengths. So we
had to try different angles to
see if it would work. We also
had to explain how we got our

Why are triangles special?



For this worksheet my elbow

partner and I worked together.
We used the computer to draw
the shapes then drew it on our
papers. I forgot what
quadrilateral is I asked what
my partner what that was with
some clarifying questions.
For every question we had to
explain our answers.

Similar Triangles VS Similar Polygons



For this worksheet we had to

prove if the statements were
true or false with an
My whole group worked all
together. For the first one I
drew a square and rectangle
with the same angles, but
different lengths. I proved that
if two polygons have their
corresponding angles equal,
they are similar.

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