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The psychological treatment

that is often used to help
patients with both Obsessivecompulsive Disorder and
Depression is Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy, the most
effective treatment of CBT
being Exposure and Response
Prevention, and a higher dose
of some form of SSRI or SRI,
which works on both patients
with Obsessive-compulsive
Disorder and Depression.
The fact that these types of
drugs work on both patients
with Obsessive-compulsive
Disorder and Major
Depression also shows how
both disorders are so similar.

Definition of OCD
and Depression
OCD- A mental
disorder classified by:
1) Persistent unwanted
thoughts and urges that
the sufferer experiences
that causes stress and
2) Constant repression of
these urges through
actions taken by the
sufferer called

Major Depression- a
mental disorder
classified by an agitation
and invasive low mood
that is prevalent by lowself esteem and a loss in
interest in normally
enjoyable activities.

OCD and Depression:

A Tale of Two Terrors

By Ricky Farrell

Selective Serotonin
Reuptake Inhibitors
A SSRIs purpose is to
correct the lack of serotonin
in certain sites of the brain
by reducing the re-entry of
serotonin, a vital
neurotransmitter, in receptor
sites, causing them to build
up and be put into full use.


Treatment for Patients with

Both Disorders Prevalent

Cognitive Behavioral
Therapy, and if needed, a dose
of a Selective Serotonin
Reuptake Inhibitors, which
can help people with
Depression and/or Obsessivecompulsive Disorder.

Patients with Obsessivecompulsive Disorder often

suffer from Depression
because of the psychological
affects of anxiety that can
turn the patients life into a
living nightmare.

Numerous Studies have

shown that the worse the
Disorder affects the sufferer,
the higher change they would
develop Major Depression.

Anxiety can often be the root

of Depression, and is always
the beginning of OCD.

Cognitive Behavioral

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

is a form of therapy used by
many psychiatrists today to
The sense of relief from treat a variety of treatment.
The main goal of Cognitive
the serotonin being
Behavioral Therapy is to train
produced that SSRIs
the brain to react differently to
provides to the user
situations that would
helps patients with
otherwise upset or give
OCD and MD because
anxiety to the patient.
in both mental
disorders, there is a

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