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EDWARD MARLO, CARDICLAN FARO CONTROLID MIRACLES BY EDVARD MARLO Copyright 1964 First Printing Chicage, Tilincis FOREWORD This ie a limited and exclusive treatise dealing with effects using the Foro Stuffle especially prepared for those already conversant with the Technique and Basic mathematical principles of the Faro Stuffle, You will note I eaid "using the Faro Shuffle" which is also meant to imply that many of the effects herein can be done without the use of the Faro; however, its inclusion has its Importance from several points, First, it 36 usually the most efficient way to arrive at = required condition or results. Second, it gives a folse lead in that it will be presuned that the Faro is a necessity to the resulting effect. A good example of this are the Faro Controls as applica to selected eards. Any other nethods can be used but one must emit thet use of the Faro carries nore puzzlenent. I hesitete to say “deception” for certainly the use of the Faro implies "control" as do ary shuffles or cute. There are © few exceptions auch as the Elnsley Ultra Montal in which a Faro is used to achieve a required condition but in reality hee nothing to do with actual mathenaties of the Faro. Incidentally, permission was granted fron Elzeley, ‘thru Jeck Avis, for the original description of Elasley's Ultra Mental. She effects in this mamuseript are conpiled notes dating froa 1956 to 1963, fis each set of notes wes recorded at various dete T wae not overly aware of the nane prefix. Now that the whole bas been put into one source you may find it nave Seabing and ogeravabing but please overlook it and keep your eye on the effects. The Faro Gontrols, of course, stem frou baste ideas in the SPAPE book as well as sone in FARO NOTES. The iten on "Packet Handling" is the resulting inspire- tion of some that were sent to ne by Neal Elias, As regards other effects and tens, the inspirational scurce, if any, is mentioned in that particular text. If tho contents of this manuscript were to be put oub in the usual off-set type book, it would run twice the nunber of pages or avproxinctely one hundred and forty. ‘Twenty tines the nuber of copies vould have been min off and the material peddled at one-fifth its priea. I felt you would be willing to pay the “extra” to keep the contents as exclusively yours as possible, Only a limited edition of furty copies have been mate. Youre is copy NO. In the past exclusives have been pirated and ‘ersatz! eoples smuggled under the original price, Obviously this condition is caused only by one of the purchasers thenselves. Tt is with a sincere wish that your own conscience remains in the elear. With this let ne wish you a pleasant experience in the study of FARO CONTROLLED — gu pe FARO DIVIDER Tt has been several years since the FARO NOTES were published and while there were deseribed several methods of getting packets of equal mmbers, es well as vari- ant mmbers, I will describe one of my favorite methods for quickly getting four pac- ete of equal number in cach. With a very little practice you will always be sure that you have the anount of cards needed in each packet. 1. Mo begin with do a perfect Faro Tn-Neave. Tn other words, do not complete the shuffle but merely push the packets into each other tims telescoping then for about two thirds their length. The situation would be as in Pig. 2. 2. Wext, cut as close to twenty-six or half as you can. Now Ann seee, here is the Little something which enables you to be sure of 13 =/ cards in cach packet providing the initial Faro In-Shuffle has =" been perfect. 8. Bregk the deck at center as in Fig. 2, Mow Rou can you check Fig. 2 Pig. 3 to be sure? Well, first of all, rewexber that you MIST cut or separate at an IN- SWUFFIED CONDITION. This means’ that the lover half voulé appear ac in Tig. 3A vhen looking st the tep of the lover half. Actually the halves are not separated at this point but venain ae in Fig. 2. 4, ow look at the upper ends of the veavedcards and if they are even to your eye you can be pretty eure that you have split perfectly, But suppose you are not surce Way then, you must either drop off two cards or pick up two cards in order to get un In-Ghuffled condition in the top cards of the lover half, Do this and you will quick ly See whether you were right or rons. 5, This, then, is the chook method which you may uso when you start practicing but atter a fev trials you witl know with certainty wien you have perfect halves. 6. Once you are sure the next step is to keep the eeparation as in Fig. 2, then shige the fingers of both hands to the outer ends of tha weaved cards and strip out the veaved cards. This results in the left and right hand holding two packste each being separated by the thumbs at inner sides as shown in Fig. 4. 7. Tt ic now a matter of releasing the lower portion, from right hand, tirst. Kor drop the rouaining packet to the Mant of the firet packet. Right hend nov tekes top portion from left hand and drops this to the table to the left. ‘The Inst portion is dropped to the right of the first yortion on the lett or Into the second position fron the left, In this vay the packets are also in proper order from left to right assumiug that the bottow packet is to be counted as the First Fig. pack®t.” Naturally, the seme woule hold true i sou decide to assume the order as from right to left, In this case the top racket would be considered the first packet. 8, Because you can be sure of getting 13 cards in cuch packet, vy the above acthea, YOU can readily see that by dropping off or picking up aiditional cares, Juot bofere the Strip-Out and dropping of the packets, you can get, say, mumbors like 12-13-13 end 1k, “This used in the Three Card Location means there vould be no nocd to cut 1 dotitem card to top. (See Faro Divider Controls for Three Cards.) 9. Just experiment with thie idea of mine and you will quickly see its auseing ease and surety and flexibility of application. Wnile i have used on in-Shuffle as the example you can use on Out-Shuffle #f you vinh. You can make tha weave closer ani thas use It as 9 secret Strip-Out as you apparantly do a four way cut but you will find it easier and in the long mun more practical av T have deseribed ib. OFF CENTER FARO DIVIDER This is on ides which permits you to cut the weaved pack anywhere, do your four packet cut and now by counting just one of the Jackets you know the totel nmber of gazis tp each of the other three paskots. Séine you hove given the pack a peveect Tn-Woave. 2, For the sake of sinplicity let ue eay you divide the pack somevhere near the bot= ton ot on IncShufflea condition ac in Fig. 3A. 3. Strip oul the cards to form four packéts ae per Mig. Ik an dcop thn: the table but retain the bottom pocket of the left hand portion. 4. Ina casual Overhand Shuffle run the cards singly counting then at the sone tine. After the shuffle drop this packet to the table, 5. Suppose you had cotnted eight cards during your run shuffle. This means that the other gual packet or the one 2nd from the right alco has eight cards. Next, subtract eight Prom twenty-eix which gives you a rexininier of 18 cards. This tells you that ‘the two larger packets ench have 18 cards. ‘These larger packets, according to the way you drop off the packets onto the table, should be at the first position from the right and the third position fron the Tight. 6, ‘Thus all in all you know the total nusber off cards in gac! Fron here you ean use the knovledge accordingly. of them to of the four packets. FARO DIVIDER COWTROES FOR WO CARDS SRE four pockets of cards using the Faro Divider. 2. Have spectator shuffle each packet one at a time. 3. Have spectator choose any packet he vishes. He shuffles it and notes botton eard. after bis shuffle. He next drops this packet onto any one of the other packets, ‘This makes up half the pack. 4. Have spectator number two, pick up any one of the remdining two packets. He also shuffles it and notes the bottom cand, then drops bis cards onto the two packets al- reaiy sssenbled or onto the Half pack. 5. The remaining packet is picked up, shuffled and dropped on top of the rest. 6, Pick up deck. Gut bottom card to top. Give deck two Faro In-Shuffles and both cards will be on top of deck in 1-2 order. ROR THARE CARDS T. Make four packets of cards using Faro Divider. 2. Spectator shuffles each packet one nt a tine. 3, Ist spectator chooses any packet. Shuffles same and notes bottoa card, then drope it onto any one of the other packets thus forming Half the pack. 4, The 2nd spectator has a choice of the two remaining pockets. He shuffles and notes tne bottom card, then drops his packet onto the Half pack. 5. Third spectator takes remaining packet, shuffles it, notes bottom ecard and drops 11 on top of the essenblea pack. 6. Pick up the pack end cut bottom card to top. Give deck two Faro In-Shuffles. all ‘hres curds will be on tep of deck in 1-2-3 order. In these packet controls be sure that you gut one card fron bottom to top before going into the Faro IneShafflos. ‘SRE UN-WEAVE FARO Tals is a subterfuge that will be Found useful on occasions when it becomes neces- sary to nuke use of apparantly o complete Foro Shuffle yet,during this, actually re- tnin or get desired cords all together at either top or volton. Especially is it use- a ful in the Marlo Foro Control, 2. The nechanies of the Un-Weave Faro are very simple. You out at 26th cara in the usual voy. Start the Weave and complete it but ao not push the packets flush as yet. Inetead bath hands Unveave the cards, neor top only. @. By moving the packets slightly dowmnrards, the TheWeave cecurs at the bottos and ‘by moving the packets outwards the cards Un-Weave at the top. 3, Assuming you wish to get the cards fron the tupper portion onto top of deck you vould, after the Un-weave, press down with the inner or right hand packet thus cousing a situation es seen ta Fig. 5+ 1, g21 you need to do is to push the packets flush let. ‘ting the top block of cards go to the top while the block, from inner right hond portion, goes below this as in'the above Figure. 5. If you wont to retain the top cards of the inner cr right hand portion then after the Un-weave, the right hand presses uyyaris on ite cards to cause then to rise over and onte the others from the upper or left hand portion. Finteh by telesecping the rackets into each cother in the usual vay. Figs 5 6. To get or retain cards on the botton, fron the left hand or upper portion, after the Un-Weave pull upwards with right hand on the inner section, This leaves a bottom block of cards. After the Un-Weave finish the telescoping of the packets. T. fo get the cards to tottom from the inner or right hand portion press aamvards with right hand thus getting the botton cards, fron right han@ portion, to go to bot- ton of Tack as the Faro is completed, FARO STRADDIR SHUFFLE Tris is a term to be applied when using In and Out Fero Shuffles using an ODD NUMBER of cards such ae forty-nine card pack or any other odd munber of canis. For excuple let's use the Fitty-one card pack. 1, Te Stradale Faro IN-SHUFAIZ coneiste in cutting off the smaller balt from top of deck, In this case 25 cards. How Weave or Faro this 25 cards into the rensintng <6 car’s. Thus the top and votton cards, of the 25 card packet, vecone 2nd Tron top and @nd from bottom or 50th cara. 2. the Straddie Paro OUT-SKUPPIE consists in cutting off the larger halt, in thie case trenty-six cards, and Weaving oz Faroing these around the snaller half or twenty five cards. Thus the top card remains the top card while the 26th card becomes the dotton card or in this ease, the Slat card. 3, The Stroddle Faro ean bé used With any oda tunbered cards. ‘Thus vhen you cut off the aazger bolf or even half, then Faro this portion around the ofa or sualler half 44, 15"En OUT-SERADUER FARO. ‘When you out off the exuller or oad hale, thon Faro this "to the larger or even half you have the results OF ai INSTRADDLE BAKO. BW. 2 you Keep the above rules In mind you should have no difficulty in understanding now to Proaeed whenever you shold cone across these tems. Tam RIVFLE weave ORIECT: To alternate the top 10 cards during a regular Table Riffle Shuttle. T have never read ar scen anything like this before} however, I have heard of a Mr. W. deing able to actually use a regulation riffle siaffle and yet euccessfully al- ternate the top 10 cards. ‘Top card nen, who hove seen ltr. W. denonsteatevthis, have no idea as to his actual mechanics to arrive at this. This is ny solution, but whether it is the method used by Mr, W. Ido not know, It seeus to be primarily used to cheat ino Head on Running Cane. 1. Split deck for a regulation Table Rittie . 21 Start the Riffie Smaffie by the thunbs coming fairly near the corners of the deck. 3. As the riffle progresses both thuabe hold back 5 cards on cach cide. UL At this stage of the riffle the five cards on each side will be sort of spaced o¢ Fig. 6 which ie the key situation. 2 ae Ex See I~ SESS See Fig. 6 Fig. 7 5. With cards as in Pig. 1 both thunbs lower the cards, being held back, causing ‘hem to weave alternately as in Big. 7. 6, Toe Pig. 2 shows an INWEAYE; however, it can easily be efther type. "i CLOCKED FARO At the present tine there seems to be a desire among caré men to see how long it ‘takes one to nake 8 complete Faro Shuffles to get the pack back in order. The average tine ie about a minute or less; however, it is possible to do it in 45 seconds or less providing you folloy certain rules that avold Killing time so to epeak. 1. Never spring the cards after the Faro cs the flourish tokes up tins. 2. Adwsye push or square the cards as quickly as possible end also square up the top Side of deck, at upper corners, detween right 2nd Pinger and thumb. 3. “The weaving of the cards itself is the real tine Killer so this nust be done fast and is, in fact, the crucial tine element. The weave 12 made very quickly if you pro- geod as follows: Hold the pack as in the Fig. € where you will note the position of the right thumb is lengthwise across top side of pack. This position is praetteeliy the same as anal; hovever, a most inportant point 1s that the right thusb lies tint against the portion it is cutting off. In other words, do not use merely the tip of tae thumb. Now place the two packets against eneh other, corner to corner, as in ‘TOP CORNERS ONDY Fig. 8 Fig. 9 the Fig. 9 where you will note how the right tinmb lies lengthwise and flat achoss the top end; however, another small point enters if you will stuly the Fig. 9 closoly. Tue right 1st finger presses down onto the top of its packet to slightly curve it ups words ot the sides. ‘The right thus and fingers also hold a firm grip, Thie erip 1s now sinilar to thet used in the Table Riffle Faroe. In this case it also holds the cards firmly pressed together eo there 1s no chance of flare-cut at the ends. Of course, the lett btn finger is there to prevent flare-ont in the lef hand packet. With the correct grip and cards in position of Fig. 9 you can nov gifielsly weave the ends and at sane time push the packets together ae far os you con. Inmaddately right hand cones over deck and completes pushing the packets together. 4, With the pack squared and realy for another ext you may Probably start to cut to a key ab 26th position, This is a mistake. Whst you should do is actually try to cut at 26 or half the pack and use the key only ase chock. This way you can quickly pick up or drop one earl for a perfect 25 ‘T have cuphasized "one cara” because if you try to Grop off more cards or pick up more cords you vill only cause the two halves to become nore or less “unsquared” thus resulting in difficulties on the Faro or initisl Weave. 5. Use a pack that you have worked in to your entisfaction and keep it as flat as possible os any warping in the pack itself, adds to difficulties in beating the clock. 1 In paying attention to tine consuming elements you should hevs no trouble doing & Foro Out-Shuffles in 45 seconts. A faster and even a nore graceful looking Weave can be obtained if you place the packets not corner to corner but off-set as is shown in Rig. 10. The right hand packet is above the lef hand portion. Now sove the right hand packet downwards in the direction of the arrow. Tue left hond packet mey or may not move slightly upward R. hy, | 23,8 pornal fashion wut ao not cake any concentrates s+ | effort to do this, Jn using the lert ben tinger as 0 table, us the back of the nail ae the resting place and A you will find you can quickly and with sore certainty Fig. 10 Start on Out or In Shuffle. his will depend on a sort of feel that you will greaually acquire. ‘Wi TRCOMPLETE PARO 1. This is simply a matter of doing either an Th or Out Faro and telescoping the poe- kets, into each other, for about 4 third of their length and then holding the pack in the left hand in position for the spectator peck as in Fig. 11. 2. With the pack in position os in Fig. 11, the right let finger riffles the upper right corner of the upjogged half as spectator is requested to call 'Stop’. 3. When ‘Stop’ 4s called, the performer widens the break in onter for spectator te note a cami in the upper portion. At the sone tine this break is widened it is opened far enough so thot the left Lth finger can obtain o break, at that sane point, in the lover half. 4, After the spectator notes his card, performer releases rest of cards frou under the right let fingers hovever, the left ith Pinger has previously moved in, against side of deck, to thus obtain ite break in the lower section. “3. Those are the basic nechanics of the ineouplete Faro and while Fig. 11 there are several uses for it in this mamuseript it is basically used in the "Watching Routine", MO KEY ~ FARO AGES OBJECT: To apparantly place Zour Aces in @ifferent parts of the yack and then thm ‘the use of Faro Shuffles to get then to top of deck. No key curds or Locators used. 1, Having renoved the four Aces have deck shuffled to Ingress ao set-up or premara- tion. 2, Moke pack and hold tt fee down in left hand, Right hand ineerts the Aces, one st a tine, a¢ follows: 3. First Ace is inserted at about 13 cords fron the botten but left projecting for about a third of its length. Do not vorry too much about being exactly 13 cards froa Yotton ae long as it is close encugd. A. the second Ace Is placed into center or 26th position in the pack. Again this need not be exact ae iong as tts Zairly close. 5. Third Ace is inserted at 13 cards fro the top. Again thie is an opproximatecpo- sition. 6. On the fourth Ace you actually place it together with the 3rd Aces however, this te done as both hands raise slightly. Tt is at this tine that the Lth Aco is placed directly in back of the 3ra Ace but together, At sane time the right fingers pul) back on this Hth Ace to thus give it the appearance of being placed into ancther part Of the pack. This is Rhuvn in the Fig. 12 which is a ddagron of the eide view, 7. When right fingers insert the Ith Ace, this hee te Kept in place by lett thuch coming over to the upper end, at left side, an@ pressing in on the sidee of the Aces thus Keeping the kth Ace in place as shown in Fig. 13. 8. although the 372 and bth Aces are renlly together the illusion te that they are in different parts of the pack as already shown in Fig. 13. Make 36 0 point to tans show tho separated Aces to the srectator. 5 9. Right hand now cones above the deek in order to push the projecting Aces flush into the pack. Actually, the Aces are Angle Jogged to cone out at right side neat inner right comer. Right hand reanins sbove deck, holding it by the ends, in order to cover the angle-jog. 10. Left Ith finger now pulls dow on the lovernost’ Ace or one nearest the botten. A out ie mace at this point f to tims carry one fee to the top and deck te now per- / fectly squared. lL, At this stage the situation will be one Ace on top, Fig. 13 two Aces together sonewhere in the center, one Ace o- round 13th frou the botton. 12, Run your right thunb over top side of deck just as if splitting for a Faro Shuf- fle. Do this around the center part of deck and you should be able to quickly spot the two Aces in center. Once you locate the two Aces split for a Fero doing an In- Shuffle thus getting three Aces on top cf deck. 13. fhe lost Ace may be anyvhere from the 20th card from bottom to center so run your right thumb, across top side of deck, ut around this section taus spotting or locating the last Ace. Gut as for a Faro Shuffle. U4. Here you can do 0 regular riffle stuffle to get last Ace to top or Faro the left hand section which fos the last Ace, so it goss under the top three Aces. ‘The other procedure is to actually veave or Faro this soall section into the larger section. Now with left thumb pull oa the last Ace go it is urweaved an@ then seing it onto top of the other three Aces. Complete the shuffle and all four Aces are on top of deck. Fig. 12 NARIO PLACRNGNT CULL OBJECT: In the course of removing cards openly to seeretly place other cards at any cesired position in the yack. 1. For the sake of simplicity in understanding 1 wili deal with the actual Placonent Oull of the desired cards. Although it may sound or read rather monotonous, the four Aces are still the best tO servo as examples. 2. Assume you vant: to cull tha Aces to every SIMTH card in the pack, that is the Aves would be at 6-12-18-2h positions fron top of deck. 3. To understand the Cull Placenent better start with an Ace at the face of the pack and make sure that uo other Acs is nearer then Seven cards. Also separate the othor Aces thru deck, Asmune the Ist Ace fe fairly isolated near face of deck. 4. huey over the Ace plue Five cAditional cards without reversing their order. Now take the Six card packet into the right hand. Onto these Six cards start running the rest of the cards, Thus the block of Six earis 1s actually under the spread as in the Fig. 1h. ~ Se a RFI Fig. wh Fig. 25 5» Continue running the carés 4n tie above nanier tili you reach an Aco. Counting ‘the ace a8 one shove over Six cards and then leave a Stepped Condition of these run- eff carts. his is shown in the Fig. 15 where the step ia in the right hand portion end left hand has noventarily separated the cards at this point. 6. This Stepped Condition is the crux to the Cull Placenent as will be shown in the nore conplex examples. For the present suffice it to say that thie step is now noine tained during the rest of the Cull ot ite conclusion as follows: 7. Going back to the point where you have just thusbed over the 2nd Ace, plus five canis, and this forned the Step. At thie poine the loft hand runs ite cars onto fac of deck. Thus you bave more or Jess like two Vlocke under the spread and the situntion is as in Fig. 16; hovever, there is still oily the one Step ot you originally fomuea sat nos $9 the lof sigers thot are sort of Belvesn the cards that fom the Step and those being now thunbed ovar onto the portion in right hand, Study the Fig. 16 below and you Will get the idea. ote the long lines are representative of the cards hushed over, hee Se = bai fe Fig. 16 Fig. 17 8. Continue running the cards fron left hand onto those in right hond until you reach ‘the 3rd Ace. At this point break the spread at the Ace so it remains the face card of the left hand portion. Next, the hands cone togather again but this tine the left hand runs $88 Ace plus Five corte directly under the Step. Tis de seen in the Pig. 17 9, Once the Six cards have been run to under the Step, as chove, the left band again moves to now spread its cards back onto face of the pack as before. Continue until the Ith or lost Ace ip reached. As the Last card, in this Placement Cull, isthe crux of sone Culls this Ace is run to bottom of dock plus Five additional cards. The Fig. 36 shows the last Ace, plue Five cards, being thumbed to bottom of deck after which ‘the breok is held or the pack merely separated and cut at that point. The Aces are every Sixth card fron top of deck or in 6-12-18-2h positions. mie RE 2 Aces ~~ Tuten Ace Fig. 18 Fig. 29 20. No let us suppose that after you have the first Aca set, and now are thusbing ‘the other curds onto this block, instead of coming across just one Ace you came onto paiz or even three Aces together. Here is how you use the Step plus a Bucile Load to Bet thea, asin the above example, every Sixth cand. IL, When you cone to,sey,three Acesuyou place the first two Aces to the botten of the deck snd then the third Ace Is fed to under the Step, This is ecen in the Fig, 19. Mus the 2ud Ace plus Five cards is fed to under the Step and just above the Ist Ace which 4s already set at Sixth position. 32, Once the 2nd Ace has been eet at Six, the TE right fingers Buckle the bovtoa and the lett fingers now thuab or feed Five cards gbove this Mth Ace Buckled Ace and thus under or onto the SRd Aee Bucklet hich is thus eet also at Gix, This is show Fig. 20 in Fig. 20. 13, Once the 3rd Ace hos thus been set the left hand now feeds Five cards on top of the jaet or 4th Ace. Now the break 18 obtained and the carts cut at that point to bring the Aces every Sixth card. While three Aces together have teen given as the exorple, nnturally two Aces together would be treated by running the first Ace, of the pair, to botton. hen the second Ace, of the pair, would b 2 loaded into the Step and set ot Six. Now without charefng the left hand's cards, the next Five canis would go to totter of deck and thus onto the Ace. at this Point the hands woula change so that the left hand's cards would now be ran onto the face of the cards held in right hand. This would be contimed until the last or th Nee “is reached. Mere the last Ace would be thumbed to botton of deck plu ite re~ quired cards, in this case Five, and thon the pack cut at that point. Us. Ae you ean sce the use of the Step and the Buckle will enable you to set any four of a Kind at any mubers with just one run thru the pack. For one nore example of its flexibility let us assume you have the first Ace set and are running ths other ecards onto this block ac you look fob the 2nd Ace. Assunc that as you cone to the 2nd Ace there are only two X cards between it and the nxt Ace, another tyo X cards and the 3rd Aee a well as two X eands and the last Ad 35. The first thing you Go is to thunb the 2n4 Ace, plua its two X cards, into the Step. oy the 3rd Ace ts placed to the botton of deck by right tingera pulling on thie Ace to thus get it there, At this staxe the next two X eards are fed into the Stop but the th Ace is, of course, pulled, by right fingers, to botton of deck. 16, At thie stage the Qn Ace has’ only four cards fed onto it; therefore, you feed one more cara into the Step, fo set the next two Aces, which axe on the bottom, you resort to the Buckle. Thus the botton Ace, the lth Ace, is Buckled and five cards are fed above this Buckled Ace an@ onto the thin fee. New merely feed five cards to bot ton OF déck or onto the Wth Ace, then cut the pack at that polnt. whe four Aces are set at every Sixth cara. 27. There will be varions other combinations that you will cone across but the above bacie procedures will enable you to cope with any of these. Just run thru the Call. Placcnent a few tines till you get to understand it and then you will hove no trouble and will find it quite simple. 18, When a couplete understanding of the Cull Placeuent has been grasped you will find it a sinple matter to execute this Placement at the sone tine that you rexove four cards of another value. Also bear in sind that you can Cull Place the carts to any mmbere not necessarily ali alike. In other vords, any four different numbers. 19. How here is an example of its use as you apparantly remove only the four Kings and secretly use the Cull Placerent on the Aces. Henesber that the resoval of she Kings Wi2] in no way interfere with the smooth worlcing of the Cull Placement of the Bees. 20. “Begin by gebting an Ace to the face of dock and then openly transfer a King to top of deck. This is the only beginning you need make in order for the Cull Place nent to go on suvothly to ite conclusion and yet these preliminaries are really not necessary if you understand the principles involved. 21. ‘The Aces are to be Cull Placed into the 3nd-Gth-6th-6th positions or 3-9-15-21 positions fran top of deck ina l8 card deck Jue to the Kings being removed in the procese. 22. When you try this Gull Placement, with the renoval of cards in tiie case Kings, you will readily see that for eoch King renoved another card,cof course, takes its place with the Ace being Cull Placed. Thus by the tine the last King, In this ease the top card of deck, is reached the four Aces will have been placed in the 3rd-9th- 5th and 2ist cord in the pack or to put it simpler, the st ace is 3rd card from the top (This Ace is the one Cull Placed last as pointed out previously).anl from thes on every Ace is the Sixth cord or 6-6-6. hus the Cull Placenent Key Ifumbers would ve 6-6-6 ana 3. ‘The munber vhich the Ist Ace will ccoupy in the deck is usually the Jest fige to be thus placed, 23. With the Acos set at 3-6-6-6 and tho four Kings out of pack give the deck one perfect Faro In-Ghuffle. Fan or Spread the puck face towords youreel?. Now place a King in front or to the right of an Ace. Repeat this with the other three Kings pla- cing each in front of one oP the Aces. Close the fan and openly square up the pack. 2k. Give the deck tvo perfect Foro In-Suuffles. On the third tine run your right tinub along the top edge of deck to locate where the Aces and Kings will be together. Cut the pack betwoon the Accs and the Kings and do Off-Center Faro to get the Aces 40 the bottom and the Kinge to the top. 25. gt thie time you can proceed with almost auy effect using the Kings; hovever, re- serve the Aces to be used later on as in the MARLO MIRICLE ACES for exanple. MARLO SIMPLEX PLACEMENT CULL, Using the procedure of under and skove the eprend plus the Buckle you can Cull Place cards very simply ond quickly with no problems. fscume you wish to Cull Place four Aces at every Sth card. You will not need to cut any of the Aces to face of deck but start right off from a shuffled pack. 1. Suppose you wish to Cull Place the Aces, as mentioned, every 5th card, from top of deck. 2, Hold cards face up aud spread the cards frou hand to hand til} you reach the First Ace. Count: the Ace as tone’ and thusb over four more cards for the total of five. 8 3. Separate the cards at this point end now start spreading the cards from left hand onto those in right hand. 4. Continue this til you reach the 2n@ Ace. When you do, again separate the deck at this point and thumb over the Ace, plus four more cards, to under the eards in right hond. Again separate the eards, after having run the A¢e and four cards, to once more spread the cards onto the carta in right hand. 5. Continue ti11 the 3rd Ace is reached and again split the cards at this point es you immediately continue by running the Ace, plus four more cards, under the carde in Tight hand. Break pack again, after the placing of the Ace, to onde wore spread the rest of pack onto those cards in right hond. 6. Again split the pack when the ith Ace 1s reached. Fun this Ace, plus four cards to under the cards in right hand. Again split pack and mun reneinder of carts onto those In right hand. ‘The four Aces will now bo every fifth cara from top. 7. he above steps have, of course, assumed that the jeas have becn widely separated but suppose you come across o situation where there are two Aces tozether. In this case you would first thumb over the two Aces to under the cards in right hand in the usual manner; hovever, as the four cards are obout to be zun the right fingers do a Buckle of the one Ace and the four cards are thua run onto onc of the Aces and above the other Ace or between thea so to speak. Once the four eards have been run, the right fingers relax and now the left thud can push over Zour more cards to thus go on top of the other Aee. Wow the pack is split and the procedure of onto and under is continsed for the Cuil Placing of the remining Aces, 8. another situation may be one where you perhaps have already Cull Placed two Aces ‘but as you spreed the rect of the cards you find that the other two Accs are actually ‘the last cards of the spread. In this cuse first got these two Aces to under the cards in right hond or to top of deck so to speak. Mow cut tho deck to bring these Aces to center of deck. Again thumb or spread the cards from left hana into right hand as before. Here vatch for those two Aces together in center. When you reech then they are thuubed under the spread, @ Buckle of ono dice ie made, the left thuub continues its action by thinbing four cards into the Buckled Opening after waieh the Buckle is released, thon four nore cards are thumbed under the spread and onto the last Ace efter which the peck is cut at this point. I? desire the spreading action can be continued but this time the cards are run onto those in right hand. 9. To exteme casos where you ney run into three Aces together, then the use of a Double Buckle wil take care of the eltustion in the same way. 10. ‘There moy be tines when @ pair or throe Aces at the face of deck may de a shock fo yous In this case proceed as follows: Say you have three Aces at the face. ‘Thunb over te which ore taken iu right hand, then the next Ace, jr Acs, ie taken ft those in right hand plus four more cards.” Without changing the position the wl Tingors Buckle the Aco heorest right fingers and left hand thinbs over four cards into the Buckled Space,Now release the Duele and left hand thuzbs over four nore cards which will go over the last Ace. Split the cards at this point and now run the cards onto those in right hand. Continue till you rench the ith Ace and handle as already explained. Ll. If only two Aces axe at face of deck the process is even simpler and no Buckle is needed. Take off one Ace, run the next Ace, plus four more cards, onto ths one in right hand. Now merely run snother four cards'to under the packet in Tight hand. From here continue in the uoual vay. 32. fA fow trial runs with the poek and you will quickly ece how easy and flexible thie Cull Placenent is. As in the original Placesent Gull when ever you come across a situation that has, say, an Ace, two X cards, on Aee, tvo X cards end another hee, then the procedure should be as follows: The finst thing to do is to thusb over the fico ond the two X camde plus the next Ace but now this Ace 1e Buckled so thet left thunb puehes over tvo more cards above it to make the needed total of four. Now take the next Aco under the pack and again Buclle this Ace. Run the two X cards into the Buckled space but leave thess tvo cards nore or less stepped out as you thumb the last fee to under the cards in right hand. Run twe earda more into the seme space that the first 2X cards are, the stepped condition of these making this easy. Now again Bucklo the Acc that is against richt fincers and inte this space thuab over four c Mow relox Buckied card and run 4 more carts to under cards in right hand. Cut 9 at this point and the Aces will have been Cull Plneed every Sth curd. ry this se- quence out several tines in order to get the iden, You should ave ao trouble, onee you understand the process, of Cull Placing any four of a kind regardless of their Qriginal positions in the pack. Naturally this Cull Placement can be made so that ‘the four neoded cards con be placed so that each card will be at a @ifferent muuber from the top. Also can be done while in the process of renoving fcur other cords. Here is 2 simple but very effective card item that will keep you in practice with ‘the Simplex Cull. T call. it-. ANY NUMBER OF HANDS EFFECT: Spectator shuffles deck. Magi asks how nany hands of Poker does he want Gealt, Cordician nexorizes deck ond then deals out the required mumber of hands. When the lest hand is turned over it is found that the four of a kind netch In value ‘the mmber of hands called for. In other vorés, if five hands were called for the Poker hand has the four fives! 2, 1, Hove the pack shufriel and on getting it back aek how many bands of Poker they would want deals. 2. urn the cards faces tovards yourself and using the under and above process you Cull Plnce the cards that correspond in value to the mmber of hands called. If the sunber of konds called is, say, ‘seven’, then the four sevens would be Cull Placed cto come out every Tth card on the deal. 3. after the Cull Placenent you can indulge in a couple of false shuffles and cuts. Deal out the requied mmber of hands. Turn up the last band ae you point out that not only is the hand a winning one but has cards of the sane value as the mucber call- ea. Simple as the above seens it bas a good effect on both loymen and magiclans es- pecially if the Cull Plecenent is done smoothly with apparantly no hesitation. (For other uses of the Cull Placenent see Notes of June 15, 1960 under title NOTES ON A MIRACIE.) IN ONE RIFPLE SHUFFLE OBJECT: Jo set up four cards in one Riffle Shutfle to thus expedtve matters for a subsequent Fore Shuffle. ‘The use of the Break in connection with a RLfZ2e Stuffle has previously been reaorded ns well as the application of the Step which I first submitted to an early Hugard Magic Monthly in connection with Rea and Black Smuffles. Here both the Break and Step is used thus ensbling one to actually Rifle Stack four cards in Just one Riffle Shuffle, For the exanple, a five card stack is used. 1, The pack is in front of you lengthwise in the weunl fasttion for the Riffle Shuffle, The honds are positioned at cach eud of the pack as if ready to aplit or cut the deck for the shuffle. 2, Actually the right thunb lifts up about two thimds of the pack on the operator's side, Wow the right tim releases four cards and left thunb eatches these ond keeps ther sepearated fron the lower portion of deck. 3. Mow right hand noves rest of its cards slightly to the right, just for its white edge length, and right thuab now releases another four cards. These fall Plush onto the four previously released and thue the Step is Zormed, Once nore the right hand noves the balance of its portion to the right and again releases four ecards, After this the pack 4s split for the shuffle. 4. After the above rechanics the pack is ns seen in the Fig. 21 which is the situa- tion at the start of the shuffle. Notice the four desired canis are on top of right hand portion and the Break and Steps are in the left hand portion. 5. The Riffle is now started in the usual nan- ese ner as the cards are interlaced fron the potton Cc (ET) epi however, as the left thumb nears the break | it/also holds back an extra four eards just be- Pig. 21 low this break. ‘he right thumb, of course, has 10 ueantine riffled off all its cards except the top four whieh it holds back. 6, The situation is now as shown in the Pig, 22-vhere the left thud not only holds the three blocks separated fron rest of deck but an additional four cards are being held back just below the three blocks. ‘The right thuxb has held back the top four cards of its portion. Ss Cc = Fig. 22 Fig. 23 7. Sb thie stage the right thumb releases its lowermost card or Ace, then lest thuxb releases its lowermost four cards to thus fall onto the Ace. Now the next or Qnd Ace is released, by right thumb, to fali onto the shuffled portion, After these releases the left thusb still bolas its three blocks while right thumb as yet retains two aces which are slightly spread apart as seen in the Fig. 23. 8. Now the left band noves its three blocks invords, ageinst the two Aces in right hana, to this engage the front ends of the two Aces and weave them in between the biocks a6 shown in the Fig. 2. Note that the two Aces as well as the three blocks sort of separate as the weaving action is mde. 9. Some nay find the meshing of the Aces, into between the blocks, a lot easier if ‘the left hand blocks sort of hit the Aces at an agle as the three Dlocks are moved outwards and agninst the Aces. ‘hus the ends would be as seen in Fig. 25 from the top. Note that the corners of the blocks are uoved more or less against the center (ends) of the aces thus muking the neshing easier and surer. 10, The four Aces are now every fifth card after the one Riffle Shuffle. The Shuffle can be mnge simpler if you want to nuke the Ace the Piret card in a five card deal. As the one Ace will be the top eard obviously you wili need one less block tims sim plifying the action of getting ready, The Riffle Suuffle itself can be made sinpler if you start with a S1ip Cut to hold back one Aee on the left hand portion. ‘There are nary conbinations for this shuffle too mmncrous to go into at this tims; however, its use as an adjunct to a Faro-Riffle Table Shuffle is the following example: Ll. On top of deck have the Four Aces in the following order, fron top down, AS-AE AD-AC. With right thunb lift up about two thirds of the pack’ on your side. With right thumb release or thurb count SIX cards with left thumb eeparating those 6 cards fron rest of deck, Wow nove right hand over to the right to make a Step. 12. Release FIVE cards and again move the right hand portion over to che right to form another Step. Release a third set of PIVE eards and then Split for the Riffie Shuffle, 13, As you riffle the left thucb holds back an additional FOUR cards just under tho three Blocks. Right thumb, of course, holds back the Four Aeef. This is the same situation as the start of the Rirfle Stack Just explained. 1k. The right thumb relenees an Ace. Left thesb releases ite four cards onto this Ace, The 2nd Ace ie reieased by right thunk. Now the left hand and right hand move in to mesh or weave the remaining two Aces to in betwoon the three blocks. Square up the pack. 35. After the above stack the Aces have a certain number of enrds above each. The a 48 hos FIVE cords over it, Teh AH hog also FIVE cards over it while the AD has SIX cards over it and the AC hue FOUR cards on it. 16, Split deck at 26 and give it one perfect Faro In-Shuffle and now the Aces are set ob spell out. ‘the Aces are dealt out after the letter "8", his is a rather trite effect but serves the illustrative purpose of the Riffle Stack, Note thatitt enables you to stack cards at VARIANT WUMBERS thus vith a little Imagination you aan easily apply this to effects requiring such arranganents. CORRECTION ON FARO FOOLER #12 1. Use tue first face up card as your noted key card. 2. After the cuts in Step 7, spread and note thie key card's poaltton. 3. If this face up key is less that 13 trom the bottem do an in-wenve. If it is more than 13 from tha top do an out-weave. 4, The above will always Insure 25 cards betwoen the selection ana to Tace up cards. 5. he next shuffle is now determined ty the position of the two face up cards. 6, If they are in lower section, do an In-Shuffle and if in Upper Half do on Out- shuffle. 7. Step 6 is as yer original instructions in the Faro Notes. 8. Ty you want to avoid all risks, then use the crimped card before going into any shuffles. 9. The crimped card is then used to tip off whether an In or Out Shuffle is required a8 alrendy pointed out in several places of Faro Notes. 10, The Basic Rule will work always and avoid confusion. Gee Basie Rule in PACKET HANDLING FOR FARO FOOLER #22 manuscript of June 5, 1959. PACKED EANDLING FOR KARO FOOLER #12 (Resulting from methods sent by Neal Elias -- June 5, 1959) FIRST METHOD: 1. Gut deck into two equal halves of 26 cach, Use Faro Check or any other method. 2, Give spectator choice of either half, You toke other half. Hach stuffles his cum packet. 3. During your shiffle run off 12 cards to botton, throw rest of cards at same time gevting left 4th Pinger break, no injog, mind you, above the botton twelve carda. 4. after spectator has shuffled his half of deck instruct him to cut the eards into ‘two portions of any size. Hext, have hin turn, face up, the top card of either pile. 5. Meantime you have taken your canis with right hand fron above, ty the ende, at same time holding the break, with right thumb, at back end, on the bottom 12 ears. 6. after spectator has turned card feceuyp you casually let the cards, from your half, dribble off onto this face up card. aturally, only the cards up to the break ave drivbled off. 7. Inediately hand the rest of the packet for the spectator to shuffle. after his shuffle tell hin to note the botton card of this packet, then to place this packe? onto the major portion of deck or the part that already hes the face up card in it. §. After he has dropped this packet, onto the major portion of deck, have him now turn the top card face up. 9. The remaining portion of cards ts now placed onto the face up card and the deck cut several times. Fron here go into Faro Fooler #12 as per “Correction on Faro Rooler #2". SECOND HEMHOD: 1, Cut deck into two packets of 26 cards each, as before. 2, Give choice of either packet to spectator but use top card of other packet to scoop up the chosen packet thus giving spectator 27 cards. 3, Frou here procead exactly as in let nethod up to Step 7 only. 4. At this point have the rensinder of cards bhuffled and one chosen from it to be turned face up onto the najor portion of deck, then followed by having rest of cards dropped onto thie face up card. 5. rom here proceed as per "Correction on Faro Fooler #12". 32 REGARDING THREE SELECTIONS AND CRIMP CARD: i. If key card is less thon 13 from bottom you In Shuffle and this gots 24 cards between two selections, 1 cné 3, and 2nd selection, Always (tosether in order) counting frag 2nd selection to 1 and 3 selection. 2. If key 18 more than 13 cands from bottom you Out Smuffle tut this getw 25 cards between 1 and 3 selection and 2ni selection. 3. If key is less than 13 from top you In Shuffle and this gets 25 cards between 2 ond 3 selections ani 2nd selections (tocether in order). i. Ie key is core than 13 cards fron top you Out Shuftie and this places 2 cards between 1 and 3 selections (together in order) and 2nd selection. 5. When there are 24 cards between 1 and 3 selections (together in onder) and 2nd selection you proceed by using the position of the key for In and Out Shuffles, Ex= ample, if key 48 in lower half, In Shuffle out if in upper half, Out Sbuffle. ‘This wit get key card directly over the 3 selections which are in order of 1-2-3 unier the key. 6. When there are 25 cards between the 1 and 3 selections and 2nd selection, then ‘the Key card is used but in an opposite vay fron when there are 2 carde between the selections. Tn other vords, if key is in upper half instead of Oat Shuffle you act« welly In Shuffle ond when in lower belf you actually Out Shuffle instead of Tn Shuffle. T. Step 6 will keep the three selections in order of 1-2-3 but the actual key or crimped card will be below these selections. A cut at 3 cards above the erinp will being crimp 4th from top and 3 selections on top in order of selection. CONCLUSION: Best procedure is to be sure key card is either less than 13 from bottom, then In Stuffie to get i cards between selections, Also if key 4s more than 13 ros top, Out Stuffle to get the sane results of 2: cards tetween aelections, rea here use the actual key card es a tip off for In and Out Shuffles as per Step 5. ON PACKET HANDLING (See Notes to Neal Elias): 1. Ef key is less than 13 frou botton, Tn Shuffle. This gets 25 cards between 2 and 3 and 2nd selections, Always count from 2nd selection te 1 and 3 selections to arrive at no cards between. 2. If key ie nove thon 13 from botton also In Shuffle bub there will be 24 cards ve- tween selections 1 and 3and 2. 3. Tn Step 1 ond 2 the key will be tyo canis away from the actual selections. ‘the noxt shuffle should place 1t 3 cardé avey Pron the 3 selections. 4, Ir key is less than 13 from top you Out Shuffle and thie gets 24 cards between 1 and 3 and 2nd selections 5. If key 19 nore than 13 fron top you Out Shuffie but this gets 25 cards between 2 end 3 ané 2nd selections. 6. In Speps 4 and 5 the actuai key will be two cando awsy from 1 and 3 selection. The next‘stuffle should place it } cards away from the 3 selections. 1. If there are 25 cards between 1 an¢ 3 and 2nd selections, then use the actual po~ sition of the key to tip off In or Out Stuffles to get the 3 selections together with ‘the actual key card 4 cards away fron the actual selections. 8. If there are 2k cards between 1 and 3 and 2ad selections, then use the key card ‘to tp off In and Out Shuffles but in ofposite to its position, If in lover naif you Out Shuffie not In as you nomolly would. If in upper half you In Shuffle not ut as you normally would. CONCLUSION: Get key to either nore then 13 fron top and Out Shuffle or less than 13 frou bottom and In Shuffle, This gets 25 cards between 1 and 3 and 2nd selections. Fron here use the actual key to tip off the Tn ond Owt Shuffles. Recenber key 15 nov four cards away trom the three selections. {GHB NO KSY CARD TRIFEH SELECIION DISCOVERY: 1. Forceg7 card packet on spectator as per Packet Handling Notes to Neal Bling. 2. After 27 card packet is cut in hal? you pick up either portion and shuffle it bub gount the cards. Henenber this number and also subtract fron £7 to mive the ruaver OF cards in other packet and reneaber it also. 3, Have evectator look at top card of elther packet. Reaenber the munber of this pocket only. AAseune it 1s 17 cards, This neous first selection is Trta fron botton of deck. 1, Fron your 25 cards drop 12 cards onto selection as per packet handling. Hand re- ” painder to spectator to shuffle and note botton cart, then place all onto the tabled cards. 5+ Renoining packet shuffled and bottom card noted, then packet dropped onto deck. 6. Pick up deck and lose enovgh cards off cotton of deck to bring the let selection to seventh fron botton. Now do a Perfect In Faro followed by a second Perfect Faro In Smuffle. This nakes let selection ASth card fron botton but also the two cards be~ low it are the other tvo selections. T. Cut two cards from bottom to top finking first selection 26 from bottom. Cut per fect 26, Do Faro Check to be sure, then do the Upset Weave Shuffle to retain top three cards in order on top of deck. 8, Ef desized, do 0 Perfect Out Weave to alternate 3 selections. Mow discover each by Double Cutting. BASIC PULR: This Basie Rule will avoid etl confusion when working with a key cord ‘that relates 2 or 3 seictions that nay be wanted in controlled onder of selection. GRE KEY CARD T0 EVTMER Liss THAN 13 FROM BOTTOM AND IN SUFFLE OR GET KEY 10 MORE THAN 13 FROM TOP AND OUT SHUFFLE, “FOR THN SUCCEEDING SHUGFIE YOU USE ACTUAL Postrron OF Key 70 TIP OFF IN OR OUP SHUFFLE. FARO DIVIDER EFFECTS EFFECT NO. 1: Performer removes four Aces fron pack. Aces are inserted into afffer- ent parts of pack and carés shuffled. Pack is cut into four packets. Top card of each packet is tumed face up--they are the Kings! Not wishing to Qlsapnoint his sudience he turns each packet foce up and there are the Acos 1, Start by renoving the four Aces but ot the sone tine use "Marlo Placenent Cull" to get Kings at 5-10-15-20 froa top. This means four cards and o King is culled when doing the Placenent Cull. 2. Show the Aces ond place into fanned or spread pack as follows: Pirst Ace goss to Sth position fron botton. After that, four X cards are spaced between each fice. The Aces are at 5-10~15-20 fron the botton while Kings occupy the sane positions fron top of deck. 3. Do three Faro In Shuffles and on the 4th stmffle set-up for the Faro Divider to eut deck into four packets. Top carde ore the Kings ant botton corde will be the Aces. 4, Turn over top cards to choy Four Kings. Now say, "I know, you oxpected Aces. Well, I vouldn't want to disappoint you." With this tum each pecket face wp to dis- close the Aces. EFFECT HO. 2: Aces and Kings are place into @ifferent parts of the pack and the per- former controls cach set of four to top and bottoa of four packets. 1, Start with renoving all four Aces ond Kings fron the pack. Insert the first King 5th fron top of deck. Next, an Ace is Inserted eo there will be six cards between the King and Ace. 2. The 2nd King 4s placed so there will be four cards between it and the preceeding Ace, This alteranted process ie repeated with the renaiuing Aces and Kince until the last Ace ig in 5th position fron the botton. j+ Tf all has been done correctly the situation fron top to tottom ise-k cards-King- 6 cards-Ace-# cards-King-6 carde-Ace-l cords-King-6 cards-Ace-4 cards-King-6 cards Ace. As you can ses the Kings aroplacea every li cards while the Aces are placed every six cards. Thus Kings are in 5th positions while Aces are in Tth positions. 4. Do five Faro In Siuffles and on the Sixth set~up for a Faro Divider. Make the four packets. ‘Top card of cach packet is a King and botton cards are the Aces. Use as you wish or nerely show that you have controilea then to these positious. EFFECT NO. 3: FARO SPELIER - After a spectator stuffle cardician is able to spell correctly to several cards. 2, After the Pack has been shuffled or at least the spectators are avare that the pack has been in use long enough to off-set any idea that it nay have been prearranged ge into the Fare Divider. 2, Tate tine you do_agt make the four packets, Tnstead you strip out the sections in the usual manner;"however, the halves org held in the hone end during this nonent ul you will be able to glimpse FOUR CARDS. ‘he center aud botton card of the right hand portion and the center and bottoa card of the lets hand portion. 3. Replace the cards froa right hand onto those in left mand. Needices to say that you have menorized the four glinpsed cards and know the order of then, in cach 13 card portion, fron top down. A. Fron here it is a natter of Double Cutting to set the first ear to spell if it ts nore or less than 13 letters. Canis can be dealt foce up or face down during the spelling, The deci off packet, efter revealing the ear, ie replaced to bottom of deck. The epelied card inéidentally is the top card of this packet when It is placed to botton. 5. Repeat the spell procedure for the next cama handling this packet as the first by Placing it to bottom of deck. You can thus spell four cards; Kowever, you can repeat the spelling of the original first card as it will be set. By thie tine the epserstore will hove forgotten that you had olmeady spelled it. 6. When spelling the last card note the curds that fell on the letter F in the OF tn ‘the spell and also the cand before tha letter § in the uit syell. ‘These can then be set with one Foro In-Shuffle and then use the Bouble Undereut to thus epell two aidi= sional cards at sane tine repeating this suggested procedure. In this way you can go on ond on spelling cards and yet smuffie the pack between cach pair. EPFECT NO. 4: MIRACTE LOCATION Spectator picks up any cne of four packets ond shuffles, then notes the bottom card after vilieh he shuffles packet again. Ho adie it to all the other packets, then shuffles the vhole pack. You then name his eard with- out looking ot ary of the cards. 1. Tn the book ESFIMAPLON, there was Qlsclosed the fact that in an Overnand Simfflo, on a small vacket of earda, the apectator invariably ran the top card aff firet and then shuffled off the others onto it. By previously knowing wast the top card wap you wete able to later easily disclose it because 1¢ was the original top eam that be had noted, as the betta card, after the shuffle. Tt only gave you one ehanes for ‘the miracle the present nethod increases this. 2. Secretly you have arranged four cards, of any one value, at the 5th-l0th=15th and 20th positions fron the top of deck, Assume these are the four Fens and they are in ‘the usual CHaSeD order from top down, i.e., Clubs-Hearts-Spates-Dianonds « 3+ Give the pack three tn Shuffles aud on the lth setup for the Paro Divider. when the pack is split you will have two packeta in left hand and two packets in right fand. “The right hand drops its lowermost pocket first and then the tay packet 13 Placed to the right of the first one. Right hand then eute off the top packet, from left hand cards, to place it alongside the first two towards the left, Final packet is dzopped to the left of the other three. 4. ‘The four Fens are on top of each packet with the auit orler Clubs-Hearts-Gpates- Diaconis from left to right. Wave spectator point to any packet, pick it up and shuffle it. Needless to suy that when he chocses a packet you will kooy which suit ‘that Ten is. 5. As he shuffles Overhond wateh to see if ho runa off the top card first. If ho Goes be sure you tell. hin to square up the packet as soon as you see Lim about to finish the shuffle. Naturally he vill be told to look az the botton card thus the card ds nore or less foreed on hin. &. In the event that you soo he has net run off the first camt or he stuffles 90 guickly that you are not sure,then just have his place thio packet aside an) choose & second packet. ventually, in four chances, you should get the break you need to conclude the miracle. If your luck doos not hold out and he has not fallen for the force, thon merely go into the Faro Packet control to get his card. This te not the miracle you wanted but It 1s Detter then a complete failure. . A good presentation for disclosing the card is the following: After the specta- tor tas shuffled the complete pock tae it fron him aad fan thra it faces towards yourself. As you come to each ten cut the carde there and place that packet face down gu table. Alen 1s on top of thie, Repeat this with three other Tens thus you have four packets with a fon on top of cach. Have Ris actual selection in a position 2nd fron bis end. Have hin point to any racket and the chances are good he will pick the 2nd fron the end. Have Lin none his card and then turn top card over. Mow say, "OP 5 course I wasn't taking any chonese"os you turn over the other these Dens. If he point. to ony one of the other Tens just turn it over and say nothing. fe will tell you 14 ie wrong card. Ask hin what it wos and when he nanes it just say the saxe patter line ge stove as you turn over each top card. 8. fn elternative procedure, using this four packet possibility, 1s to nenorize every 5th card fron the top and then from here proceed as before. Another is to take the shuffled pack and then use the Cull Placenent to get auy four value cards into the 5-10-15-20 positions frou top. Now after the four packets are made you will be eure of the value ke may be Toreed but not the suit; therefore, for the dLselooure use the suggested idea of making Zour packets again and have hin point to one. Tarn it over and you oy be Mucky in that it could be hie actual selection. Tf it is not just ask What if wos ond then turn top cara of each packet as you say, "Well, teke your choice. RFEEOT NO. 9: YENTAL ELIMINATOR 1. For this use thirteen menorized cards. Try to get an arrongenent that uses all four suits thus three cards will be to each sult vith one suit heving four cards. 2. Keep the nenorizea cards on top during sone false shuffles and cuts. Now show hin either @ fan of the 13 cards or show then to hin one at a tine as you request hin to think of one. 3. Replace the cards to top and ao two Faro In Stuffles. On the third Faro In Shuf- fie set up for the Faro Divider. Split the packet and drop then onto table as alrendy pointed out in Effect No, 4, Step 3. 1, The first pocket has three possibilities at len-Sth-12th positions frou top. The second packet ins three possibilities at 3rd-7éh-9th positions froa the top. ‘The hind packet has three possibilities at 2nd-Gth-l0th positions fron the top. The fourth packet has four possibilities ot 1-59-13 positions fron the top. 5+ Have spectator look over the pockets ond hold the one with hie card in it. Mature ally you nov know which group of card is contained th that portion and with a little weston as to color,uuit, ete., you con quickly get to the card thought of. &. Ihave purposely outlined the positions thet each group of canis occupy in their respective packets. This is Just in case you decide to use ony 13 cards not nenor~ ized, Tn thie way with no previous set-up you get the above needed situation. Once the spectator has picked his packot you kmoy the positions of the possibilities, From here you ean Cull the cards to the top, using any Cuil Systen you nay know al~ though the Iessinout is probably the casiest, With the cards on top it is easy to glinpee all three in another Faro Shuffle or ondinazy Riffle Shuffle. Frou here the Procedure of a question or two will get you to the correct cand. If you wish you can cut down on the Problens arising fron a four card possibilty by restricting yoursel? ‘to Just twelve cards rather than thirteen. MaRLO'S DOUBLE DISCOVERY EFFECT: Two locntor cards @iscover two chosen carte. The effect does not reat like much fron its brevity but you ean rest oesured it ie nob only a ven) miracle type of cand effect but an excellent study in the elimina tion of el] unnecessary actions such as undue eabting of the pack which {a my opinion is sonetines overtone, 1. After the phek has been shuffled you ect up for a Faro Divider and make the four packets of 13 cards each. 2. After the usual procedure of having cach of the packets shuffled two persone note two canis in their chosen pockets. After the usuni replacement of the packets the Ist chosen card will be 39th fron top nnd the 2nd selection will be at 26ta froatop. 3. Ab this point you would normally have to cut a card fron botton to top in order to then control the two cards to the top. In this case the cut is eliminated by tak- ing the pack and placing it face up in front of yourself, Apparantly study the deck for a while and then take off the face cord ond use it to scoop up the rest of the deck. ‘Tus you have transferred a card from botton to top without a cut. 4. With the pack in the hands cut ot 26 ond give it a perfect Faro In Shuffle. tow give it oncther Faro Shuffle but this tine on Out Shuffle. Tas the tvo cards are on 16 top in 2-2 order rather than 1-2 order. 5. Here again a cut is eliminoted os follows: Dribble the cards, onto the table, fron a height of several inches, using the right hand to do this, It is understood that the pack is held frou above, by the ends, as right hand lets carde drop of? fron botton of deck onto the table, thus the Dribble, 6, As the cards are Dritblea you tell the spectator that as you do it he is to tell you when to stop. Needless to say you have finished aritbling all the cards as you conplete the sentence. Now take the top card off deck ond use it to secop up the rest of deck thus the 2nd selection kas been transferred to botton of the pack. 7, Again dribble the carde but this tine slowly so that spectator will stop you sone- where anong the botton half of the deck. It is not entirely necessary but is best if this is the case, Aseue you have dribbled off about a third of the pack when the gall to stop is nade. 8. the cards which are still in right hand are placed to the left ond slightly in Deck of the drivbled cards. Mov both hands are used to square up the drivbied packet. When the bands return to the major portion of the deck the right hand takes the top card of the pack and again used it to scoop up the deck thus transferring the Ist se- lection to the botton. 9. Having picked up the major portion of the cards they are placed face down into left hand. The right hond now takes off the top card, of the drivbled or tabled por- tion, turns it face up and places 1t on top of the earde in left hand but in an in~ dJoaged position. The card is thus face up and in-Joggea for half its length. Pick up the renainder of the tabled portion placingiit on top of the deck and flush with it. Thus the pack ts again squared except for tho face up Injogged card that is ap= parantly used as a norker. 10. ‘This tine the right hand takes the pack fron above but Atathe ot Gribble the cards as spectator calls "Stop'. Try to get then to stop before you reach the imjogged card. Now you know why that first dribble is best if restricted to 0 half of the pack; hovever, again it does not make any real difference 1f you gat to understand the effect. 11, Assume the spectator has stopped you before you reach the projecting marker. The right hand places its onmds into the left hand. Right hand then tokes off the top card of the tabled portion, turns it face up and places it onto the cards in left hend gin in on Th Jogged position. The reminder of the pack is now picked up and Placed onto rest of cards in left hand and the pack is squared exeept for the two face up narkers projecting at inner end. 12. Grasp the pack, with right hand, by the sides and place it onto the table with the projecting markers to the right. The left hand ie rested lightly on the left ends of the pack as right band grasps the first face up uarker. ‘hie is seen in Fig. 26. oon Fig. 26 Pig. 27 13. Ask the 1st spectator to call his cant, When be does your right hand flips over ‘the cords, that ore above the first face up narker, into the waiting left hand whieh catches this packet face up and thus discloses the let selection on the face of this portion, Right hand moves back with its face-up marker and the situation is as in Fig. 27. a4. The left band lets go of its portion and the right hand leaves its face up cart in the sane position thus al] cards are in a straight line. Right hand now noves the center or face down deck towards yoursel. Grasp the fhe up marker as before and ask the nane of the 2nd selection. Repeat the previous action to disclose the 2nd cara at the face of the flipped over packet. Leave all canis ou the table for the honent to let the piéture sink in. After a while turn the two face up packets face down onto the deck thus they go into center as they showld. Now pick up the face up 1 narkere and turning these face down use then to scoop up the pack. Square up and then place pack on table to finish. OW THR RE-STACKING PACK In the CARBIST there was an Slnsley idea called the Re-Stocking Fack; however, ‘the description was so brief and skevohy thot mary did not quite understand:how such a pack was actualiy arranged. This resulted in most of the card nen using the origine? Blasley stack and never bothering to find out the way of ite working. This, of course, consisted of the fact tag aay four cards ot cettain munbers will interchange then selves but renmin basically ab those original four munbers, Tous if you place, say, four Aees ot musber like 2-5-14-17 you can give the pack Oub Shuffles and every 2nd Out Shuffle the Accs will be at those numbers. OF course the suits will interchange wut the values, Aces in this case, will alvoye be at those nunbers. Now I have ande up a chart composed of all these four key numbers and using such a table you can make your om set up and thus perhape puzzle those who may be faniliar with the Elneley Stack as given in the Candiste. Here is the toble. Position Space For gubstition ACES: os SACKS Sues inn As I pointed out you can make your own sot~up by filling in cach four of a king on the side markea "Space for Substitution". In other words, instesd of hnving Ace %o King, ae I have in the table, you can start with any four of a Kind and plase each succeeding four of a kind into auy line under the place noxked "Space for Substitution” In order to set the pack 012 you do is look for tio. 1 in the table, You will note ‘thie is a King. Place it face up on table so that all other cards will aleo go foce up and thus you get your eet up in prover order. Anyway, look for mmter 2, in this ease, using ny set up in the table. tt is an Ace. Next muaber 3 is e Two. uber b joa Taree, Tuber 5 is an Ace. Muster 6 is a Five. Mucber 7 is a Four (cte.) so on dova the Line until all 52 cards are used up. In ny set up the four ees are ot 25-14-17, a Foro Out Shuffle places these at 3-9+27-33. These would be the 8 chances you have for the Ace; however, you can in- crease these chances psychologically by having then maze @ nusber between 1 and 10. You will note thet Aces are of 2-5 and an Out Shuffle also makes then go to 3-9. Thus you have a chance of having o 2-5-3-9 being called. If you stidy the table none of the other positions give you this four numbers chance of between 1 and 10. TE you do not eare which four of a kind ere eventually arrived at you con start the effect at ony point not necessarily from the original set up, In other words you can Out Shuffle, bave then stop you at any tine, then go into your effect, My faver- ite procedure is as follows: 1. Out Faro Shuffle as you ask spectator to stop your shuffling at ary tine. 2. Mave Let spectator call 2 muster. Count down to this mmber and have him remember ‘the cara. 3. Give deck one Faro Out Shuffle ag you request 2nd spectator to give you a number. Count down to number ond heve @nd spectator note the card. 1, Give deck one Faro Out Shuffle and go back to let spectator. Count dom to his otc original number in order for hin to note a sgcond card. 5. Give deck one Faro Out Shuffle and go BACK tO 2nd Spectator. Count down to 2nd Spectator's original muber for hiv to note another care. 6. Tis Back and forth procedure means only on2 shuffle between cach spectator and you get a "Double Hrfect" in that each ends up with four of a kind for the climax. 7. When working for one spectator I have hin jot dovn the two mmbers and under cach muber he vrites in the cards os he notes then. ‘They always start to smile as they start to realize the obvious outeoze. ANOTHER EFFECT 18 ix FOLLOWZNG: 1. Out Simffie os before. Have a umber named. Count down to the mumber. Shove over the next 3 carde and have @ spectator ata up tho digits, (Pictures counting for ten to mke it easier) He writes the toal on a paper. 2. Give deck tyo Out Faro Shuffles. Using the sane nuuber given, for the count down, count to it anf again shove over the next 3 cards for 2nd spectator to total and write down. 3, You eon continue the above for ag many spectators as you like and, of course, they Will ali hove the sane total, This Idea can be used in several ways.’ For example, you can easily ascertain this total as you re-cap and go thru deck or by other subéle Heans such os tom corner. At ony rate you have four or five epectatore all with same total on the papezsi Have then drop slips in hat. You pick up a book, frecly chosen, then denonstrate how spectator is to choose anyone of the slips, note the number, turn to that page and note the let line of voras in the book. feedless to say, you have alresay Tocked at the proper pags ani moncrized the few words, This is only one idea and am sure there could be others. Tneidentatly, yeu will always get an alternate appaarance of the sane tyo values at center or 26. This neane that once you know what these values are you uotually have © tip-off or so-called key at 26th position. My setwup would give you a Jack or Queen value ay center or 26, This is ald in cutting at perfect holfs. Yow here 15 a suggestion. If you take the trouble te memorize such a pack, you enn Imow dn a@vanee which four of a kind they will eventually be getting. 35 EFFHOD: Cardician bas two eards selected. Now deck is stuffed and spectator stops ‘the ahuffle st any tine. ‘The pack is eut in half an@ spectator ie eiven choice of either half, no foree, and this packet is shuffled once. Now magi turns the cards, froa each packet, face up and stopa at one point. Tho to cards aro now named and negi turns over the top card of ench packet. These are tho selections. The sbove is an intriguing problem to any one who 4s familiar with Foro Shuffles at allie apparantly under the spectator's control, yet tae outcoe is always succons~ ful. From the title it should be apparant that the effect is based on the fact that cards at the 18th and 35th positions will interchange cach tine vith a Foro Out Shut fle. Tt is the fact that the cards are selected which, of course, will throw then off. Now it 1s one thing to say, "Get the two selections controlied to the isth and 35th positions but another to mike this a simple end direct process, The problem may decane somewhat sinplified 4f you change this to getting the sclections to the Oth positions fron top and bottons hovever, it still renaina a problen to accomplish this ‘without too such stuffling. T shall give one method deing the Marlo Pw)? Down Control and another nethod using ai Overhand Siuefle. Here is the use of the Pull Down Contre! to set two peoked at cards at Sth position from both top and bottan. 1. Overhand shuffle the deck running off 8 cards and then curl in the left kth finger in order to Keep @ break on the next run of eight cards. At this point be sure to ‘theow rest of deck in auch o woy that tt rests, for the noaent, on the left 2aa and 3rd fingertips thus keeping balance of deck separated from the two blocks of 8 cards. 2. Right hand cones over deck as if to square it, Tt ia during this tine that the required adjustment is mate. The lett 4th Mngertip cust setually bold ‘MO SRUAKS. ‘These are between the two blocks of 8 and between the rest of deck as shown in Fig.28. 3. Hold deck now for the fantllar spectator pock a8 you riffle upper right corner 19 I ES==+3 Oy Ze Gest Rees Fig. 28 Pig. 30 with right lst finger for the spectator to call GES ‘stop’. at this point he notes the cara and then you Telease but, of course, the left 2nd Tingertip re obtains a break at that point. Next, release this frou the upper section onto the lower portion and regain the break, Thus you now have a left 2nd Fig. 32 fingertip break Sbove the cart. A, “the second selection is mle by the forcing of the break or peck force so to speck. In this vay both eclections will actually te together with the left 2nd fingertip holding o breok bebween then because one selec- tion is on top of the lower portion and the other ie botten card of the upper section. The Fig. @9 shows the eituxtion with 1 and 2 denoting the soletttozsand §-8 the blocks of eight cards. 3. With right band cut off the top ortion, up to the first break from top, and at sone tine withilert ith finger Pull Down on the two blocks of 8. Wow right hand in serts the top portion of dack into the opening thus nade. ‘he Dlock goes above the ‘xo blocks of 8 as seen tn Fig. 30. 6. As the right hond forces its portion in between the left fingors take only the vottom block of eight cards and innediately cut these to the top as Aagraned in the Fig. 32. 7. When the pock is equared you will have the two selection af the 9th cards fron both top and bottom. Naturally using this Control you can place the selections at other nuabers as well as two different mumbers, ‘fae Pall Down Control can also be used to place only one card at @ certain manber fron either top or botton. But it is not ny intention here to go inte complete details of other usos at this tine ae that is another nanuscrixt. 8. Tals seeond method of getting the two selections tta the th positions, from both top and botton, Is sinple but quite deceptive and flexible im application in other ways. Ib is an Qverhand Control ond in this ease is used as follow Q. With the two selections out of the deck you Underext the pack for an Overhand Smmffle. As you shuffle the cards ask spectator (1st) to érop his card in at any tine. When he does you run 8 cards onto it, then In-jog and chuffle off. The pack is now at rest for a moment. 10. Grasp the deck as for the Qverhand Shuffle and, of course, obtain a break below the in-Jogged card. Now run off 6 cords and then ask Oud spectator to drop his card into deck. When he does all you do is shuffle off” fo tho breakand then throy reot of i. Returel ly the Pull Down Control will puzzle a cara man because it is quite a prob Jen to set carts at mumbers by just cutting whereas such is not a difficult task in on Overhand SkutfLe. 12. Getting back to the effect of 1835 you nov have your selections st Gta position from top and botton, Cut deck at 26 and give it a perfect Faro In Shuffle. From ‘this point on all succeeding Faro Shuffles are Cut Shuffles ce you tell the spectator he is to stop your shuffling at any tine. 13. When you are stopped, out the pack at 26, use a Faro Check if you hava to, and pice both packets on the table, ‘This tine neke the statement that you will Raro Shuffle only:onocof.tnpspacketovbut it will be the one they choose. is, Regardless of which packet is chosen give it an In Shuffle. If the packet they chose is the original top holf or the packet on the right, then an In Sbuffie will. make the 16th card, in this hel?, now the 9th card and wild te the ease maber fron tthe top as te the cari in the lover half or left hand packet. Tf tha left hand packot is chopen, then ea In Stuffle will aoke the Gth card the 18th card in this haif an? will match the mucber that the other card lice et in the top half or vight hand portior 20 25. Th oither ease you showld now the eventual number et which the jo caras will bow be. ALL that reusine ds to feal the cers wither Znco up or foes Sw ane exCD at one Jess than the nunber to leave the actual selections on top of eacn pacxet. Tf ‘the end result was 9 cards from top you stop when 8 ecards have been taken off, If the cards are at 18, then stop after 17 cnmis have been dealt. The deal is made with each hand taking a card off its respective packet. 16. When you stop dealing tell the coupany that something tells you to stop right at that point. Ask for the selections tc be called, then tum the top canis, of each packet, face up to reveal then. AT. Thoro are other posdinélitics with this approach and as an exanple J potnt out Ge foot teat tn a 26 cant packet the Gta caras trom top ent botton vill return to these positions after ouch Te Stuffle. Moy cuttin ¢ this portion in half and insect jing the large hal? batyoen the tio spall Balves will retain the gth top and bottou po- sitions of the cards. A Taro In Shuffle will get then to 18th and 35th positions. Frou here Out Shuffles will alternate the tvo sulections between these two manbers. SHOUGHT DETSEMTITATOR EFFECT: Spectater thinks of any one of Fifty-fwo cards. Cardicion determines the thought of card ina fairly straight forward manner without eeening £0 ask any ques tions as to its color, sult, or value. 2. I first presented this idea In an early issue of TBIDHM in which the Faro Shuffle vas used us 2 sort of eliminator of though possibilities without using the usual pro cess of dealing the pack into rows or packets. Here the use of the full deck and the fact that you never look at the faces of the cards are the predominantly puzzling fac~ tors to beth laymen and cagietans. 2, ‘The following method depends on 9 meoorized deck and the use of the Fero Shuffle. Also an understanding of how a Foro Shuffle distributes the possibilities ond thus eventually arrives at the actual card originally thought of. 3. Agsune you have the nenorized deck andvhave pre-set 1 so that tyo Faro Out Shut fles will get it into the regular memorized order. As you do these two Faro Out Shuffles you ask spectator to think of any one of the fifty-two cards. kk. “With the deck inorder, as stated above, you cut at the 26th card of your set-up and han@ the top half to spectater as you ask if the card he thought of is among thos: cards. Impress on him that you will not lock at the faces of the cards at any time. Also he is nct to change his mind onee ne has thought of o card, 5. Ef the spectator says he saw his card in the half you handed him you know that hiv card is anoug those thot are from 1 to 26. If he says he does not see hie card, then you know that his card mst be in the group thot ore fron 27 to 32. G. Regardless of whether he sees his card or uot the top half is alsys returned to top of deck and another Out Stuffle is made. In either ense, you do Koy new whether bis card is in the 1 to 26 group or eT to 52. You con now start to follow the parti- cular groups os you break then down during each subsequent shuffle. ‘T. Suppose spectator says he saw his card in the half you handed him. Also let us toke a theoretical problen in that the spectator has thoughts? a card which is the 12th in your menorized deck. 8. You already know that Ms card has to be auong the top a6 cards. Now you do your let Faro Out Shuffle. This distrioutes the 26 cards so that 13 of these will te in ‘the top 26 cards and the remaining 13 vill be in the lower portion. In other words, cards fron 1 to 13 will be in anong the top 26 cards and cards 2h to 26 will be among the botton half of deck or aucng 27th to 52nd cards. 9. Thie tine when you hand the spectator the top half again he will say he sees his sara. Now you know that his card is anong those cards fron 1 to 13. A second Faro Out Smuffle is unde. Tile distributes the 13 possibilities stil further so that now cards 1 to 7 are anng the top 26 cards walle camts 8 to 13 oze“inztower bolt. 10. A third Out Shuffle distributes these cards vith carts € to 10 Being in top hal? While cords 11 to 13 are in the lower half. Were ogain the spectator will say he doer not eee his card ns you hand him the top half; therefore, you know his card has to be anong the 11 to 13 cami group. en LL, Mee Mth Out Shuftle puts the Wth and 12th ead in the uppor half and the 13th card in the lover half, Spectator sees his ecard this tine im the unper bai? you hand hninj therefore, you know his cord has to be elther the Lith or 12th eard dn your Benory system. Knowing the two cards you ean very quickly tell hin which card he thought of by using the usual color, suit, and value approach. Teter you can ao four nore Faro Out Siuffles ond the deck’ will te back in its nenorized orier. 12, Me go through the breaking down procese, for every card in the pack, as alresty shown for the izcard would take 9 book. {o make out tables thet show the same process would be too confusing apd not eadily leamed or reuenbered. The best thing to do 42 to fret understand the Idea behind this effect which is a forn of eliminating the unvanted caris down to the eventual thoughtceard. The folloving table can be printed, ty hend, on the flop of a card case, study #t and you will quickly see that 4¢ has ali the information you will need. “Hach cell or bisek has the possible break down for 13 cards. ‘he initiols ¥ and B nean top and botton and refer to the last two Pgures An any row. Thisttells you the nucber of cards that are in the lower and upper halt when ‘the th Out Shuffle had been node, You will note that these possibilities break down to 1 and 2 or 2 oné 1 or 2 and 2 combinations. Only one instance, in the case of cards 2 to b, are there 3 possibiiities in the Top Half end only 1 card in the lower bal?. In’ the Treland System the top three carde would be all Heart camde with one picture card. The 4th card is a Black card, A stab at the color and you would imediately know whether to continue with the three Heart cards or inediately nane ‘the one card you know would have to be the selection. 13. Tet us take the case where you have eventually troken down the seleetion to those as being among cards 13 to 45. Hote that two of these are in the upper half and only one ie in the lower halt. 1? the spectator does not see nis cara in the top half you imnediately know it has to be the Sth eand in your eysten and as 1t 16 the only possi- bility left you can definitely name the card thought of. 2s, On tho other hand if the spectator does see his eard in the top half, then you know it bas to be either the lgra or With cart. Here ogain if there is a’ color or suit or value difference a stab is made at that first ut after this you enn quickly recover, if spectator says 'No' to your first guess, by imuediately naming tho card actually thought of. Study the table that 4¢ given’ and you will quickly dee how this im the card flap will give you the vequined information at a glance. In the bracket~ ea (key) the nome of the card, that will arrive at the 26th position arter the eh Foxo Out Shuffle, is placed. “Thus you will know, when you hand him the top halt with the Key card at totton, the Pinel vital information to enable you to conclude tae ef~ fect after he tells you if he does or does not see his card, 15. As you can see the table takes in all the required infomation needed for following the yorious coubinationsed? carts, during the Faro Out Shuffle ap needed for the effect. How here is a procedure that you can use with a deck that Is not set in aay way. Te agnin ae pends on following the break down of the pos- sibilities during a Faro Shuffle. In thie cose it will olways be an In Siwifle. 16. Briefly the pack cnn be stmffled by spec- tater before proceeding, Have hin think of any cart as you break ai the 26th cart ant hand him this half, In this ease you ill al- ways be doing an Tn Shuffle Faro; thbrefore, if he sees his card in the hol? you kande ed hin this portion is Tn muffled, Ef he does uot see his eard, then the portion ‘that is in your honds is Tn Suuffled into the halt the spectator handa back to yous 27. at any rote after the Faro In Shuffle you have distefuuted the 26 poseibilitics so that they are every 2ui card in the pack. Cut at 26th card and again band bin palf the deck. He looks over the carile andjanturally, will be seeing only 13 cards of ‘the original 26 he previously looked at. Onee nove, depending on whether he sees his card or not the proper half te Ta Shuffled to distribute the now 13 possibilities so they teeone every bth card in the pack. ee 18. ‘his tine when you cut ot 26 ond hand top half to spectator he will have only 6 of the possibilities while in the lower half, your hal?, you have 7 of the cards. The third In Shuffle will 2istribute these canis still further and you will also be able to know their positions in the pack ae vill be shown. 1g. Tf the half with 6 poseibilities is In Shuffled, then their distribution is now every 8th card; however, when you cut off at 26, then the lover half vould have the 4th possible card ot 2ud from tha top in thia half and after that the next two cards, Sth and 6th, vould be separated as every Eth card. The top half naturally nas its three poseibilities as every 8th card in thet half or at 8th-16-24th positions from the top. You remember them ae every &th because of the Cull Shuffle you will usee later on to get these three canis together. 20. If the hol? with 7 possibilities te In Shufflea, then their aietritution would begin st kth card fron top, This is due to the foot that when you cub at 26 the first card of the 7 possibilities vould be the Ona eard from the top. Thus after an In- Shuffle this becomes the Mth cand from top and then the reuaining three cards are every 8th cart. The 7th possibility ts actually the bottom card of the deck at this point, he table will be of use in doing the effect and will avoid confusion as to ‘the distribution 62 the cards. ‘The table manta starts st the point when you have Tn Shuffled either 6 possibilities or 7 possibilities. TP 8 Bonen 8216-8 ah The possibilities are further carried into the Be == AB 10716 ‘th In Shuffle and show how the original 26 carts have nov been eut down to either to possibilities in both top and botten portions, in the case of the seven cards, or to one and vo conbinntions in the ease of the six enrds. 21. Yow can see fron the above table how tho earde avrive at double their original uuubers with the exception of those hat ure out betresn when cutting at the Rob card. The table con easily be inked in on the fap of a card cago nnd a quick glance in its Lrection will show you the procedure required and how the carde vill aventual~ jy lie after the 4th In Shuffle. As on example, when you give the spectator the top half, containing six possibilities, ond he does not cee his cord, you then In Shuffle your half. A quick glance at the table will show that nov 4s you hand him she top half he will have three or those canie and you five four of those cards. gaia he does not see his cerd as an example. Once more you In Shuffle your half, Cut off ‘top balf amt hand to spectator. If ho showld eee bis cami, a look at the table shows you that the two possibilities in top half LHe at the 4-26 mmbers oo por table. I? he does pot see his card, then the tvo possibilities in botton half, your portion, Iie at 10-16 mubers. 22. One you know the position of the canis you do the Leseinout Ouli te get one cart to the bottom and one card to the top, For example, you are now definite that the two possibilities Me ot 10-16 In your portion, Rua off nine cards, one less thon the actual position of the Piret card trax top, thea throy rest of dock onto the nine cards run off, Next, run off the munber 16 or the actual position of the second cart, ‘then throw rest of Geek onto these. You now have one cand on the bottom and one card on top. 23. In handling the pock glixpse Just the Botton card, the Square Up Glimpse here is, 48802, and hand deck to spectator to hold face down. fave hin naxe his card, then efther have hin turn deck cver, if he canes enrd you glinpeed, op turn top cand of aeek if be names any other card. 2k. Once you get to understand how the canis distribute thenselves during the Faro Shutfles, Wien you will have no problens understanding the tables and nay even be able to dispense with then 1f you want. You can use Overhand Siuffles to expedite atters bub Z vould advise agninst this ag for coue reason the procedure of clinination starts to beceme obvious but this is nct 90 if you restrict yousel? to the Faro Shuttles o- Done. 25. "You con move things alone 4f you wish by using the Blnoley Ultra Mental Tden in onfer to restric tthe mental choice to only 26 cards thus when the top holf ie handed to biz you alzeady have eliminated down to 13 cans, Mme the next Faro In suurrie and a cut of the top half would get you into the 6 and 7 card tego av per the tablo. 23 Using this Faro Jog idea can also be applied to the semorized deck f you wish thus vovtricting their mental choice to only 26 cards while appearing to give them a free mental selection from 52 cards. This, of course, 1s up to the individual to decide ‘but personally I prefer the idea of just letting then think ef any card without hay- ing to look at the cards in ordar to think of one. MARLO FARO CONTROL, The following methods of Faro Control will be found to apply up to Ten selections. They have been broken down so as to start with Two selections and then contime up to Ten, In this vay the operator need never feel at a loss in just how he should doce. tively control multiple selections. The use of the Faro in itself is quite puzzling when controlling selections; hovever, in this case the aged use of n Xey adds even wore, fas so called KEY can be ary type but for this I suggest restricting the choice to either an edge-narked card, a crimp in the card or the use of a Step, in the lert side of the pack, which is able to be noted visually even after the pack 1s pressure Zenmed. To avoid ecmfusion, T wild refer to any of the above devices as simply tho ERY thus leaving the choice as to type up to the individual; however, I must tell the render that use of the FARO CHNOK will expedite matters in the placing of said KEY a8 well as insure against error. On the other hand sone aay prefer to half-vey place the Key thr use of regular Riff]e Shuffles or Overhand Siuf¥le, thea later complete the placement vith a Faro Shuffle. These procedures depend on the person themselves and whether he likes to iniuige in @ lot of etuffling or a minimum of shuffling. In having carde selected the KEY is, of course, kept under control and ie never to be se~ lected. Inter the KEY is made the central Gard aaong those remaining, as will be shown with, of course, sone few exceptions. TWO CARD FARO CONTROL: 1. ‘yo selections have been taken out of deck leaving 50 cards The KBY is brought to 25th from the top. 2, Fon or Spread deck. Insert Ist selection six canis to the left of the Key not counting the Key. Insert 2nd selection six curds to the right Gf the Key counting the Key as one of the six. 3. Square up pushing two selections lush. Do tvo Faro Jn Shuffles. ‘The first Ta Shuffle places the two cards ot 13th from top and bottom while the Qnd In Shuffle Places the two selections at 26th and 27th positions. Were you can cut again at 26th cari, do a Faro In Shuffle to get let selection to bettca and 2nd selection to top. From this point you can control both to top or bottom. 4. My favorite procedure 4s to got into pogition for the FARO DIVIDER on the second In Shuffle, At this stage, split deck at 26 end hold breck, on left side with lert thumb, as right fingers push packets flush, Next, transfer break to lett lth finger. Now release one card from upper section, those above the break, onto the lower section ox those cards beloy the break. Cut at the break and both caris will be on top in 1-2 order. With the two selections on top the KEY will be the eéth card. This re~ turn of the Key to its central position offers interesting possibilities for repeti- ‘tion of subsequent controls. THREE CARD FARO COWIROL: 1. Yhree selections are cut of deck and you have a 49 card deck, The Key must be at the 25th position from top. You can use the OUP STRADDIE FARO aa a ¥aro Check to quickly plaee the Key. 2, Fan or Spread pack with Key 25th fron top, Insert let selection 6 canis from bote tom of deck cr into 7th peeition. ‘The 2nd card is placed eix cards to the left of the Key not counting the Key. Third selected card is placed at six cards to the right of the Key counting the Key ag one. 3. Square up deck. Cut at 26 end do one Faro In Shuffle. Cut at 26 again but this time do a Faro In Shuffle getting as far as the Faro Divider, then split at 26, on left side, holding break with left thumb as your right hand pushes packets flush, Yronefer break to left btn Pinger. 4, Release two eards from upper section onto lower section and eut ab break. ‘The three selections are sow on top in 1-2-3 oxger. The key 4s in 27th position frou top. a! FOUR CARD FARO.CONIROL; 1, Four selections out of deck leaving 46 card deck. Bring Key to 2ith position from top. 2, Fan of spread deck with Key aith from top, Place ist selection at six carés from the bottom of deck or into 7th position, Second choice is placed six cards to the lett of the Key not counting the Key. Third. card ie inserted eix cards to the right ‘Of the Key including the Key in the count. Fourth card is plaeed six cards frou the ‘Bop of deck or into 7th place. > se 3. Push all cards flush and square up pack. Gut at 26 or Key and do a Faro In Shut~ fle. This first In Shuffle places two of the cards at 13 and 14 from the bottom and 13 and 1b from the top. Cut at 26 ngain and thie time do a Fare Divider and ppiit ab 26. Wold brenk st left side, with left thumb, walle right hand pushes cards flush ot sone tine transfer break to left bth finger. 4k, “Release two cards fron upper section onto lower portion, then eut pack at brook. ‘This brings four selections to top in 1-2-3-4 order. The key is 27th from the typ. 5+ In the event that the four cards you want to control are the Aces you can REPEAT the control as follows: With the Aces on top, just deal them off to show you have controlled them. Now the Key becomes the 23rd card from top after the Aces bave been dealt off. All you do is cut one card from bottom to top of deck to get Key back to @kth position fron top. Wow you are all sat to repeat the control of the Aces or ony other four carts. 6. ‘The REPEAT part of the control applies to the other mmber of cards. you my be controlling. As an example, in the Three Card Control the Key 3 27th fron the top ‘but after you remove the three top selections, the Key becomes the @ith card. To re= control three cards the Key has to be brought to 25th from the top. Thus here agnin you merely cut one card from bottos to top and you are all sot to repent the three cand control. The same holds true for the two card control as here again when the two carts are taken off top,the Key becomes 2lith but it has to be brought to 25th to recontrol two cards; therefore, here again a card cut from bottom to top does the trick. 7. At times I find it nore deceptive to avoid use of the Faro Divider and instena Follow this plan: Analyze your control so that after two Faro In Shuffles you know how many cards lie ABOVE the selections. For exumple, there will be 24 cards above the four selections in a Four Card Faro Control, after tvo In Shuffles. My procedure at this point ie to cut IMO CARDS from bottom to top thus bringing 26 cards sbove the selection, How cut ot 26 and STMRY an In Smuffle but then do a FARO UNWEAVE, of the four selected cards, to top of deck and then finish the shuffle in the usual way, This, of course, doesn't place or centralize the Key but 4f you do not intend to repent, it does act xatter, 8. You probably have noticed by now that as far as numbers are concerned that the predominating one is number SIX, ‘This is easy to reneuber you mist adit, but the only thing you have to wateh for is to be sure that the cards on each side of the KEY are placed properly. T coud have tolA you to place the cars at 7 fas the botton, at 6 to ett of Key, at 5 to right of Key, at 7 fron top; however, thie involves three munbers which could easily beeone confusing. With one key mumber’- SIX - you have no such problen and you will find it easier to thus reeall the controls for any munber of cards you nay desires FIVE CARD FARO CONTROL: 1, Five carts outtof deck leaving a 47 card pack. This tine the Key must be 23 card fron the top, Also the placing of selections must be watched. 2, Fon or Spread deck. The selections ore now placed as followa: The Ist cand is inserted at five canis fron the top or into sixth position, (You ean use the Five Selections AS A nental association that the Ist selection must go at Pive cards from ‘the kop. Then the Sixth position recalis that from now on the rensining four earis use the key muber of Six. 3. The 2nd selection is placed at six canis fron the bottom or into Tth position. The 3xd card is placed six cards to the loft of the Key not counting the Key. Fourth se~ lection 4s placed six cards to right of Key counting the Zey as ono. 4, at this stoge, still Keeping the fan or spread of deck, the fingers pat or push the projecting four cards flush. As an afterthought, take the Sth selection and ine sert it at six cards fron the top, then square up thé pack. 28 5. Give the pack two Pree cs Smarties and all five selections will ve under the vop 23 carte in 1n2-3etn5 order. To ged then to the top you could have used the Faro Divider on the 2nd Ih Smutfle, got your break, released three cards end cut the pock. After the removal of the top tive cards the Key is back at 23 position frou top. 6. My personal preference is, with five selections under the top 23 earda, cut three cards fron bottom to top thus 26 cards are above selections, Cut at 26 and use @ Faro Un-Heave to bring five selections to top. Ts Ihave purpostly worked out all the shuffles for Tn Shuffles co as to avold a lot of memorizing as to In or Out combinations; however, it is possible to use Out Shuffler to control your cards. As an exemple here is how you would have to proceed for @ Five cart control ueing Out Shuffies. 8. ‘The Key is first brought to 2k from sop. (Because two cande were controlled on the RIGHT of the fan, in the initial insertion, you compensate for this by placing ‘the Key at 23 when doing In Shuffles. This tine two of tho solections vill be placed to the LEPT of the Key and so you start with the Key at 24 from top or the larger half. Fan or spread the pack. 9, Place let card at six cords from bottom or into Tth position. Place 2ad card at siz cards from top or 7th position, The 3rd selection is put six cards to right of Key counting Key as one. Fourth card is placed six cards to left of Key not counting Key. Fifth eard 4s placed six cards from bottom or into Teh postition, JES automat! cally puts the Ist selection in the Sth place from botton of deck. 10. Now give deck two Out Shuffles to bring cll five canis in order of 1-2-3-be5 under the top 23 cards. From here control them to the top al already cutlined. STLOGARD FARO COMIEOE: 2, Ab this stoge of the controls an added Faro Shuffle bas 20 be Halo sn order to mike St deceptive and avoid placing of carte in peiss oF ter gether at several points of the fan or spread. ‘hie pais placenent has elzeaty bec Eade evident in the Five Gard Taro Control above. for the present 1 ehall stay with using just two Faro In Shuffles. 2. Six canis cut of pack leaving a 46 card peck. Key at 23 from the top. Fan or Spread the decks Sr Place Ist card Pive corde tron top or tnto sixth positions the 2nd selection ts Placed six caris to the right of the Key not counting the Key (A total of 7 cards if Key ond 2nd selection are counted), The 3rd card is placed six cards to left of Ke; ot counting the Hey. (A total of 6 cards 1f you would count Key and. 3rd geleetion) « ‘The 4th selection ig placed at five cards from the bottom or into sixth position, 4, Square up pack and give it one Paro In Shuffle, Again fon or spread deck. The Sth selection is now placed into the lbth position from the top while the 6th selec- Elon is placed at 12th position fron the dotcom. Bquare up and give the pack ca Riso In Eiifeie. here are 2} carde above the eix seisetions which are in onder fsa Gre to ol, Caitrol thooe to the top by amy ef the various nethods that have boon Suagoetede Su a tha dost yart of the Six Cant Faro Contec) it 1s obvious that there will be Quuttae atétioulty in placing tho Sth and Oth celections at the ten ued oth poste tious tron top ant bettas Tis 19 nade easier if you fleet insert the Sth seleceioa at T cards fren the top aod leave it protruling. Soe place the sixth selection at ix carte tron the vottcn and also leave at rejecting, ev es if you changed. your uind, move the 5th selection over six more cards thus inserting it inte the 1th place. Now go back and move the 6th selection ancther five cards thus making it eth from the botton. Now conclude the ections to get all six cards under control. 8. re you are not averse to extra Faro siuflon tn controlling wo Bie noiecvtons, then heve 10 an eitemative procedure you nay like tnsteaa, Start with a fey at 23 cards from top, Of course, the oix solectione are cut of deck leaving you 46 cares. Fr Pisce the dot solectiog one cart to left of Rey nob tneluting tho Ney. (Use ce lection and Key would total ‘three cards). The 2nd selection ic placed next to the Key on the right. The 3ri card 1s placed 7 cards fron top or into 8th position. the ith selection is placed ards from the bottom or into th position, 8. Square up deck and give it two Faro In Siuffles. Again fan or spread deck and Saooy 5th Seiectin at § cords than ay or into TH pooitione”Plngs fh lection at 5 cords from bottom or into 6th position. 9. ‘Square up pack and give it tvo Foro In Stuffies. The six selections will now be in order from One to Six under the top 23 curds. Bring these selections ta the top as alreniy suggested. SEVEN CARD FARO CONTROL! 2. Seven cards out of deck leeving a &5 card pack. Up to nov it was required to bring the Key into a more or lees centralized pooltion. In ‘this case all you have to do is merely bring the Key somewhere in the center of the pack but its exact position is immaterial. 2, Fan or spread the pack, Tue Ist selection is placed two cards to the left of Koy while the 2nd selection is placed two cards to the right of Key. The Key Te not in eluted in each case with the result that there will be FIVE eards between seleetions with the Key the central cara of the five. 3. The 3rd selection is now placed PIVE CARIS [0 THE RIGHP OF "HE OND SELECTION ana the lth selection te placed FIVE CARDS TO THE RIGAT OF THE 3D SELECTION. ‘The result is that there are five cards between each selection. 4, “In squaring up the pack get a break, with lett lith fingor, two cards shove the 38a selection. In cther vords, a break ss held between the 3rd and Wen selections. Now a cut at the break will bring the 3rd selection three cards from the top while the Mth selection will be four cards from the bottes. 5, Here do a SURADDLE FARO IN SHUFFLE or top 24 cards into the bottom 25 cards. After this shuffle the Key will ogain becote centralized in readiness for the placing of the next three selactions. 6. Fan or spread pack again for the Insertion of tho renaining tareo cante. The Sth selection is placed 6 cards to left of Key not counting Key. ‘The 6th selection is ine serted 6 cards to right of Key Gounting Key 43 one. ‘The Toh card is placed 6 carde froa top or into 7th position, “Push all cards flush and square up the pack. Av thie point the Key is actually at 26th position so it is an easy matter to make your first cut. 7, Do two Faro In Shuffles. 411 selections will be in order fron 1 to 7 under the top 2) cards. Control to top as you desire. EIGHT CARD FARO CONTROL: 2. Eight selections owt of deck leaving a Mh card pack. The key is nore or less in center of deck but its exact position neea not be known. Fan or spread the caris for the insertion of tho selections ae follows: 2. The Ist selection is placed 7 cards to the left of the Key not counting the key. The 2nd selection is inserted 2 cards to tho left of the Key not counting the Key. The 3rd chotce is placed five cards to right OF nd selection and the lith selection is put five cards to Fight of 3rd selection. Thus there will be FIVE CADS BUINEEN each selection. 3. In closing the fan or spread get a left ith finger break tyo cards above the 4th Selection. Square up all the cards but keep the breck. Cut at the break to bring th selection to thizd fron top with all other selections having Zive cards between then hi. Give deck”one Faro In SmuPfle, This places Xey at center or 2ith from top. Arata fan or spread Pack as you now take the remaining four sclections. the 5th selection ie placed 6 cards fron the botton or into Tth position. The 6th selection is placed & cards to the left of the Key not counting the Key. The 7th card is inserted 6 cards Yo the right of the Key counting the Key as one. Final and 8th card is placed 6 carée from the top or into 7th position. 5. Square up the pack end give it tvo Fero Th Shuffles. #11 eight cards are in order, Prom top down, under the top 20 cers. Get them to top of deck as has haen suggested. NINE AND TEN CARD PARO COWIROL: 1. This was especially devised for a en Card Dis- covery Routine and when used in this way becomes an outstanding and fantastic display of control over the pack, fil the old and known netnode cf discovery become as 4f new and alive simply because of the method used to control them. Even you will feel the exhiliration as you disclose each card down to the last or tenth selection. 2, For this all you need to start with ts the Bight Card Faro Control. In other words, have eight cards rensved only at this stage. Prom here proceed to control the eight selections as alrealy detailed in the Bight Card Faro Control BUT at the Step 3 ar

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