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Steven Adams
May 29, 2016

Entry 1: Technology to Support Communication

We are living in a much different world than we did thirty years ago. The advances in
technology especially in communication has made the world a global community. People are
able to communicate with someone in faraway places. These advances have made awareness of
other cultures important thus our school environment must reflect this change. The main way of
staying in step with the global community is how to communicate effectively with the global
community which of course includes students, parents, stakeholders, and other potentially
interested parties. This essay will introduce a number of effective technologies such as, email,
websites, and social media that will enhance communication with parents, students, and the
global community.
Technology to Enhance Communication
Name of Communication Tool: Email
Email is one of the better ways to communicate quickly with parents about what is going on
in school. Email is a system for sending messages from one individual to another via
telecommunications links between computers or terminals using dedicated software.
( 2015) Email is a very versatile way of sending information. You have the
ability to attach files such as documents, audio files or links to websites. You can even send
video if you upgrade to a system that can handle the size of the video file. With email a teacher
can attach scanned documents from the computer such as report cards or students written work to

be safely accessed at home. This would be a great way to send homework in attachment in a
format that can be completed on the computer and resent to the teacher once completed. Email
can eliminate the I left at school or it fell out of my book bag syndrome. Another great think
about email is that it can be easily saved. If a teacher, parent, or student needed to recall past
information they can. All of these options are available and that what makes email a wonderful
communication option for education.

Name of Communication Tool: Websites

Websites are quickly becoming are useful tool in communicating with stakeholders in
education. Now that todays teachers are being taught the value of technology having a
classroom website is another great way to bring whats going on in the classroom home.
Websites allow for teachers to post different activities in the classroom and post upcoming
events at school. The best classroom websites and blogs are interactive, meaning that they
allow for comments and questions. These sites can be quite beneficial to the teacher because she
can get feedback about the classroom.(newyorkschools,com 2015) Getting feedback or plain and
simple being able to communicate clearly with students and parents makes understanding the
needs of the student better. The feedback can be used to establish useful links to other websites
that will be helpful to a students education and this can be placed on the classroom website. The
classroom website can become a hub of education sharing ideas and provide a portal to all
classroom activities.
Name of Communication Tool: Social Media
Social Media is another easy way for teachers to communicate with education stakeholders.
Currently social media use in the classroom has a lot of potential and room to grow.(Abe P,
Jordan N A 2013) Today our younger generation is really exposed to and are quite interested in
social media. The key is to take this interest in social media and allow for students to interact
sharing ideas about different subjects. One of the positive of using social media in the classroom
is that it would encourage more student participation in classroom discussions. Some students

are bashful in expressing themselves in open class discussions so social media makes it easier.
Using Facebook is another way to share pictures and ideas. Teachers, parents, and students can
communicate information between each other on Facebook. The various social media platforms
are nice because they are mobile phone friendly giving increased flexibility.

Name of Communication Tool: Texting or SMS messaging

There are statistic that show that in todays society especially in the United States there are
great number of people who use texting. According to the College Students and Technology
report from the Pew Internet and American Life Project, cell phone ownership is widespread. In
2010, 82% of all adults and 96% of undergraduate students surveyed had the devices.
( 2012) The information given has shown that using texting can be an effective
medium to convey information in schools. Parents can find this to be useful in communicating
with teachers about various matters concerning child/student. It is a quick and convenient way to
notify the teacher about things such as when they will pick up their child from school for
doctors appointment. Messaging for students in high school can be effective as well. The student
can ask the teacher questions about class assignments and can also start group discussions about
an assignment with their classmates and teachers The school and teachers can use texting to
inform students and parents about upcoming school activities. Remind101 and Celly are
applications designed to improve communication between instructors and students, and between
teachers and parents at the K-12 level. ( 2012) The use of apps like these two
satisfy privacy concerns for all the parties involved.
Communication Internet Security and Safety

There are so many ways for a person today to have their privacy invaded in terms of
personal information such as social security numbers, bank accounts, home address and other
important information. The first step in the process is using trusted programs and websites. The
Task of being responsible users of technology requires the knowledge of safe practices to protect
the privacy of all involved. The responsibility to encourage parents and students to be mindful of
getting the proper anti-virus programs to protect themselves from the potential dangers of using
internet. Our cell phones must be protected from prying eyes and cell phone thieves. We tend to
forget how much personal information we share over these wide open. The apps mentioned
earlier Remind101 and celly are good in hiding information that a parent chooses not to
disclose certain information. The school has to provide information to let the parents feel
comfortable about technology that is being used and endorsed by the school.
Concluding Paragraph
The advent of internet based technology and its appeal has led to a strong interest. Taking
that interest and creating meaningful interaction for students, parents, and other stakeholders.
To make use of email, websites, texting, and social media are the best options of communicating
and sharing ideas. Their flexibility and the ability to combine all four forms of technology can
be an effective tool in todays classroom.

Abe, P., & Jordan, N. A. (2013). Integrating Social Media into the Classroom Curriculum. About
Campus, 18(1), 16-20.

email. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved November 15, 2015, from
website: Retrieved November 15, 2015 from website:

Teaching With Text Messages Online College (May 2012) Retrieved May 29, 2012 from

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