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Idioms some interesting meanings and histories

bored stiff (Unit 27)

turn a blind eye to something (Units 1 and 24)

If something is stiff it is rigid, and not easily bent. If you

have done more exercise than usual and your muscles
ache, you can say you are feeling stiff; you can also feel
stiff if youve been sitting in one position for too long.
In the expressions bored stiff and scared stiff the word
stiff is used to give extra emphasis: it means you are
extremely bored or scared. The idea is that you are so
bored or scared that you cannot move.

get to grips with something (Unit 10)

A grip is a tight hold or grasp of something with your
hand. The word is also used figuratively to mean power
or control. So if you get to grips with something, you
manage to control or deal with it. (But you can also
lose your grip if you let a problem or difficulty become
too much for you.)

packed in like sardines (Unit 39)

Sardines are small, silver fish that are often preserved
in oil or salt water and sold in tins in which they are

packed tightly together. If people are

packed in like sardines, they fill

an overcrowded space.

Nelsons Column, London

This phrase is thought to have originated with Horatio

Nelson, a British admiral who died in 1805. He is said
to have deliberately put his telescope to his blind eye
in order not to see a signal from his commander to
discontinue action (the signal was made by waving a
flag). He is said to have exclaimed I really do not see the
signal! If you turn a blind eye to something, usually
something bad, you pretend not to see or notice it.



1. That was the worst film Ive ever seen! Nothing

interesting happened in two hours. I was
through most of it.
2. Ive got to
this new
computer system. I dont even know how to send an email!
3. If you
Ians behaviour,
hell keep on doing it. ~ I know, but what can I do? Hes 16, if he
doesnt want to do his homework, I cant make him.
4. We were
on the train
to Delhi, and it was so hot! I was so glad I had a big bottle of
water with me.

1. That was the worst film Ive ever seen!

Nothing interesting happened in two
hours. I was bored stiff through most of it.
2. Ive got to get to grips with this new
computer system. I dont even know how
to send an email!
3. If you turn a blind eye to Ians behaviour,
hell keep on doing it. ~ I know, but what
can I do? Hes 16, if he doesnt want to do
his homework, I cant make him.
4. We were packed in like sardines on the
train to Delhi, and it was so hot! I was so
glad I had a big bottle of water with me.

Complete the sentences with the idioms above.

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