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Unit 12 assignment

Cover the range:

Contractual 4 regulatory and
ethical issues 6- all professional
bodies and ethical 5

Report for

Types of
What contracts
a contract is, an agreement that is signed
on paper with conditions and rules of something
that is stated and they have to live up to the
contract. Of course it must be an agreement and
a promise which must not be broken. The
contract has to be singed in person and with
witnesses so that it isn`t forged. There are lot`s
of diferent types of contracts and mainly for
businesses, phone contracts, property contracts
and many more. Once the contract has been
singed there is no going back and they must have
the contract until the end time that was stated.
However if they did want to have out of the
contract then they will have to pay the
remainder of what is left in one go but this can be
negotiable in some cases.


What this means is a person that helps other people with any problems or something
that is troubling them and they are generally nice people.
This is when a company or a individual person does not want to be working with a
certain someone unless there is no other alternative then they will have to work
together but get on with each other to get the work done.
This is when two companies or people work with each other in order to make more
money and get a bigger and better job so they collaborate with each other which
happens a lot in business such as DreamWorks and Aardman collaborated a few
times. They will negotiate on terms and conditions with each other and work as a
There is a lot of competing that happens as everyone wants what is best for them and
they negotiate on the terms for the job.
Not everyone will get the outcome that they hoped for but by compromising both of
them will come to a=n agreement that is suitable to them and they will get what they

A non-disclosure agreement or how it is also known as a
confidential agreement, secrecy agreement, proprietary
information agreement. This type of contract is usually
between two people and tells them about the information
and details that are with in the contract and are only
discussed between the people that are involved in it or they
can add someone else into the equation.
Here are the two types of non-disclosure agreements
Unilateral NDA
This is most commonly known as a one way agreement they
can not share any information with another party even if
they wish to.
Bilateral NDA
This is where the two parties will share information with one
another even when it is supposed to be a secret. When a
business is considering a joint venture or a merger then it is
a very commonly used agreement.

What commissioning process is when the TV networks
and broadcasters are sent the ideas. With in the ideas
it will tell and show everything that will be included for
the programme or film such as the actors, budget,
characters used, set and more. To commission means
that you get ready for service or use with the ideas
that have been chosen for the production.

Contract costing is mainly for the high-value jobs and
these jobs are usually in single accounting periods. The
business will have a set budget that they conjure up for
the contractors and see the expense of the job. When it
comes to the cost they will have to think about
everything that goes into it and is diferent for the types
of jobs so the budget varies very diferently.

The scheduling is very important for anything and
it is usually created by being contracted which will
mean that optimizer can`t reschedule the work
that is given to them. Usually the optimizer is
multithreaded which means that they are allowed
to take diferent task requests at the same time.
Because of the fact that an optimizer can only do
one task at a time they will have to pick one that
they think will be more priority and then work on
and work out when they can do the other tasks.

Freedom of
This actinformation
of 2000 means that there is publi9c access to all
information authorities. The Freedom of Information Act 2000
(c.36) is an Act of Parliament of the Parliament of the United
Kingdom that creates a public "right of access" to information
held by public authorities. It is the implementation of freedom
of information legislation in the United Kingdom on a national
level. There are two ways on how it does this and they are.
1. public authorities are obliged to publish certain
information about their activities.
2. members of the public are entitled to request information
from public authorities.
This act covers record information that has ever been held by
the public authority that is in the UK apart from Scotland as
they have there own freedom of information act 2002.

Censorship is the suppression of speech, public
communication or other information which
may be considered objectionable, harmful,
sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient
as determined by governments, media outlets,
authorities or other groups or institutions. With
media censorship it comes in lots of diferent
forms like the way that you get news. Every
story that is shown has been edited for the
amount of time it would take up and there are
diferent ways to keep some information away
from the public. The final decisions of what
keeps it from staying away from the public are
because of persons privacy, safeguard or
political fallouts.

Taste and
When you are making a project for the
multimedia industry then it has to
be acceptable for all viewers out there. There
are a lot of things that you have to be careful
about as people can get very ofended by
certain stuf so they have to be decent
The things that are not classed as decent and
are unacceptable to some viewers are.
Bad language
Explicit pictorial or video images
Obscenity nudity

Health and safety

Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.
Often referred to as HASAW or HSW, this Act
of Parliament is the main piece of UK health
and safety legislation. It places a duty on all
employers "to ensure, so far as is reasonably
practicable, the health, safety and welfare at
work" of all their employees.
The health policy is known as, decisions,
plans and actions that have been
undertaken to achieve specific health care
goals within the society.

Privacy law-collection and

use of data
Privacy law refers to the laws that deal with
the regulation of personal information about
individuals, which can be collected by
governments and other public as well as
private organizations and its storage and use.
Sensitive personal data has a concern to
peoples criminal record, ethnicity politics,
health, religion, trade union status, sex life.

A trademark, trade mark, or trade-mark is a
recognizable sign, design, or expression which
identifies products or services of a particular source
from those of others, although trademarks used to
identify services are usually called service marks.

Office of communication or Ofcom is a government
programme that is controlled by most of the radio
and TV out there that stops discrimination and it
also protects people from things such as ofensive
material that there may be and also licensing,
codes and polices, research and more.

When the copyright designs and patents were first brought out for two
main purposes which
were, knowing that people will be rewarded for
the hard work that they have done, and the other one is to make sure
that if the creators work is stolen in a way then they will be protected.
When this act was not around there was not a lot that people could
legally do if their work was actually stolen then they could claim it as
their own. This law covers diferent aspects of primary multimedia that
is purely for the use to protecting ICT work. This applies to diferent
software such as; videos, text, images and more. If there is something
that a person has initially made and you take it without any permission
from who made it then you will be in breach with of the copyright law.
If you use a persons work, then you have to have their permission and
without their permission it will be classed as stealing. The copyright
holder is the only person that is allowed to authorise a reproduction of
the work that they created in any medium by any party no matter if
their work has been stored electronically.

Advertising standards authority or ASA create
codes and rules that you have to stick to that
protect the public from being ofended. What
this means is that when people get ofended
then they will contact the ASA and then it will
be up to them to get the problem sorted.

there requirements
is always rules and tight restrictions with
anything to do with media products. this is due to
the fact that there may people out there that post
a racist comment which will ofend people and
may lead to bigger situations. some people may
disagree but the internet is not for anything and
you do have to restrict to these rules and you will
not be able to escape them. it is a lot easier to do
things like that on the internet and a lot more
people are likely to breaks the laws on the world
wide web.
Race- black and white
Sexuality- homosexual and heterosexual
Disability- able bodied and otherwise
Nationality- British or otherwise
Class- working- middle or upper
Regionalism- north and south

Cultural issues and language

Cultural issues refer to all aspects of society
that influence beliefs, opinions, and choices,
such as advertising, media, public relations,
economic globalization, religion, and politics.
When it comes to the media it is important that
you have a good understanding diferent
cultural issues and language before you have
started. When you are making a project fro an
industry then it has to be checked so there is
nothing that will discriminate anyone.

an industry body representing the digital
industry in the United Kingdom. It started in
1985, BIMA is a membership organisation
primarily made up of digital agencies. The
organisation is run by an elected Executive
Committee of 13 Members who are voted in at
the AGM.

Professional body codes

of conduct
Professional association, professional
body, professional organization, or
professional society's are most of the time
a nonprofitable organization that seeks to
further a particular profession.
All leading professional bodies like IIA
have codes of conduct that guides the
member and raises the level of trust and
confidence to the public in that
profession. All members have to show the
commitment that they have for the codes
once they have joined the IIA and any
changes that may happen.

Representation of gender and

religious beliefs
Aardman have to make sure that what they
produce is not seemed as prejudice towards the
types of gender, black or white or any religion.
This is done by making sure that any images from
the models like the clothing and equipment
represent the bigger picture.

Policies and
Policies and procedures define what your
organisation does and how you do it. clear
policies and procedures support efective
decision making and delegation because
they provide guidelines on what people can
and cannot do, what decisions they can
make and what activities are appropriate.

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