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Everybody agrees that we enter a knowledge-based society, to stress the fact ‘that the most valuable asset is investment in intangible, human and social capital ‘and that the key factors are knovsledge and creativity. This new context makes the statement of Derek Sok (Harvard University Presiden) "Ifyou think Waining is expensive... try ignorance!”, more accurate. [At TAPS Academy, we think that this new society presents great opportunities and that ‘education should be put at the heart of economic development policy since knowledge wil alvays add value, [ALTAPS Academy, our corporate seminars, our higher education sessions and our technical trainings are all designed to tackle the most relevant topics and to equip ‘our students with the latest technolagies. [At TAPS Acaderny, we are committed to our students and we help people to get their best achievements ina friencly and relaxng environment [ALTAPS Academy, we sincerely think that your achievement is priceless for the knowledge society. kind regards Asim Sheik comport Counts roche Ay inoarapsnacom DECITROR'S COMMENT WELCOME MEGAGL FROM THE DIRCTOR OF STUDILS “TAPS Academy is taking a holistic approach to Educating organisations on "KNOWLEDGE WORKER APPROACH’ in the twenty first Century. Organisations need towake up to new realities in most countries, ifthey are to compete at international level. We believe new directions are needed in dealing with staff, if we are to gain maximum benefits from the KNOWLEDGE WORKER APPROACH. It is now imperative for employers to employ the whole person rather than parts like machine.” Larry Jones AKE Consulting, & consultancy am af the TAPS Academy occupies a unique positon at the heat of the Olympic Vilage-Lordon 2012, and is serving the growing industy needs for training and development. Ofering a ovillant location, state-of-the-art taining faites, and ecogn'sed quality assurance, = Consulting qvesorgarisationsthe opportunity to develop and broaden the practical knowledge and skill oftheir staf through courses which Incorporatelectures, workshops, work experience, scenario planning and dscussion groups. ‘Ourcourse gortfola's varied and flesble and we can provide organisationatraining ranging from fundamental to advanced level by working collaboratively to provide standard, versiones or bespoke programmes focused on the organisations exact business requirements LAKE Consulting has developed over the years, opening its doors to corporate delegates, from allover the world, from industrialised as well as developing and transition counties. LAKE Consulting has established elavonships with numerous governmental organisations {around the world and continues to provide them with long-term training support. Since its Inception, more than 1800 delegates from diferent organ sations have partcipated in AME ‘Consulting's taining events, ether in London of overseas, Our distinguished alumni number several Deputy Governors, Ministers, Secretaries and Diectos. \We hope ta welcome many more of you to our program of events in 20010/201 1. Asyou wll see from our Corporate courses brachure, our taining courses are increasingly aimed 3¢ specials and experts, with a numberof expert forums and high level seminars included as partof the ining. Our aim isfor AAKE Consulting to continue to bull onitsreputation asa centre of excellence and strengthen its ole as 2 forum for the study of the analytical and twchnicalareas of erganisalionaltraining kind regards Larry ones, Director of studies Na TAPS Academy as its vision recognises its highest goal to be the development of intellect and character building. As such what sets TAPS Academy apart from others is that we demand that our students make contributions far large: than they could havehoped when they commenced. ‘Our purpose in this enterprise is to prepare leaders of conscience for the next Century, whether our graduates’ aspirations are global o: local. We understand this, ‘tobe the paramount charge and responsibility of the Academy, TAPS Academy commits its energies and resources to becoming an academic home in the truest sense. Our community educates students from a ricn diversity of, backgrounds who are committed to advancing their Ives and the lives of others ‘ough hard work, high standards, and service. Thus, the “academic home’ whieh this Academy embraces and must nurture is @ secure and supportive place of learning, one which offers an educational environment of clear standards, high ‘expectations, and a predisposition te challenge students to achieve thei utmost ‘Our challenge is to Bridge the Gap between theory and practice and to narrow the distance between our ideal vision of the Academy and the realty of the highly complexand competitive world that exist. We prepare leaders of conscience by guiding students through 2 demanding curriculum, always seeking, as an academic home, to support and to stretch the evelopment of intellect and character ‘Asan acadernichome, we are a dwelling place of goad books, good teachers, good students, and good technalogy. These defining features ae apparent in each of our programs, aur facilites, and in our physical layout, Inthe end, we live our vision Fully: ‘to produce the highest quality of academic achievement, ané a new generation of leaders for our communities. Corporate Courses Brochure OOO? OUD VISION MISSION STATEMENT OOO \ S&S & ‘The Mission of TAPS Academy as an independent educational institutes to provide total education solutions to students, In order that they gain the highest quality ot ‘education. We offer diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate education in ‘Accountancy, Business Management, Information Technology, Health and Social ‘Gare, Language and Teacner Training to people from all backgrounds from all nationalities TAPS Academy in its mission incorporates To coach, mentor and provide tutored training and quality support to enable people to learn move effective. Thus the teaching is shaped by a view af education as a process of awakening the teacher within,’so that our students will becomelifelong learners. ‘Ourpurposein this enterprise's to prepare leaders of conscience and hence students at TAPS Academy are encouraged to be vibrant, active and involved learners. The ‘Academy provides extensive opportunities for students and faculty to interact with ‘each other as persons, to learn from each other in a cooperative community, an Important aspect of whichis colaborative student/facuty research \We also help to develop business minded persons by equipping them with the best, business sls, knowledge and attitudes needed to gain a sustainable advantag: today’s competitive. The education is carried on with a concern for the world in, which wellveand for improving human society. The Academy thus strives to educate moray sensitive leaders for future generations stressing the need for global education, peaceful resolution of conflict, equality of persons, and high moral standards of personal conduct. SS s s Business & Management Strategic Management ‘Change Management 23 Human Resource Management 70) Marketing Management TT Customer Relationship Management 12 ‘Compliance Management 7% Total Quantity Management id Project Management 15 Planning and implementation 16 Business Continuity Management Knowledge Management 7 to Business Inteligence Legal Aspects of AssetvResene 8 Management for Central Banks ‘The Balance Scorecard 3 ‘Government Debt Management 20 Project Modeling 21 Managing the Procurement Function 22 The 10-day MBA 2 Successful Management Finance & Credit Strategic Finance 25 Capital Structure 26 Credit Risk Modelling 27 Introduction to Finandal Modeling 2 Forecasting Financial Markets 23 Market intelligence 30 Banknote & Currency Management 31 Reserves Management 32 Econometric Modelling & Forecasting 33 Business Modelling 34 Modelling & Forecasting 35 Exchange Rate Economic Indicators 36 4 Financial Markets The Global Economy 7 Financial Markets Liquidity Forecasting 38 Financial Derivatives 38 Financial Engineering 40 ‘Combating Economic Crime a1 and Money Laundering ‘Treasury Management @ Exchange rate & Capital Flows 43 Leadership & Delegation aa Effective Negotiation Skill a5 Corporate Courses Brochure 4 Leadership & Personal Development Leadership Influence 4s interpenonal Sls ar interviewing Sel a8 Leadership through People Skis a9. No-Nonsense Landes 30 Personal Development for st Secretaries & Administrators ExceVence iv Leadership through 57 Emotional Inteligence Management and Leadership 3 Skls for supenssors Contract Negotiations % and Management ceqaVLagisltive drafing SEI ——5e Organisational Development Financia novation for Emerging Economies HRM - Recruitment&Selection 58 Job Design - Matching People 59 with Jobs Managing Conflict 0 Customer Driven Organisations 61 Performance Appraisal 2 Six Sigma 3 ‘Organisational Behaviour 64 Enterprise Dynamics 5 ‘Organisational Culeure 66 ‘Organisational Structure 67 Corporate Governance oe ‘Store and Inventory Management 68 ‘Operational Modelling 70 Information Technology WIFILAN: A cost effective Technology for SMES ‘Advanced IT for Business 7 Anifidal Intelligence 73 Information Technology 74 Management RB intone ork Q 7 CONTENTS

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