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Title: The Trial of Leo Frank

Obstacles Faced: Prejudiced jurors, false witness, testimony, tampered

evidence, poor investigation
Outcome: Leo Frank lynched after sentence commuted
By: Xenia A. Kosteck
The Leo frank case is important to civil rights because it

involves with anti-

semitism for instance Leo Frank was an American Jew, from Brooklyn, New York which
made him an outsider. Then he moved to Atlanta,Georgia where he received his job as a
supervisor at the National Pencil Company where a young white girl named Mary Phagan
who also worked as an employee. On April 27,1913 Mary Phagan went to go get her
paycheck after an 1 hour she was pronounced dead after the night watchman of the
Atlanta pencil factory discovered the body of Mary Phagan a white worker in the
basement of the factory. Main reasons of her death was of rape or had been robbed,
from her murder they arrested Jim Conley and Leo Frank. My perspective of the trial
went in a different direction that everyone thinked of killing the wrong person or
others agreeing how it end up. Jim Conley from who was seen a couple days later
removing red stains from his shirt and Leo who was the last person who they saw last
with Mary alive. The trial lasted a month. From hearing Conleys testimony the jurors
pronounced Leo guilty and sentenced to death. The lawyers of Frank took it to the U.S
Supreme Court but nothing worked then took it to Georgias governor John Slaton waited
for his response. His response it wasnt a fair changed to his death sentence to life
in prison which made people of the town all angry for letting him to live. Once they
had changed the terms of Leo Frank, 25 abductors entered the jail cell where they held
Leo with no gunshots or hitting him. They grabbed him drove him to Marietta, GA the
hometown of where Phagan lived and lynched him. I think how it could be relevant to
civil rights in the United States is if you didnt look like everyone else you would
have been considered a suspect.

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