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Lesson title: Making predictions

Subject: Reading
Date: 23/2/16
Ausvels link:
Read supportive texts using developing phrasing, fluency, contextual, semantic, grammatical

andphonic knowledge and emerging text processing strategies, for example prediction, monitoring
meaning and rereading (ACELY1659)
Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning and begin to analyse texts by
drawing on growing knowledge of context, language and visual features and print and multimodal
textstructures (ACELY1670)

Learning intention for students: To use strategies to make predictions about

a text.
Goals for students:

To use clues from the pictures and text to make predictions

To draw on their own experience to make predictions

Learning intention for teacher: To slow down teaching pace so students

have thinking time
Strategies to use:

Slower and calmer talking pace

Watching students expressions to assess their thinking
Take time to roam around the classroom

Whole class focus:
What is a prediction?
Good readers made predictions about what they think might happen. What are 3
strategies a good reader could use to make a prediction?
1. Use personal experiences
2. Look at the pictures from the text or on the front cover
3. Read the title or words in the text
Bring up the book The magic bike. Ask students what they can see on the front
cover. What can we see that can help our predictions?
Get students to return to their desks.
On the prediction card sheet get students to write down their first prediction.
There is a space to draw a picture if they need to.
Read some of the story as a class.
Stop at page 9. Get students to make their second prediction in the next
prediction card. What will happen next? What strategy did you use to make that
Finish the story.

Guided reading groups:

Teacher focusDiscussion on front cover What do you think will happen? How do you know
Group reading of text
Discussion using discussion cards

Independent reading groups

Discussion on front cover What do you think will happen? How do you know
Group reading Each person in the group has a turn at reading
Discussion cards Talk about the discussion cards and write answers in reading

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