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Did you know that about 18% of the American adults experience Panic Disorder
in a year? This statistic acording to the National Institute of Mental Health. It
also, states that women are more likely than men to experience episodes
frequently. The Panic Attack Disorder is a big severe Psychological problem
around the world, because it has a negative impact on emotional health.
However, in this article you can learn to identify the symptoms, the causes and
the treatment to help you prevent the disorder.
First that you need is to identify the most common symptoms of Panic episode,
among them; nervousness and agitation, dizziness, racing heart, chest pain,
chills, tingling in the hands, feet and legs, sweaty palms, fear of losing control,
fear of dying, or feel you are going crazy. This experience can last a few minute
but the person normally thinks they will die. Believe it, the panic attack is really
one of the worst experiences a person can have.
There are four principal causes of the Panic Attack Disorder, one of them is the
genetic predisposition because some people are born with a variety of innate
tendencies. The second cause, is anxiety trends during childhood, for example;
an early death in the family, severe illness, drug problems, divorce, anxious or
overprotective parents, and the last cause is experience a long period of high
stress or radical life changes.
Generally, the panic attack is treated with pharmacological treatment and
relaxation techniques, also the panic attack can be treated with medication like
benzodiazepines or pills antidepressant, but the last clinical studies suggest the
psycotherapy is more important and effective than the medication, especially
the cognitive behavioral therapies, who help you to improve your ability to
control your thoughts, emotions and behaviors.
Mental disorders can appear at anytime, anywhere in our lives, especially the
Panic Attack. That is why the people have to have a good habits related with the
control anxiety, irrational thoughts and the negative emotions. In general, is a


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