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Name : Didi Prastianto

Student ID : 1415021037

May 21st, 2015

Didi Prastianto
Ratu Dibalau street No.33
BAndar Lampung, Lampung, 35141
HRD AZA cash and Credit
Ratu Dibalau street No.7
Tanjung Senang, Bandarlampung, 35141
Dear Mr. Martinus,
I am writing this letter to apply for the Sales Counter position advertised in the Lampung Post.
As requested at the advertisement, I am enclosing a completed job application and my resume.
The employment opportunity in the ad is very interesting. I believe that the expertise I have is
able to make the company that you lead to achieve better performances. The strengths that I have
in order to get this position are, I can work with the target and under preasurre, and I have skills
in speaking and offering.
Please see my resume that I have enclosed for the additional information of my experiences. I
can be contacted anytime via email at or my cell phone,
Thank you for your time and consideration. I very look forward to speak with you about this
employment opportunity.

Didi Prastianto

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