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There are many ways enable do in order to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

ways are as follow:
1. Acknowledging the boundaries whether you can do or dont in relationship. A
teenager can avoid early pregnancies if she do know the boundaries. She can
discern whether this is good and which is bad for her instead.
2. Arranging the free time with positive activities such as body exercise and
deepen faith actively through religious activities and so on.
3. Parents supervising is able to reduce early pregnancy in a teenager also. The
supervision relatively conducted such knowing whoever the girls friends,
disallowing her come home late at the night to avoid the crime, and giving her
plenty affection so that she not trying to go after beyond the family.
4. Improving the acknowledgement, particularly for those acknowledgments
regarding to healthy reproduction by providing counseling and socialization in
schools nor villages. Since mostly in remote places early marriage practical often
occurs due to many factors such as economic factors as well as the lack of
knowledge of society about the impact that would occur to early pregnant.
5. Being critical to the of social media effect. The use of social media recently
taking place among teenagers. Access to the any prohibited site now can be
done easily by anyone. This may trigger the sex impulse of a teenager and
pretending them try to do. Therefore in order to avoid those impacts, as mention
early supervision of parents is necessary, besides a teenager should also be able
to elaborate their quality control so they would not convenient get bad influence
of circumstance. Devotion to God, firmly in making decisions, and being not
easily persuaded to bad action those are the way that can be done to improve
the quality of one's self.

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