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Why Esc Nation allows that Croatians cheat on ScoreWiz poll using VPN and vote f

or Croatia pretending to be from Bosnia, Norway, Italy, Netherlands.Check main p

age on ScoreWiz poll
Croatians using VPN that change their IP address and they gave 200 votes to Croa
tia from Bosnia in 4 days
If you gona delete this, I will post again and again!
Strange results are ocured on ScoreWiz poll for Bosnia, Norway,Netherlands and I
All votes there go to Croatia!
In a 4 days, Croatia got 200 votes from Bosnia, they had 101 , now almost 300 (
they had 1 point before they started with this cheats)
Will any of creators of poll delete these results?
Croatians are using VPN to vote for different countries pretend to be from Norwa
y, Bosnia, Italy, Netherlands.Look at main page of ScoreWiz poll

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