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Organic chemistry, my favorite...

Organic chemistry for me was the most fascinating part of chemistry - most logical and of course,
most scoring. If you know that "a nucleophile attacks an electrophile", your half portion of organic
chemistry is done (believe me). Entire organic chemistry is dedicated to the above statement.
There are some "Named Reactions" which are very important. I will name some of them - "Reimer
Tiemenn" reaction, "Cannizarro" reaction, "Friedel - Craft's" reactions and many others. They all
form the backbone of organic chemistry and must be thoroughly covered.
Another important aspect of Organic Chemistry is GOC - General Organic Chemistry. In the recent
years, a lot of questions have been asked on - resonance stability, carbocation stability, type of
reactions, hyperconjugation and many more topics from this chapter. So it is advisable to cover
them well.
For Organic Chemistry, I would suggest a book named "LG Wade" by "Pearson Education". Though the
book is not designed for JEE aspirants, it definitely serves the purpose. Do cover the book
thoroughly. Practice a lot of questions in order to have a command in Organic Chemistry.
My approach towards learning organic chemistry was "mechanistic". I focused a lot on the reaction
mechanisms. In 15 minutes, you can solve entire JEE organic chemistry (if you know the solution).
Rather than mugging up organic chemistry, try to understand the mechanism. In JEE, they ask you
the entire mechanism of the reaction through Paragraph type questions.

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