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Leon Petrulio

Ms. Miskinis
CP American Literature
13 June 2016
At the beginning of this project, I really had no idea where to start looking for my
position statement. However, it didnt take me long to think of the intriguing topic of happiness.
I personally think happiness is a very strange subject, that I ponder upon many times a week. So
I found it appropriate to find a position statement regarding happiness and it didnt take me long
to find one. I eventually found a quote that speaks of how true and lasting happiness can only be
found within ones self and not within materialistic things. This, sort of cliche sounding position
statement, I found to be true throughout all of my research on it. I knew this from the beginning,
its something I have known all of my life and it truly wasnt that hard to find artifacts that
supported my statement. So, to come to conclusions, at the end of this entire project, my
position statement holds true, no matter what scenario or situation.

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