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Music Documentary


My documentary is biased around music, and peoples views on music
what it does and how it affects them. I will be interviewing different people
from different generations to see what music was like in the past and what
it is like at the moment. Also I will be discovering what music festivals and
concerts are and what the big attraction is.
The interviews with the guests in the documentary cover everything has
needed to be said from my research. Also talking about music being
played on the streets and quality footage of street music played in Rome.

Detailed Outline
Interviews with Carl Harris, Delia Atkinson, Will Rogers and Chris Heading
ton. All of these interviews are well structured and are kept to the correct
structure around music.
Footage for the documentary was partly filmed in Rome which personally
improved the documentary because the location is key.
The music festivals and concerts is what the documentary is partly looking
into because I wanted to see what everybody though of music festivals
and concerts and as the generations change they seem to have different
views which is understandable.

Why is my documentary useful?

My documentary is important because it discovers peoples views on music
and it may change their view of music, getting the viewer more into music
which is also one of the objectives of the documentary. It discovers what
music is about what different types of music you can listen to such as pop
and classical. Giving the viewers of the documentary information which
they might not know.


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