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3, Demonstrative adjectives this bracelet (this and these for things near the speaker) these bracts that bracelet (that and those for things away from the speaker) those bracelets KEY VOCABULARY Nouns shopping Preposition Expressions ess shir “an Halo? bag slip Excuse me, please. blouse sport shirt ‘Adverb Can I help you? Iracelet seep mect ae What would you like to know? ealetlaiory ets eae transportation Quhor Words. How do you Tike... 2 CDplayer ° trousers cea Would yo lke to bay iether? cinta aa all gh folder ‘on sale I'm calling about . ‘at Verbs How much do you want for it? raragesale ues oe What kind isi? motoreyele five Weror’s How olds it? cored think what kind nothing Yes, 1 take iether » Adlesives ag Think like to see iethem, refrigerator (ely it me new Yes, that’s fine re OK, thanks a I zing ola = How much do you spend on...? Ab! ‘That's crazy! Come on, Are you kidding? Oh, that’s not bad, Yeuh, it's okay. Well, I'll think about it. Fm/We're just looking Well, thanks, anyway. 4 What kind of music do you like? 2. Prepositions GRAMMAR 1. Pronouns: Review Subject Object. Personal 1 me my you (sing) you your she her her i him his it it ite you (plural) you your they them — their KEY VOCABULARY Nouns news, actor pop music actress rock music classical music science fiction computer show singer diseo musie soap opera soccer game talk show thriller travel film music Tv music group, TV program music video video New Age music westerr 126 Possessive | yours hers theirs | Adjectives favorite OK tentific Verbs like think of Adverbs alot not very much, really ‘There's a soccer game at the City Stadium. AT + place Tes at 8 o'clock. AT + time It's on Wednesday. ON + doy Wh-words Do you like ...? what kind What do you think of ...? when What's your favorite ...? What kind of... do you like? Conjunetion but Most people like... We don’t agree on Expressions ‘We can’t agree on Tean’t stand ...! Gee, Would you like to go? ‘That sounds good. Let's go.

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