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Fiona Dilston Intro to Crystals Copyright February 2010 PAGE 1

Intro to Crystals


Choose your crystal like you would a friend

Crystals for gifts ....birthstones are not a fixed thing and you will find different stones sug-
gested as having different affinities. Better to choose intuitively than to stick rigidly to in-

All may not be what it seems ...dyed and heat treated

Synthetic/manmade these can be useful too

Fiona Dilston Intro to Crystals Copyright February 2010 PAGE 2

Everything has a vibration

Doctrine of Signatures ....does your crystal resemble something ? or indeed someone?

Pretty does not always mean works better/is better ....a rough diamond may do a better job
than a polished one

Practicalities:- what do you want your crystal for ? If is very personal to help balance you
for example it may be most sensible to have a tumble stone that you carry in your pocket.
If you are wanting something to help the energy of a room think about who is going to be
in that room, is a big crystal appropriate/would it be appreciated? or could you just place
smaller ones discreetly in the corners for example. Crystals in communal spaces need
regular cleansing.
Fiona Dilston Intro to Crystals Copyright February 2010 PAGE 3


Cleansing ....there is a general rule of thumb that anything ending in ite is not a crystal to
leave in water

Many views on cleansing ....safest bet is to do it via intent if you are not sure or have a
delicate crystal

Burying in the earth , be sure about what you are burying your crystal in, toxins, risk of in-
terference from children and animals , energy from another source etc etc

Quartzes are in the main pretty safe to give a wash under a tap but if you have anything
else growing on the quartz or if its structure seems delicate perhaps don’t risk it

Some people will cleanse jewellery by putting it on an amethyst cluster, amethyst (being
purple and between the indigo and violet spectrums) vibrates at a high rate and is great for
this but please give the amethyst cluster an occasional clean

Dark coloured crystals can be helpful in the absorption of grief, psychic protection etc, it is
a good idea to regularly cleanse these whether you feel they need it or not.
Fiona Dilston Intro to Crystals Copyright February 2010 PAGE 4

Salt water for cleansing is not sensible as all it does is to leave a coating of salt on the
crystal itself which can at the very least dull the surface. You are also then adding Halite
(natural salt ) to the energy of your crystal.

Moonlight can be used for cleansing and re-energising of crystals. The moon is at its most
potent for three days before and after full moon.

Sage smudge sticks can be burned and their smoke used with for cleansing of crystals,
this is a Native American Indian method.

Crystals are best polished, if you wish to, with a clean cloth, anything else means you risk
coating the surface. Don’t leave your crystals where someone may spray them with furni-
ture polish or wipe them over with a cleaning cloth!
Fiona Dilston Intro to Crystals Copyright February 2010 PAGE 5

Colours,chakras and crystal affinities


INDIGO Third Eye

BLUE Throat

GREEN (can also be pink) heart

YELLOW Solar Plexus


RED Base
Fiona Dilston Intro to Crystals Copyright February 2010 PAGE 6

The image above shows the positions of the chakras (energy centres) in the human body.
You can as a rule of thumb go with crystal colours which correspond with the chakras to
help support the energies of those areas. Eg you might want a blue crystal such as lapis
lazuli or sodalite for the throat. Put simply if you are seeking to help a particular issue with
a crystal or crystals consider where in the body ie which chakra the imbalance is in and
crystals of that colour can often be helpful. This is not written in tablets of stone (sorry!)
though , also consider the Doctrine of Signatures, you may find a crystal that looks like the
very thing you are wanting to support. Always remember intuition too ..if it feels right..... if it
leaps out at you ....chances are it’s telling you !
Fiona Dilston Intro to Crystals Copyright February 2010 PAGE 7

Space for your own notes

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