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The best way to

solve this quadratic

equation is to use the
quadratic formula. When
the equation was written in
standard form, or in the

format, ax + bx + c = 0,
the a term was 2.
Knowing that it wouldnt be
easy to find the roots of the
equation by factoring or
completing the square
when the a term was not
equal to 1, I decided to use
the quadratic formula.
Therefore, I chose to solve
this quadratic equation
using the quadratic formula
because it was the simplest
and most obvious method
of solving.

Factoring was the best way to solve this

quadratic equation. This is because
after the equation, -2x 63 = -x2, was
put into standard form, I immediately
identified that the quadratic equation
could be factored. By factoring it, I
could find the roots of the equation
much faster than if I were to use the
completing the square method or the
quadratic formula. To conclude,
factoring was the best way to solve this
quadratic equation because one could
immediately factor it, leading one to
their solution, after converting the
original equation into standard form.

To solve this quadratic equation, I decided

that the best way to solve it was by
completing the square. The reason behind
this decision was that once the original
equation was written in standard form, I
realized that it could not easily be factored,
which is usually the fastest method to solve
the quadratic equation. However, I noticed
that, the a term was equal to 1, making me
realize it wasnt necessary to use the
quadratic formula, which took up a lot of
time and could potentially lead to simple
calculation and copy errors. And so, I chose
to use the completing the square method,
the second simplest way, to me, to solve a
quadratic equation.

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