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"Love mighty Pelor

for He is the salvation

Obey His words
for He will lead you into the light
Heed his wisdom
for He will protect you from evil
Whisper his prayers with devotion,
for they will save your soul
Honour His servants,
for they speak in His voice
Tremble before His majesty,
for we all walk in His immortal shadow"
"A Heretic may see the truth and seek redemption. He may be forgiven his past an
d will be absolved in death. A Traitor can never be forgiven. A Traitor will nev
er find peace in this world or the next. There is nothing as wretched or as hate
d in all the world as a Traitor."
"I don't have time to die - I'm too busy!"
"You have commited the ultimate heresy. Not only have you turned your back on Pe
lor and stepped from His light, you have profaned His name and almost destroyed
everything He has striven to build. You have perverted and twisted the path He h
as laid for us to tread. As your own decrees have stated, there can be no mercy
for such a crime, no pity for such a criminal. I renounce your lordship. You wal
k in the darkness and can not be allowed to live. Your sentence has been long ov
erdue, and now it is time for you to die."
"Victory needs no explanation, defeat allows for none."
"Success is measured in blood, yours or your enemy's."
"We lay upon the ground the red rose of our Order. The blood of the pure has was
hed back the impure, but we who live shall be called upon to join them soon."
"Do not speak to me of victory.I count nothing as victory while one infidel hear
t still beats."
"I came here looking for spirits and all I find is wine. There's a lesson for yo
"The abscence of faith is the mark of damnation"
"Kill a thousand men and they will hate you. Kill a million men and they will qu
eue to face you. But kill a single man and they will see monsters and devils in
every shadow. Kill a dozen men and they will scream and wail in the night, and t
hey shall feel not hatred, but fear."
"Those I cannot crush with words I will crush with the might of my mace!"

"Have I not commanded you? Be firm and courageous. Do not be terrified; Do not b
e discouraged, for Pelor will be with you wherever you will go!"
"Life is the currency of Pelor. Spend it well."

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