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Christianity and Judaism celebrations

Judaism and christianity both have many things in common. They both
have one important celebration in winter. Jews have a festival of lights
called Hanukkah, this is on 6th December and it lasts eight days. most
Christians celebrate Christmas on December 24th which is Christmas
eve, and actually starts on December 25th. The 24th is the day before
Hanukkah and Christmas are not celebrated for the same reason.
Hanukkah commemorates the Maccabean Revolt and the miracle
whereby a small amount of oil just for one day burnt for eight days. On
the other hand, Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ.
People that celebrate Hanukkah sing songs with religious messages and
give money to those that need it. Similarly some christians go to other
peoples houses and sing Christmas Carols and ask for money which
they give to charity. At hanukkah Jews have two options to pray, they
pray in the synagogue or to pray at home. Religious Christians will have
to pray or at home or at the church. Both celebrations are very fun ones
because you can decorate the house if it is Christmas.

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