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3rd Trimester Recovery Activity


Name: Mario Andres Torres M


Instructions: Write your name on the test, read passages and questions carefully, mark your answers in pencil.

Read the following text and answer the questions below.

Emily Roebling and the Building of the Brooklyn Bridge

fastest-growing cities in
many had thought it
The problem was

Bridge was completed in 1883, it was the eighth wonder of the world. What was so special about it? It spanned the East River and connected two of the
the world, Brooklyn (yes, it was considered a separate city then) and New York City. It was the longest and tallest bridge ever builtso amazing that
would be impossible to build.
that the bridge had to go across one of the worlds busiest rivers. A lofty bridge was required so that tall ships could pass under it. That meant it had
suspension bridge. A suspension bridge has cablesstrong, thick ropes of steelsupporting the deck, or main part, of the bridge. The cables stretch
between tall towers. No one had ever built such a big bridge before.

accident. He was one of

Bridges are built by engineers. These skilled workers draw the plans and direct the construction. The chief engineer of the Brooklyn Bridge was John
Augustus Roebling. Roebling was famous for building the worlds two biggest bridges at that time. He was the first person to think that a bridge
across the East River was possible. However, building bridges was daring and dangerous. Soon after work began in 1869, Roebling died as a result of an
twenty men who died during construction because of fire, accidents, and disease.

beautiful stone towers.

Washington Roebling, became chief engineer. Washington had helped his father design the bridge and had also supervised the construction of the two
He was the best person to take over.

Yet tragedy struck again. In 1872, Washington Roebling became ill with caisson disease. This sickness is caused by spending too much time in a caisson, an underwater chamber filled with compressed air.
Although he was sick, Washington continued to direct construction. He watched the work from the window of his Brooklyn home. His wife, Emily Roebling, studied math and engineering, subjects that women did
not learn at that time. She began visiting the construction site and supervising the work. She remained in charge for the next eleven years.
There were many setbacks during the construction. A large fire burned for several weeks. A cable came apart and fell into the river. The builders received tons of faulty steel cable that had to be replaced. In
1882, Washingtons job was in danger because he could not leave home. Emily Roebling made a speech defending him. Making speeches was another thing that women did not do at that time.
The Brooklyn Bridge was completed in 1883, a symbol of the greatness of New York and the ingenuity of the United States. President Chester Arthur opened the bridge, and Emily Roebling was the first person
to ride across it. Thousands followed her on the most exciting day of the bridges history.
Since then, millions of people have crossed it. The bridge is known for both its usefulness and its loveliness, and to this day it carries cars, walkers, and cyclists between Brooklyn and Manhattan, two great
sections of New York City.

Writing Questions: Write 6 coherent questions about the story.

1 which were the countries that the bridge connect?

2 what was the name of the one who make the first design?
3 how was called the son of the chief engineer?
4 what was the illness that Washington suffer of?
5 tell which were the setbacks during the construction of the bridge?
6 what was the reason of the dead of Roebling?
1. According to the selection, which event happened first?
a) Washington Roebling became chief engineer
B) Emily Roebling made a speech


c) A cable came apart and fell into the river

D) John Roebling died
2. Why did Washington Roebling become chief engineer?
A) He had completely designed the bridge
b) He was the most qualified person
c) He got sick during construction


d) His wife was able to help him

3. Which of the following is a statement of opinion?
a) The Brooklyn Bridge is a suspension bridge


b) The Brooklyn Bridge spans the East River

c) Thousands followed her on the most exciting say of the bridges history
d) Making speeches was another thing women did not do at that time.
4. Emily Roebling can best be described as
a) Determined
b) Concerned
c) Inflexible
d) Imaginative



5. Why were cables so important to the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge?

a) Cables take the place of steel
b) Cables are fireproof
c) The Brooklyn Bridge is a suspension bridge
d) The Brooklyn Bridge has stone towers
6. What is the main idea of the sixth paragraph?
a) Builders used faulty steel cable that had to be replaced
b) A cable came apart and fell into the East River


c) Problems slowed the construction of the bridge

d) Washington Roebling almost lost his job

7. After reading the selection, you can generalize that

a) The Brooklyn Bridge is still the largest in the world


b) Emily Roebling was unusual woman in her time

C) Washington Roebling designed many more bridges

D) the most famous bridges were built in the 1870s

8. Which of the following is a conclusion about life in the 1870s that you can draw from the selection?
a) People were not paid well for their work
b) Women did not take jobs as engineers
c) Automobiles had already been invented


d) There were many types of bridges in the United States

9. Washington Roebling became ill
a) Because he suffered from the death of his father
b) After being injured in a fire that burned for several weeks
c) Because of the effects of being in an underwater chamber


d) Due to the stress of the many setbacks to construction.


Read the following letter/e-mail from your best friend, and then reply to the e-mail. Take in account the following
information: 1) Respond to everything he is talking to you about (all he is doing on his vacation) by providing your opinion (feel free
include questions). 2) Give him good advice about his challenges. 3) Let him know what you are up to, how you are
doing and what you did lately. 4) At the end of the e-mail, ask him 5 questions you want to know about him so he can
respond on a next e-mail, 5) let him know how much you miss him and all the things you wished you could do together,
wish him well. Be creative with your answers! Each grammar mistake is 0.50 points off (you reply must be 450
words minimum)
Dear friend,
Greetings from the beach! I hope you are well. As you know, I am at the beach. I wanted to tell you everything that has happened during our
vacation. First, I should let you know who is here. In addition to me, Mom, Dad, and Lily, there are two others. Lilys friend Jennifer and my friend
Roger are both staying with us. Roger and I will both go to Roosevelt Middle School in the fall. We have been here nearly two weeks now. I have to
say that this has been a challenging vacation. I dont mean to complain, but weve encountered many obstacles to having fun. Dad calls them
challenges. For one thing, it has rained nearly every day. I dont mean just normal drizzly rain. I mean deluges, complete with thunder and
lightning. The weather has kept us inside the house almost the whole time. After playing board games, going to the movies, and fixing up the
house for ten days, everyone became a little restless. I love to snorkel and build things on the beach, so I felt frustrated. Somehow we all kept our
spirits up, and Mom says that is important. The sun came out for the first time yesterday, and Lily, Jennifer, Roger, and I immediately ran to the
beach. It was terrificfor about two hours. Lily and Jennifer spent the whole time lying on beach towels and talking. But Roger and I managed to
construct an elaborate city out of sand. We built skyscrapers, a hospital, a city hall, and even a bridge over a moat. We used some pieces of
driftwood to make the bridge because, of course, sand wont hold up by itself. We were proud of the sand cityeven Lily and Jennifer were
impressed with our feats of sand engineering, and they admired our hard work and ingenuity. However, almost the second we finished construction,
it began to rain again. And it didnt just drizzlethe sky let loose with torrents of water. Needless to say, the city was demolished, and there was no
chance later in the day for us to reconstruct it. Lily did manage to take a picture of the sand city, which we had named Oceanica before the storm
blew in, and Im including a picture in this letter so you can see what it looked like. I know you always like to see the projects I work on. I hope you
like this one. Naturally it has rained all morning so far. But it looks as if well be able to go out soon. Therefore, Ill finish this letter now and put it in
the mailbox on my way to the beach. I miss you a lot, especially when we played basketball in the evenings. I look forward to seeing you as soon as
we get home. I hope you are doing ok, please write back and let me know how you are!
Your friend,
Hi Neal
I just read your letter Bro I wish you are good and also I wish that one day the rain stop falling in were you are, I know how it feels to be
in the beach and that the rain come to ruin the day, I like the idea that your father call them challenges and he is right to call them like
that because all is about challenges in live and what your mom say is very smart, she invented? Or she read it somewhere? Witch table
games did you play they were cool games or boring ones, Did your sister and her friend tan or not, I dont want to sound rude but did

you find a beautiful girl on the beach led me know if you did, and also how did you figure out to make a real city made out of sand
how is that possible, I wish we could do one together soon, hey talking about soon when are you coming back everybody is missing you
but no one have miss you like I do literally no one, also everybody wonders how you are, what do I tell them? You know something try to
make one day the bridge without wood and send me a pic, have you replace me for Roger bro?, did you? It was difficult to re build the
city of sand the day after or it was a simple task? And Neal I couldnt see the pic of the city wish I could but I didnt receive it, tell me
how is your family that I dont know about them and yes I like to see the cool projects you always work on because most of the time they
are very interesting and cool projects, so if you could send me the pic again I would like to see it, also you put a cool name to the sand
city it makes me laugh till the point that my belly starts hurting but really hard really, really hard it was so funny I am sure I will like it if I
could take a look to the city, I just have some expectative in how it would looks likes kind of New York thats on my mind, let me know if I
am correct, in your case it have rained all the days but sometimes it stop raining and there is where you take advantage of the situation
thats how is supposed to be, taking advantage of every single second, men I miss you too, also I miss those day when we play
basketball I remember I always beat you, thanks I send the best regards to you and to your family,
Bye miss you over here
Reply when you can!


Bro Mario Andres Torres

IRREGULAR VERBS: Complete the chart with coherent sentences







I have eaten spaghetti

We havent eaten pizza.

Have they eaten at school?




We have withdrawn when

You havent withdrawn

Have you withdrawn money


the war ended.

money from the bank

from the bank yesterday?

1. eat

2. withdraw

since 1 one week.

3. kneel

4. drink

Past tense

Past Tense

You knelt this morning for

I didnt kneel when the

Did you kneel when the

your keys.

king pass in front of me.

king pass in front of you?

We drank too much soda

He didnt drink yesterday

Did they drink since the


5. make

6. shrink


in the party.


I have made cupcakes for

He havent made 3

Have they made some



typical dances from India?


I have shrunken to the size

You havent shrunken

Have they shrunken all


of a bean.

because you are so big.

their tshirt on washing

Present Tense

7. take

8. know

9. swing


Past Tense

I took classes of history on

You didnt take your purse

Did we take the metro last

high school.

with you.


You knew her since kinder

I didnt know all the

Did you know what happen


answers of the exam.


He is swinging on the

They are not swinging on

Are you swinging in the se-

neighbors hammock.

the chair.



I have found a treasure

They havent found the

Have you found your keys


map on my house, when I

criminal of the robbery.

this morning?

I leave the car on the

She didnt leave the keys

Did you leave the computer

parking lot.

on the desk.

on the living room?

I felt really sad when my

You didnt feel anything

We feel bad because that

cat died.

during the surgery.

grandma fell down.

She taught us all about

I didnt teach you last

Does he teach us





I had begun to cry when

We didnt begun to run

Didnt you begun a diet


Mufasa died on the lion

when we hear a noise on


Past Tense

Present tense

was little.




Present Tense

Past Tense

Past tense












the basement.

You were sinking on the

I wasnt sinking on the

Did we were sinking on the

Olympic pool.



I am in a meeting with my

She wasnt in the meeting

Are you in a meeting with


with the president.

my girlfriend?

I wept when I broke up

He didnt weep when he

Did she weep when we

with my girlfriend.

broke his legs.

broke up?


I have spoken with the girl

You havent spoken with

Have they spoken with


I like.

the director of the project.

their moms?

Past Tense

I was growing since the

She isnt growing that

Is he growing?

last year.


They were lost on the

You didnt lose your purse

Did I lose my wallet on the

supermarket Yesterday.

on the carnival.

trip to Arizona?

We havent fallen during

Have all my nuggets fallen

Past tense

Present Tense

Past tense

Past Tense


I have fallen in front of my



gymnastic class.

to the floor?

Past Tense

I was sending you an e-

You werent sending texts

Were you the one that is


during class.

sending me flowers?

They were understanding

We werent understanding

Were you understanding

all what I had said.

all the class.

what Julia said?


She has drawn a beautiful

He hasnt drawn the sun

Has she drawn all that I


land scape.


asked for?

Present Tense

She is wearing the coat I

She is not wearing the

Is she wearing the coat I

give her.

coat I gave her.

give her?

Past Tense







She has chosen the IPhone

She hasnt chosen

Has she chosen between


instead of the Samsung.

between the IPhone and

the IPhone and the

the Samsung.


I didnt catch him playing

Did we catch a new species

with the x-box.

of rat.

Past Tense

He was caught in camera.


I have done all my class

They havent done the

Have you done the science





Past Tense

I fed all my animals this

You didnt feet the

Did he feed all his lizards.


crocodiles on the zoo.

She is fighting with her

We arent fighting today.

Present Tense

best friend.




Past tense

Is he fighting with the

neighbors dogs?

They spread into 5 groups

We didnt spread the oil

Did she spread all the hot

of boys.

on the floor.



She has flown over the

She hasnt flown to

Has he flown on an





Past Tense

I forgot how to speak

They didnt forget what

Did he forget to pick me on


happen last night.

the school?

We fit on the skinny jeans.

You dont fit in the chair.

Do They fit all in the new

Present tens


Past Tense

I was hid on the woods of

They didnt hide some


mysterious eggs on

Did you hide in the ceiling?


Present Tense

Im holding my girlfriend

He is not holding the tray

Is he holding a poster of



Past Tense

Past Tense




I ran like a deer in the

They didnt run to save

Did she run in the

haunted house.

their lives.


I was singing to a pretty

She wasnt singing

Was she singing to me?


because she has scenic











I have forgiven to the one

They havent forgiven

Have we forgiven Sandras


that punch me in the face.

what I did today.


Past Tense

He sat down when I told

They didnt know how to

Did you sit on the bench of

him to do it.

sit down.

Central Park?

I let them take my

I didnt let them to take

Did they let you inside the


all my clothes.



I was writing a novel about

He is not writing

Are you writing on the






She keeps all her clothes

He doesnt keep his

Does she keep the


on a bunker.

money on a safe place.

groceries on the basement?

Past tense

I got all my Lamborghinis

We get a lot of money just

Did you get my Christmas

in Italy.

by singing.


They give me some tips on

I dont give any presents

Do you give someone a

the restaurant.

to my sister this year.


You were showing your

They werent showing a

Were you showing the real

dance moves last night.

real diamond on the

shape of the moon?

Present Tense

Present Tense

Past Tense




Past Tense

Past tense

I built a thousand of Legos.

We didnt build the

Did he build the great wall

empire states.

of china?

I paid all the rents of my

They didnt pay me all the

Did you pay all your cards?



A) How many kids did Abraham Lincoln have? How many died? Explain how?
He got 4 kids Robert, Eduard, Willie and Tad on of them died from a disease called tuberculosis other for fever
and the last one died for heat failure the only one that still alive is Robert
B) Explain how Abes childhood was, specify how his education was, his parents, take into account the context of
that time, where he lived and other important aspects
Their parents dont care about the school and if he studies or not in the Abe childhood he moved a lot for
different places his mom died when he stills a kid and the father get other woman to take care of the kid and
raise him
C) How did Abraham become president? Explain and specify how many important positions he got throughout his
He began in politics when he realize he had a good ability to make people listen to them and also he noticed
that he have a great power of persuade people
D) What got Abe killed? What is your opinion about this? Why do people in USA consider him a leader?
Abe was killed by John Wilkes booth in a theater at a play and he was shot o night and officially dead on the
morning of the next day
E) In Ask Me No Questions, what was the main conflict of the book?
The conflict is when they try to immigrate but they enter in legal problems mainly the dad of the main
character is the one that get in the big trouble
F) Describe the main character of the book Ask Me No Questions, describe her personality, what made her
envious, her strengths and weaknesses.

Nadira is the main character she is strong in a emotional way but at the same time weak she is sociable and
she was envious thanks to her sister Aisha she was the older sister so Nadira wants all she got an when Nadira
have something that Aisha dont have she take care of it
G) What was the climax and resolution of the book Ask Me No Questions, what would you predict is the future of
this story? Provide an alternate ending.
The top of the chaos is when dad get arrested and the girls need to be away of their parents living though the
school and though psychologists my alternative ending is kind of sad because dad get sentenced to the
electric chair and mom escape with other man thats rich but the girls need to work to try to have a house
H) Name the main conflicts from the book Catcher in the rye.
When Holden escapes is one problem the smoking problem also when he start messing with bad people so he
gets damage physical and mental way like when he get hurt for messing with a prostitute and he dont what to
pay so he get hurt in sometimes he realize he is doing wrong but he ignore it
I) Why was Holden so unsatisfied with life? Do you think he was depressed? Or is that normal for a teenagers
No it isnt normal to a teenager to react till that point of escaping and mess around with bad people is normal
to the point of being tired of people and others that limit his freedom or to the point he is indifferent
J) Do you prefer a life in which you have no rules, in which you are free to come and go as you please, or do you
prefer to be dependent? Justify your answer from parts of the book Catcher in the rye.
A life without rule will be a kind of anarchy every one do what they want at the time they want without some
that retain or that prohibit you to do something the Holden live is an anarchy between himself he dont have a
balance between live and rules he is a adolescent out of control
K) Provide an alternate ending for the story catcher in the Rye?
Holden meet this new and creepy guy that sells drugs and Holden talk with him and when this guy offers him
drugs saying that thats good Holden tries and get addict and finish with a dead of overdose of drugs with 23
L) From the books read in class (diary of a wimpy kid, ask me no questions, catcher in the rye, Angelas ashes,
Abraham Lincoln, and Egypt Game) with whose childhood and teenage events would you identify your life with
the most? Justify your answer by giving evidence from the books.
Sometimes my live is like the diary of a wimpy kid book because I like to do funny and weird things an example
of the book the game of the cheese touch that was a game that was created in the story just from a ugly and

smelly cheese ,also catcher in the rye because is fun sometimes to ignore some rules and I want to be free but
not being as Holden and all things he lived.
M) Name the different types of love relationships in the book Angelas Ashes using the Theory of Love by
The relationship of frank and the mother is not strong but they love each other because they are mom and
son the types for me will be empty love and liking types of love
Malachi and frank he is the father and the type of love is empty one because they are father and son

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