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Franco 1

Maria Camila Franco

June 6th, 2016
ENG 112-07
Mrs. Intawiwat

The Freedom of the Soul

The soul is the essence of the body along with the mind, a free soul makes a free person.
Life has different aspects that make people feel trapped in the daily tasks and forget about
themselves. People need to free their souls from the oppression of society, money, corruption,
politics, appearance, material things, bad feelings, hate, failure and fear. The only way to free
oneself is by digging deep down in the heart, going out of the box, dreaming high, letting go of
things we dont need, and finding happiness.
Those who are free have overcome the fear of exploring themselves, they have
questioned their hearts and souls, have opened their minds to a whole new world full of
experiences and have found their purpose in life. The first step to freedom is self-questioning,
looking into our own thoughts and actions, discovering our character and potential and believing
in ourselves. The process for this will make us doubt of many beliefs we have, will dare us to
think on new things and take new risks, but how do we know that we are getting to this freedom?
The moment we feel peace in our hearts and feel that we are really living will give us the answer
to that.

Franco 2
Chris McCandless is a great example of free soul. He took off on a great adventure after
he got tired of society and the hypocrisy of his parents and he freed his soul by living the life he

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