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7SD Solutions Series Worked Solutions to Popular Mathematics Texts Suggested Worked Solutions to “4 Unit Mathematics” ( Text book for the NSW HSC by D. Arnold and G. Arnold ) Chapter 3 Conics Fi0ay, bs , Xo, (COFFS HARBOUR SENIOR COLLEGE AE Solutions prepared by: Michael M. Yastreboff and Dr Victor V. Zalipaev 7SD Solutions Series Worked Solutions to Popular Mathematics Texts OX page Exercise 3.1 1 Exercise 3.2 10 Exercise 3.3 16 Exercise 3.4 24 Diagnostic test 3 30 Further Questions 3 37 Solutions are to “4 Unit Mathematics” (by D. Amold and G. Amold (1993), ISBN 0 340 54335 3 } Created and Distributed by: ‘SD (Information Services) ABN: 13009821 © 780 1987 ‘The 7SD team welcomes all feedback. Correspondence should be addressed to: ‘7SD atin: Michael Yastreboff PO Box 123 Kensington NSW 2033 Exercise 3.1 1 Solution (a) The locus of a variable point P(x,y) is the ellipse with focus at S(10), directrix m:x=9 and eccentricity ent. Let M be the foot of the perpendicular from P to m. Then M has coordinates (9, y). Y 2) (x-9yt ({)« ) AQ Day 1-= =9-1 ( a ‘Therefore the Cartesian equation of the ellipse is —~ PS =e: PM = (x-1)? +y? (b) The locus of a variable point P(x,y) is the yh m rh M ellipse with focus at (0,1), directrix m: y=4 and 4 eccentricity 3 Let M be the foot of the 2 P(x.y) perpendicular from P to m. Then M_ has coordinates (x4). (041) PS m0: PM = x8 +(y~0? =(2} o-4) oa ye ry ytt x+y fi--|=4-1, »( i] ‘Therefore the Cartesian equation of the ellipse is 7SD Solutions Series (c) The locus of a variable point P(x,y) is the hyperbola with focus at (9,0), directrix m:x=1 and eccentricity e=3 Let M be the foot of the perpendicular from P to m Then M has coordinates (1,y) PS =e-PM => (x-9) +y? =F (x-1)? x7(1-9)+y? = 9-81, ‘Therefore the Cartesian equation of the hyperbola is (d) The locus of a variable point P(x,y) is the hyperbola with focus at (0,4), directrix and eccentricity e=2 Let M be the foot of the perpendicular from P to m. Then M has coordinates (x.1). PS =e-PM => 7SD Solutions Series 2 Solution a=5,b=4=b (43,0) directrices: x (b) eccentricity: foci: directrices: ‘TSD Solutions Series 5(-3,0) 0 eccentri foci: . a directrices; x=+5— x=43 e @ a=2,b=W2=>b y=tx @ ‘SD Solutions Series 4 Solution (a) We have the eccentricity end and the foci (44,0) of the ellipse But the coordinates of the foci are (02,0). Therefore a= 4.> Then b? =a?(1-e*) =25: (1-)=9. Hence the Cartesian equation of the ellipse (b) We have the eccentricity and the directrices x=+9 of the ellipse 3 2 25 =1. But the directrices have equations x=". Therefore a=9 e ‘Then 6 =a?(I-e?) = 36. (-4) =20. Hence the Cartesian equation of the ellipse ay s+ 36" 20 § Solution (a) We have the eccentricity e-3 and the foci (45,0) of the hyperbola But the coordinates of the foci are (tae,0). Therefore a = 5 Then Beate —yai6(B-1}q9. Hence the Castesian equation of the xy hy rbola is —. yperbola is (b) We have the eccentricity =3 and the directrices x=24 of the hyperbola 1, But the directrices have equations x=+". Therefore a=4 3 e aay Then b? =a*(e* -1)=36. (@ }=4s. Hence the Cartesian equation of the SD Solutions Series xy hyperbola is —--2— yyperbola is S2— 6 Solution The equation of the ellipse is Thus we need to find the parameters a and 6. Since the foci are on the x-axes, their coordinates are (+ae,0). Therefore the a distance between the foci is 2ae=4. The equations of the directrices are < e a Hence the distance between the directrices is 2- = 16. Thus we have two equations e a ane ae =2 and’S =8. From the first equation we get e =~. Substituting the expression for the ¢ t0 the second equation we obtain a? = 16. Therefore a =4 and ¢ au 2 1 =16 (-4} =12. Hence the Cartesian equation of the ellipse 7 Solution Let m and m’ be the directrices 4 of the hyperbola Then for P on the curve, both fa ry PS=e-PM and PS’=e-PM’, or cir * where M and M’ are the feet of the perpendiculars from P tom S“(—ae,0) S(ae,0) *Y and m’ respectively. Therefore _ 0| 2 |PS-PS'=e|PM - PM'|=eMM’ ‘Thus |PS— PS" For the hyperbola ‘SD Solutions Series a=3. Hence |PS- PS'|=6. Since b? =72, the coordinates of the foci are (+9,0) (a) If PS =2, then |PS’-2|=6. Thus PS’ = ~ We see that PS + PS’=10. But MM’ = 18. Hence there is no such point P on the hyperbola, (b) If PS =8, then |PS’~8|=6. Thus PS’= 14. SD Solutions Series Exercise 3.2 1 Solution Hence a=4 and b=3 x (a) Caresian equation of the ellipse is == Therefore the ellipse has parametric equations x=4cos@ and y=3sind, -n 1. Hence I a 2 and b=1. Therefore the ellipse has parametric equations x=2cos® and y=sind, <2 . We ava} oe? 2 have @=n-0. Hence the equation of the chord PQ transforms into is }-o(5) Thus ~sin@-2=0. Therefore (0,0) lies on 2 a b SD Solutions Series 5 Solution (a) Chord PQ has equation x=ae, P has coordinates (acos®,bsin®). Hence e. Thus cos® 088 (b) Length of the chord PO is [bsin@ -dsin(—8)| = 2H[sin 6 = 20Vi— cos? @ = 2bVI-e . But for the ellipse +e we have b? =a(1—e*). Therefore the length of the chord PQ is 2 2.2 aa 6 Solution (a) Length of PS is f(asecO— ae)? + (btan6)* = Ya" (see@—e)' +8" tan? 0. For a 1 we have b? = a?(e?—1). Therefore the length of PS is a ya*(secO—e)? + = avsec* @—2esecO+e? +e” tan? @- tan? @ = aye? (1+ tan? 0) ~2esecO + (sec? O— tan? 6) = ave? sec @— 2esecO+1 = ay(esecO— 1)? the hyperbola (2? —1)tan? Hence the length of PS is alesec 0 — I] Length of PS’ is \(asecO+ae)? +(btan0)* = Ja*(secO +e +b? tan’ @. For the hyperbola we have b* =a"(e*—1). Therefore the length of PS’ is fa? (secO +e)? +a7(e? ~ 1) tan® © = asec? 6+ 2esecO+e? +e? tan? @—tan® 8 = aye?(1+ tan? @)+2esecO+ (sec? O- tan 6) = ave? sec’ 04 2esecO+1=ay(esccO+1)* Hence the length of PS’ is alesec® +1] (b) If P lies on the right-hand branch of the hyperbola, then -F<0 1, PS=a(esec@-1) and PS’ =a(esecO+1). Therefore PS— PS’=-2a. If P lies on the left-hand branch of the hyperbola, then -<0<-F or F<0sn Since for hyperbola e>1, PS=~a(esec@—1) and 75D Solutions Series 7 Solution (a) POQ is a right-angled triangle. ‘Therefore OP? +09? = PQ’. a? cos 0+5 sin? 0+ a? cos’ +b? sin? g = ~al a? (cos8 ~ cos$)* +57 (sin@— sing)? Then 0 =~2a? cosOcos — 2b? sin@sing (b) PAQ is a right-angled triangle, ‘Therefore AP? + AQ? = PQ?. a” (cos@— 1)? +b? sin? @+ a? (cosp—1)? +b? sin? 6 = al a” (cos®— cos)? +47 (sin ®— sing)” Then -2a* cos0 +a” - 2a” cos +a’ 2a? cos®.cos}— 2b” sinOsino B —a(esec@ +1). Therefore PS ~ PS’ = +2a. Hence |PS ~ PS’|=2a, P(acos®,bsind) ‘Qacoso,bsing) P(acos®,bsin®) A(a.0) Q(acos,bsing) ‘TSD Solutions Series > 8 Hence tan=tan® = 22 8 Solution (a) POQ is a right-angled /o(a sec 6,btan) triangle, Therefore OP? +09? = PQ* a? sec? 6+b? tan? 0+ ec? b+? ta x P(asec®,btan®) a a’ (sec 8 - sec)? +5°(tan 0 — tan)? Then = —2a? sec Osec — 2b” tan O tang e.sinOsing = ‘b) PA ht-angled ee ee P(asec0,btan8) triangle. Therefore va a(secO- 1)? +b? tan? 6+ a? (seco — 1)? +b? tan? 6 = a? (sec 8 — sec)? +57 (tanO — tang)? AP? + AQ? Then Qlaseco,btand), / 2a” sec 0+ a* ~2a" sech+a? = 2a" sec sec — 25" tan @tan ‘7SD Solutions Series 1s 9 Solution (a) If PQ is a focal chord through S(ae,0), then 101252) = onf 222), . 8 8 Expanding both cosines gives (e= Neos cos “er Dsing sing. Hence tanS tan = 122, Similarly, if PQ is a focal chord through S’(~ae,0), Then e (28.8) A see a an). 3 .P has parameter Let Q has parameter O has coordinates (/3see9,3tan@) = O(2V3,-3V3) or ff os : SD Solutions Series 16 Exercise 3.3 7 Solution (a) The tangent to the ellipse 7G 1 at the point (3,2) has equation 10 3x 15 2y 10 (c) The tangent to the hyperbola ~--2-=1 at the point (3,2) has equation iyPs 8 - ‘q y 34 _2¥ -152x—y=4, The normal to the hyperbola 3-1 at the point & 6+8 => x42y (3,2) has equation & (d) 9x? ~2y? = 18> =~ = 1. The tangent to the hyperbola 2 50! at the point (2,-3) has equation & = 1=93x+y=3. The normal to the hyperbola 9 $--2 1 atthe point (2,~3) has equation 42% =249=9x~3y=11 2 Solution (a) The tangent to the ellipse x = 6cos@, y= 2sin@ at the point where o=% has cos= ysin= xeos= ysin= 6 equation = V3x+3y=12. The normal to the ellipse 2 ‘78D Solutions Series ” x=6c0s0,y=2sin@ at the point where @ E has equation oe 22 236-429 3x-V5y= 843. cae cose sing (b) The tangent to the ellipse x = 4c0s0, y (3) x= 40080, y=2sin@ atthe point where sin@ at the point where @ ‘equation =1=9x-2y=4V2. The normal to the ellipse has equation 2 216-45 2x+ y=. z equation The normal to the hyperbola x=2secO,y=3un@ atthe point where @= ola has equation 2e caso xt iy=13, hhas equation hyperbola x=2sec®, y=4tan@ at the point where o=-5 has equation 2x ay CG =4+416=9 x~2y2y = 10V2 SD Solutions Series 3 Solution (a) The chord of contact of tangents from the point (5,4) to the ellipse 3 has equation 22 44¥ = 1 =» 5x+6y = 15. 15° 10 Bote 16° 12 (b) 3x? +4y The chord of contact of tangents from the point 6,4) to the ellipse = (6A) tothe ellipse == Ty 7} has equation = 1=9 9x+8y = 24 (©) The chord of contact of tangents from the point (1,2) to the hyperbola xy x z —-+—=1 has equation —— 6 8 a6 =1=92x-3y=12 The chord of contact of tangents from the point 2 e 2 = 1 has equation =~“ 1=9 9x-4y=18 at the point P(acos®,bsin®) has equation ax___by -= 1 atthe point (a,0) has equation x= a This a tangent meets the asymptote y= 2.x at the point (a,b) and the asymptote y = a at the point (a,b). Hence OT? = a? +b? = a*e” = OS?. Therefore OT = OS. 7 Solution ‘The tangent to the hyperbola => Gra! atthe point P(asec6,btan6) has equation a Ssec0 _ yiend 1. This tangent meets the asymptote y=2x at the point a b ) and meets the asymptote y=-—x at the point ) Hence ‘SD Solutions Series 20 * tan? @-+5? sec 8, tan? @ +b? sec? 6. ‘Therefore PM = PN 8 Solution (a) Let PQ be a chord of contact of tangents from (x,y) to the hyperbola a then x)= and the chord 1. But S(ae,0) satisfies this equation and hence PQ is a focal chord through S.. Similarly, if T lies on x=—, then PQ is a focal chord e through $“(—ae,0) (b) Let PQ. be a focal chord of the hyperbola 7-2 =1. If tangents at P and Q a e meet in T(x,,y9), then PQ has equation Xo Real. Hence if $(ae,0) lies on a © and T ties on the directrix x="; if $’(-ae,0) lies on PQ, then e e PQ, then x, a < and T lies on the directrix x= e 9 Solution (a) The hyperbola has parametric equations x=asec6 and y=btan@. Hence o. osee8 If y=mx-+k isa tangent to the hyperbola at P(asec 6,b tan) , then m 2 at P => matang—bseco=0 a P lies on y=mx+k = ma seco —btand (2) ‘78D Solutions Series uw (2)? — (1)? => m?a? (sec? — tan? >) +b? (tan* — sec? o) = k? => ma? 6? =k? (b) (2)xs009=() tang = malate" 9— tan” 9)=-ksecp=vasecg =, (2) x tang ~ (1) x sec @ = b(sec? - tan? D=-kuno51anp=—%, 2p ‘Therefore the point of contact of the tangent y= mx-+k is {te £). Now tangents from the point (1,3) to the hyperbola . i =1 have equations of the form y—3=m(x—1), that is, y= mx-+(3~m). Hence mig? ~b7 =k? =3 4m? 15 = (3m)? = 3m? + 6m—24 = 0=> (m—2)\(m+4) =0. ma? _b ee com=2,k=3-m=1 ona of ) P(-8-15), 16, 7 ma? bt or m=—4, k=3-m=7 and {me oe Hence the tangents from the point (1,3) to the hyperbola ra y =2x+1, with point of contact P(-8,-15) and y =—4x+7, with point of contact {8 2). 10 Solution ‘The chord of contact of tangents from the point (1,3) to the hyperbola =~ has equation 2-2 = l= Sx—4y = 20. Let T(x, yo) be a point of contact. Then T lies on the chord = 5%, — 45 =20, 2 T lies on the hyperbol: Bw es on the hyperbola =9 “2-22 Hence 22 —G%0=20)" «5 752 + 40x, — 128 = 0 = (7x5 — 16x +8) =0 4 16x15 TSD Solutions Series Sxy-20__ 15 or Equation of tangent at the point T(x, Yo) is from the point (1,3) to the hyperbola - =1are 16 y =—4x+7, with point of contact {2 y =2x+1, with point of contact P(-8,-15) 11 Solution Let the tangent at Po omeet x ain Q, R respectively. Let QR meet the y- axis in C. Tangent PR has equation xeos@ , ysin® _ a b —cos 6) Hence Q has coordinates (Me) sin and R has coordinates ( sases®)) sin® b(1=cos6) _b(1 + cos) 7 a(l-e)sin6 -a(l+e)sin@ — a*(1-e’ Gradient QS x gradient RS = pa) sin? @ Then 6? = a?(1—e*) => gradient QS x gradient RS OSLRS. — Similarly, replacing e by -e, QS’ L RS’. Hence QR subtends angles of 90° at each of $ and S’, and Q, S, R, S’ are concyclic, with OR the diameter of the circle through the points. The y-axis is the perpendicular bisector of the chord SS’, hence the centre of this circle is the point C where the diameter QR meets the y-axis. SD Solutions Series 2B i (22) lies on the ellipse 5 +y" =1, then QR has equation z " why and meets the y-axis in o <5) Also b? = a?(1~e?) gives e? =®, and S has "22 3° coordinates (22,0). Hence cs -B and the circle through Q, S, R, S’ has ation e+b-] B _ w2) 8 ‘SD Solutions Series 24 Exercise 3.4 1 Solution (a) For the hyperbola xy=8 we have c? =8=>c=2V2. Hence the hyperbola xy = 8 has eccentricity = V2, foci S(cV2,ev2) = S(4,4) and S"(-eV2.-c¥2) = S(-4-4), directrives| xtystev2 > xty=44, asymptotes x=0 and y=0. (b) For the hyperbola xy=16 we have c?=16=>c=4. Hence the hyperbola xy = 16 has eccentricity e= V2, foci S(cV2,eV2) = S(4V2,4V2) and S"(-c2,-cV2) = S(-4V2,-4V2), directrices xty=tev2 = xty=+4y2, asymptotes x=0 and y=0 2 Solution (a) For the hyperbola xy xty S44 xhy=-4 ysox om y $(-4V2,-4V2) we have c* =4 => c=2. Hence the hyperbola xy =4 ‘7SD Solutions Series c has parametric equations x= ct, y=—=> x= 21, y= (b) For the hyperbola xy=25 we have c? =25=>c=5. Hence the hyperbola ay = 25 has parametric equations x= ct, y= £— x=5t, y 7 3 Solution : 4 (a) The hyperbola x= 41, y -4 has Cartesian equation xy = 41-5 = 2y=16. (b) The hyperbola x= 31, y 2 has Cartesian equation xy = 3t bo xy=9. 4 Solution (a) For the hyperbola xy=8 we have c* =8. Hence the tangent to the hyperbola xy=8 at the point P(x,,y,) = P(4,2) has equation xy, + yx, =2c> => x+2y=8 i yp =o 2x~ y= 6. and the normal has equation xx, ~ yy, = (b) For the hyperbola xy =12 we have c* =12. Hence the tangent to the hyperbola xy=12 atthe = point = P(xy,y,) = P(-3—~4)—has—_ equation ay, tye =2c? = 4x+3y=-24 and ~~ the ~— normal. ~—shas_— equation xy yy Saf yf eax 4y=7, (©) For the hyperbola x 2 we have ¢=2. Hence the tangent to the hyperbola x=2t,y=— at the point where 1=4 has equation xtty=2er=pxtl6y=16 and the ~— normal ~—shas_—— equation » ={e-F)s21-29=255, 3 we have ©=3. Hence the tangent to the (d) For the hyperbola x = 3, ; == at the point where =-1 has equation hyperbola and the = normals equation xtfy=dtaxty= SD Solutions Series 26 5 Solution (a) For the hyperbola xy=10 we have c?=10. Hence the chord of contact of tangents from the point T(x,,yo)=T(2,1) to the hyperbola xy=10 has equation 2p + yp = 2c? => x+2y = 20 (Db) For the hyperbola xy = 6 we have c’ = 6. Hence the chord of contact of tangents from the point T(x,.¥))=T(-2) to the hyperbola xy=6 has equation 2c? = 2x—-y=-12. By +m, 6 Solution (a) The hyperbola xy=c? has parametric equations x=cr and y=. Hence Lif y=mex-+k is a tangent to the hyperbola at fon}, then 8 Pp. m= ap = mp? +1=0 dx a P lies on y=mx+k => mep-= > (2) Thus (2)? => m?c? p' 0. (b) (1) x £4 2) = Imep =-k > ep P 2 - Wx£-2)=2=%5£=F P p 2 : kk Therefore the point of contact of the tangent y=me+k is {EE}. Now m tangents from the point (—1,-3) to the hyperbola xy =4 have equations of the form 7SD Solutions Series 2 y+3=m(x+1), that is, y=mx+(m-3). Hence 4mc? + k* = 0 = 16m+ (m-3)? =0 => m? +10m+9 =0= (m+ I)(m+9) =0. =-l, k=m-3=-4 and {-£ Bere 2), 2m'2 kk) 2 =-9,k=2m-3=-12 and Ph -—,— |= Pi -—,-6]. om m ant -2 A} ao -2.-6} Hence the tangents from the point (—1,-3) to the hyperbola xy = 4 are x—4, with point of contact P(-2,-2) and y =-9x~12, with point of contact {2 ) 7 Solution The chord of contact of tangents from the point (—1,~3) to the hyperbola xy =4 has equation 3x+ y =-8. Let T(xp,Y) be a point of contact. Then T lies on the chord = 3x, +9 =-8, T lies onthe hyperbola => xy =4. Hence x, (-8—3x,) =4 => 3x3 +8xy +4 =0 => (3x+2)(x+2)=0 5, yy=—B-3x9= 6 oo x coXy= 2, Yq =-8- 3x» Equation of tangent at the point T(xo,o) iS x¥p + yxy = 2c?. Therefore the tangents from the point (~1,~3) to the hyperbola xy =4 are x—4, with point of contact P(-2,-2) and 6). y 9.x—12,, with point of contact A(- 5 8 Solution fF ] 1 AP 1 =, the gradient of OR is $4? = pr The gradient of PR is p=") 1 2 1 zeclsrts-— par Pg Therefore PRLQR => gradient PR x gradient QR = -1 => ‘SD Solutions Series 28 The normal at the point Hone) has gradient r?, the gradient of PQ is Ge) Since 7? p-q) Pg Pg then gradient of the normal at R equals to gradient of PQ. Thus the normal at the point R is parallel to the chord PQ. 9 Solution ‘The tangent to the hyperbola xy point afc.) has equation x +0? Hence the point T has coordinates 2 —~ * eee } The normal to the Ise Tee hyperbola xy at the point A«.2) 7 ail 7 has equation ated -4) ‘Therefore the point N has coordinates 1 P rel nat) t t (a) op? +01? => OP = PN (b) or= 2, a 2 = orxon = 4c? e t 10 Solution TSD Solutions Series 29 Since R(x. q) lies on the tangent at the ; c 2 point Flep=], then x5 + p*ys =2ep. Since R(xo.¥9) lies on the tangent at the point oe), then x +9?y) =2cq. q. Thus x) =22% and yy=—%. Then pt+q ptq OR has equation y=22. a The point M(x,,y,) lies on OR. Therefore = y, =. Since PQ is the chord of contact of tangents from the point R(x, yp), then Pq PQ has equation xy + yx =2c?. M(x,,y,) lies on PQ. Hence + y, =c2*4 Pq Pq Thus y, = i(é+4) and x, = +(cp+cq). Therefore M is the midpoint of PQ. pa 11 Solution Let R has coordinates (x9,y)- PQ is the chord of contact of tangents from R to the hyperbola xy =9. Hence PQ has equation xyp + yx, =18. Then (6,2) lies on PQ. ‘Therefore x +3yy =9. Thus the locus of R has equation x+3y=9. 12 Solution Let R has coordinates (x,y). PQ is the chord of contact of tangents from R to the hyperbola xy =c?. Hence PQ has equation xyp + yxq = 2c*. Then (a,0) lies on PQ. ‘ 2c* ‘Therefore ayy =2c*. Thus the locus of R has equation y = ——— a ‘TSD Solutions Series Diagnostic test 3 1 Solution For the ellipse we have a=2,b=V3>b we have a=2, b= 23 B=aX(e?~1)" eccentricity: & foci: (4ae,0) = (44,0), asymptotes: 3 Solution If P lies on the ellipse =I with the foci S(ae0) and S’(—ae,0), then ee ‘TSD Solutions Series 31 2 PS + PS’ =2a. For the ellipse i a 1 we have @=3. Hence if PS =2, then PS'=6-2=4 4 Solution Since foci of a hyperbola are on the x-axes, then the equation of the hyperbola is . Thus we need to find the parameters a and b. Coordinates of the foci are (4ae,0). Therefore the distance between the foci is 2ae=16. The equations of the directrices are x=". Hence the distance between the directrices is 2 e a Thus we have two equations ae =8 and “= 2. From the first equation we get e e Substituting the expression for the e to the second equation we obtain a? = 16. Therefore a=4 and e=—=2. Then b? =a7(e? ~1) =16-(4-1)=48. Hence the 2 ye x Cantesi tion of the hyperbola is —--2— ‘artesian equation of the hyperbola is = § Solution (a) Cartesian equation of the ellipse is 1, Hence a@=3 and Therefore the ellipse has parametric equations x=3cos® and y= —n 51 we have b? =a7(e?~1). Therefore the length of the chord PQ is ee 8 Solution (a) Length of PS is y(acos@— ae)? + (bsin9)* = ya? (cos®—e)* +b’ sin? @. For the x 2 a? (cos0 - e)? +a? (1—e)sin? 8 = av cos? 0 - 2ecos@ +e? + sin® 6 ~e? sin? 8 = ay{(cos* @ + sin? @) —2ecos0 + *(1~sin® 0 Hence the length of PS is a(1~ecos@) Length of PS’ is (acos6-+ae)? + (bsin®)’ = a*(cos0 +e)" +b? sin? 6 ellipse = 1 we have b? = a?(1—e*). Therefore the length of PS is @ av/1—2ecos0 +e? cos’ 8 in? @ . For the 2 ellipse = 1 we have b? =a?(1—e”). Therefore the length of PS’ is ‘SD Solutions Series 3B ala? (cos8 +e)? +.a?(1—e?) sin? @ = avcos’ 8 + 2ecos0 +e? + sin? @—e" sin? = ay{(cos* 8+ sin? 8) + 2¢.cos@+e*(1-sin’ ) = aV1+2ecosO-+e* cos? 8 = ayl+ ecos6)* Hence the length of PS’ is a(1+ecos®) (b) PS + PS’ = a(1~ecos®) +a(1+ecos6) = 2a 9 Solution (a) The tangent to the ellipse > > 1 at the point (2,1) has equation ay? 2x ,Y <1) x+2y=4. The normal to the ellipse at 8 at the point (2,1) has equation 2-2 8-2=92x-y=3 (b) The tangent to the ellipse x=4c0s0, y=2sin@ at the point where 6 “5 has Ro roost ysin> 1=x42V3y=8. The normal to the ellipse ation equ a x=4c0s0, y=2sin@ atthe point where & has equation 16-4 6x- Vy =9 zk cost sin 3 2 (6) The tangent to the hyperbola = pe at the point (4,3) has equation ay 42 _ 39 2153x-y=9. The normal to the hyperbola 5 Fy u! at the point 12.27 (43) has equation me 2 2427 => xt3y=13. (d) The tangent to the hyperbola x = 3sec®, y = 6tan@ at the point where @ = a has equation =34x-y=6V3. The normal to the hyperbola TSD Solutions Series =3secO, y=6tan@ atthe point. where as equation +36 x+4y=10V3 10 Solution (a) The chord of contact of tangents from the point (4,3) to the ellipse > 4x. 3y has equation “* +22 = 1 x43y= eq aa y (b) The chord of contact of tangents from the point (2,1) to the hyperbola 2x_y =1h: tion XX = 1 9x-2y = 54 as equation => 3 = Le 9x—2y 11 Solution The tangent to the ellipse 1 at the point P(acos®,bsin®) has equation xcos® , ysin® a b = Point X has coordinates (asec8,0) and point Y has coordinates (0,bcosec®). Hence PX? = (acos®-asec6)? +5? sin? @ = a’ sin? 6 tan? 6 +5" sin 6, Py? a’ cos? 6+ (bsin® — bosec 8)” = a* cos” @+b? cos? Bcot? 6. PX _ Ytan’ 6(a’ sin? @ +5? cos? 8) Therefore —— = = =tan?6. If P is an extremity of a PY eot® a" sin® 6 +5" cos? 8) PX latus rectum, then acos® = tae. Thus cos = te. Hence — 12 Solution The normal to the hyperbola =; 1 at the point P(asec®,b tan) has equation a’ ax by _ aye at ——+—7 =a’ +b*. Point X has coordinates sec@,0} and point ¥ has sec tan® ‘SD Solutions Series 35 coordinates ee tan| 0}. Hence ee : : me -(o-2 a } sec?0-+D? tan? O= 2 sec? 0+? tan? 0 = > (b%sec? 0 +a? tan’ 0) @ @ 7 ‘ 2 ) tan? 0 = a? sec? 0 +5 tan? @ ae sec* @+a” tan’) 13 Solution For the hyperbola xy =18 we have ch =18=>c=3V2. Hence the hyperbola xy = 18 has eccentricity e = 2, foci S(c¥2,cV2) = S(6,6) and S%-eV2.-cV2) = S(-6,-6), directrices x+ystev2 = x+y=36, asymptotes x=0 and y=0 14 Solution (a) For the hyperbola xy=9 we have c? = 9=> c=3. Hence the hyperbola xy=9 sxa3hy= has parametric equations x = et, y= ¢ 2. (b) The hyperbola z= 5, y=5 has Cartesian equation xy =5 Zoom ars. ‘SD Solutions Series 36 15 Solution (a) For the hyperbola xy=6 we have c? Hence the tangent to the hyperbola xy =6 at the point P(x,,y,) = P(3,2) has equation xy, + yx, = 2c? => 2x+3y=12 and the normal has equation xx, — yy, = x} — yj} = 3x-2y =5 (b) For the hyperbola x=4r, y we have c=4. Hence the tangent to the at the point where 1 hyperbola. x= 4r, y has equation xt =2ct=px+dy=16 and the ~— normal «=—has_——eqquation (c) For the hyperbola xy =4 we have c? =4, Hence the chord of contact of tangents from the point T(xp.y9)=T(2,-1) to the hyperbola xy=4 has equation 0p +My #207 = +2 =8 16 Solution The tangent to the hyperbola xy=c? at the point Aa.) has equation ate =2ct. Hence the point X has coordinates (2ct,0) and the point ¥ has es 2c) coordinates (o +) t (a) PX? = (a2? «($) e(e + and A 2 aife PX =o +[E- a0 (b) The area of AYOX is L-ox or=3 2ct aac Thus the area of AYOX is independent of 7SD Solutions Series 37 Further questions 3 1 Solution ‘The tangent to the ellipse xeos0 , ysind a é (a) The point A has dy coordinates (asec 0,0) and the point X has coordinates (acos®,0). Hence OX OA =acos0-asec@=a? (b) The point B has coordinates (O,bcosec6) and the point Y has coordinates (0,bsin@). Hence OY-OB = bsin8-beosec@ =b*. (©) Since $ has coordinates (ae,0), then ST Since S’ has coordinates (-ae,0), then ‘Therefore 78D Solutions Series 2 Solution 1 at the point P(asec®,b tan) has equation ‘The tangent to the hyperbola xsec@_ytan® a b (a) The point A has coordinates (acos6,0) and the point X has coordinates (asec®,0). Hence OX -OA = asec®-acos® =a? (b) The point B has coordinates (0,-bcot®) and the point Y has coordinates (0,btan). Hence OY- OB = btan8-beor 8 =b* (©) Since’ $ has coordinates (ae,0), then ST= Since S’ has coordinates (—ae,0), then a” ‘TSD Solutions Series 39 3 Solution 2 The normal to the ellipse + @ ral at the point P(acos®,bsin®) has b?. The equation cos point G — has —_ coordinates ( es ? Thus OG = e’ON (b) Since the focus $ has coordinates (ae,0), ab then SG=|ae- cos@| = ae(1 - ecos®) a and SP = y(ae-acos0)? +5? sin? @ = = av 1—2ec0s0 +e? cos* @ = a(1—ecos6) Hence SG = eSP.. Since the focus S’ has coordinates (-ae,0), (e—cos6)? +(1~e") sin? 6 then $ cud = ae(1+ecos6) and S‘P = (~ae— acos0)* +b? sin®@ = aye + cos6)* +(1—e*)sin®® = av/1+2e.cos6 +e" cos? 0 = a(1+ ecos8) Hence S’G = eS’P 7SD Solutions Series 40 4 Solution The normal to the hyperbola P(asec6,btan6) at the point P(asec®,btan6) has equation, sare, sec@ tan@ 2 eb? 7 . . The point G has coordinates (: 0] a . 2p? (a) The point N has coordinates (asec®,0). Therefore OG [ON . But for a eet, the hyperbola 8 = a*(e? 1) 32% = 6+. thus OG = ON. a (b) Since the focus S has coordinates (ae,0), a? 4b? then SG = and SP = \(ae—asec®)’ +b" tan’ 6 = ay(e~sec®)? +(e? — 1) tan? = avi 2esecO +e” sec? = all —esec | Jae sec 6) = ae|t—esec 0] Hence SG = eSP.. Since the focus S’ has coordinates (~ae,0), ee then so-boet e st] adres @ and S’P = .j(-ae—asec)? +b? tan? @ = ay(e + sec)” +(e? —I)tan?@ =avl+2esec0 +e? sec? @ all+ esec0| Hence S’G=eS’P, 7SD Solutions Series a 5 Solution The tangent to the ellipse atthe point /P(acos0,bsin®) P(acos®,bsin®) has equation xo0s0 , ysin® -zsin® a 6 point @ has coordinates Hence the (0,bcosec 8). Thus the gradient of beosec® ae Qs’ is The gradient of asin® = at the point P(acos®,bsin®) is beos8 the normal to the ellipse P lies at an extremity of a latus rectum through the focus S(ae,0),, then cos@ =e and sind = vie? =2. Therefore the gradient of gs’ is 2.2=4 a aebe and the gradient of bea the normal at P is © Hence the normal at P is parallel to OS’ bea e 6 Solution ‘The tangent to the ellipse 1 at the point P(acos6,bsin®) has equation xcos@ | ysin® 7 + b . Hence the point R has coordinates (« Hees) Thus the sin@ gradient of OR b0=c0s8) The gradient of =A’P is asind sind ___bsin8(1~cos0) __ bsinO(1--c0s8) _ H(1=0059) therefore OR a(cos8+1) a(cos0+I)(1—cos8) —_a(1—cos* 6) asind ‘SD Solutions Series 2 is parallel to A’P 7 Solution The tangent to the ellipse x?+2y7=19 at the point P(xy,y9) has equation 7 2X9 +2yVo = 19. If this tangent is parallel to x+6y=5, then ae 6 = yy = 3Xp- o Since the point P(xy,y) lies on the ellipse, then xj +2y;=19. Therefore x3 +2-9x3 = 19 => x3 = 1. Hence the tangents to the ellipse x7 +2y? =19 are x+6y=19, with point of contact P(1,3) and x+6y =~19, with point of contact P(-1,~3) 8 Solution The tangent to the hyperbola 2x?-3y?=5 at the point P(x,,y,) has equation 2xxy—3yYo = 5. If this tangent is parallel to 8x = 9y Since the point P(x,,yo) lies on the hyperbola, then 2xj-3y2 =5. Therefore a 9 2x5 - 3, 16 8x—9y =5, with point of contact P(4,3) and xg =5=> x} = 16. Hence the tangents to the hyperbola 2x* -3y? = 5 are 8x—9y =~5, with point of contact P(-4,-3). 9 Solution The tangent to the hyperbola x?~y*?=7 at the point P(x, yo) has equation ; 4 2X» — Wo = 7. If this tangent is parallel to 3y = 4x, then 2% za Since Yo the point P(x,,¥q) lies. on the hyperbola, then x? —y? Therefore 2 92 2 2 29 —7g43 = 759.44 =16. Hence the tangents to the hyperbola =7 are 4x—3y=7, with point of contact P(4,3) and 4x~3y=~7, with point of contact P(-4,-3) ‘SD Solutions Series 43 10 Solution ‘The tangent to the ellipse 8x*+3y?=35 at the point P(xo,y,) has equation 8xx,+3yy)=35. The point (23) lies on this tangent. So 7 10x, +15y =35= yo = ~ 2a. Since the point P(x,,¥9) lies on the ellipse, then 8x) +3yp = 35. 7.2.) ‘Therefore ages (2 3) = 35 => 28xj — 28x) —56= 0 = (x) -2)(xy +1) =0 Hence the tangents to the ellipse 8x? + 3y* = 35 from the point G ) are 16x-+3y =35, with point of contact P(2,1) and 8x +9y =35, with point of contact P(—1,3). 11 Solution ‘The tangent to the hyperbola x’-9y?=9 at the point P(x,,y,) has equation X%y-9yyp=9. The point (3,2) lies on this tangent. So 3x9 — 18 =9 = %) = 3+ 6y0. Since the point P(x),¥9) lies on the hyperbola, then 23-999 = . Therefore (3+ 6y9)? —9yg =9 => By} +4, =0=> yo (By +4) 0. ‘Hence the tangents to the hyperbola x? - 9y? = 9 from the point (3,2) are x =3, with point of contact P(3,0) and -5x+12y=9, with point of contact ct ‘7SD Solutions Series 44 12 Solution The chord PQ of the ellipse yh Placosd,bsind) 1 has equation Zod 949) 42 sin FA8) en aaa pfAled), a 2 b 2 2 x where P, Q have parameters 0, Q(acosd,bsing) 9. The chord PQ cuts the x-axis en 258 po 22) =o ran Sen (ene 2 2 7 2 bsind b a(eos@-1) a at point 7(1,0). So The gradlent of AP is cot and the gradient of AQ is bsind ob , a =n = ~2eord. If the chord PQ subtends a right angle at the point A, then : Treefore “cater a ei gradient AP x gradient AQ e 1 => tan=tan 2 « But for the ellipse 5? = a?(1-e”). Thus ey So PQ passes through a fixed point 10] on the x-axis, +e 13 Solution The normal to the ellipse +2 oe at the point P(acos®,bsin8) has b equation ~b?. The cos@ sin@ point G has coordinates ( cw00) Therefore a ‘TSD Solutions Series 4S =") cos? +5? sin? 0 =" (6? cos" 6+? sin®Q). a a PG? -(e- But for the ellipse 6? = a?(1—e?). Hence PG? =a"(i~e?)(1—e? cos? 0) From the other side PS? = a?(e—cosb)" +b? sin? @ = a?(1—2ecos8 +e” cos? 8) = a?(1-ecos®)*, PS’? = a*(e+cos8)* +b? sin? @ = a?(1+2ec0s0 +e? cos? 0) = a*{1 + ec0s8)? ‘Thus PG? = (1—e*)-a(1—ecos®)-a(1+ecos®) = (1?) PS: PS’. 14 Solution ‘The tangent to the hyperbola ane 3 -25=1 at the point ab P(asec®,btan8) has equation xsecO_ ytan@ a b The point T has coordinates (0,-beot 8). The normal to the hyperbola at the point P(asec®,btan@) has equation 49 = a? 45. The point G has coordinates sec * tand 2 yp tap (02 1 sm). So gradient SG x gradient ST = 27% tang. 258 Since for 2 mae 2 atte? , a+b? the hyperbola b* = a*(e? ~ 1) then gradient SG x gradient ST =~“ >? =—1. Thus ae SGALST and consequently GT subtends a right angle at focus S. Similarly on _ gradient $’G x gradient ST = 22" tang. POm8 ._ +b bae ae ae’ ‘Thus S’GLS'T and consequently GT subtends a right angle at focus S’. Therefore $,G,S’,T are concyclic with GT the diameter of the circle through the points. ‘78D Solutions Series 46 15 Solution appt ) sec| 90} Since the a b asymptotes have equations y = +- a x, then the point Q has coordinates (asec0,tbsec®) Thus the_~— gradient’ «—of on is {(a mbsecO {( — a}=8] ™ Therefore @N is perpendicular to the a asymptote. 16 Solution 5 b Let @ denotes the smallest angle from positive x-axis to the asymptote y=—x a x x 7 Then «= 29 when @S, or &= 7-29 when >. Therefore tance = tan 2g] b rang |_[26 (, a j-tan? 9] |a 2ab Since tan} = then tana. 17 Solution at the point afeut ) Let the point Q, R have coordinates (x,y,) and (x,,y,) respectively. Since Q, R lie on the hypesbola x? — ) then OF = 4D) Of — 9) = 09 Om Na +) = (91-2 + Ye) ro} The points Q, R lie on the normal to the hyperbola. Therefore N=% t(%, - 2) — ‘TSD Solutions Series 47 (2) . HG $x,)- 2 = @ ‘Substituting (2) into (1), we obtain tm = POV +I) (4) 2, L ‘Then B.A) = PO.+ ¥)- FO tn) = © Using (5) we get from (4) x +x, =2ct © Thus, according to (5) and (6), ihe midpoint of QR has coordinates («<). Hence A the point Aa) is the midpoint of QR. 18 Solution The normal to the hyperbola xy=c? at the point end) has equation 7 ={e-3). The point da) lies on the normal. Hence = q. e_f{p_4 2 ; teq—En di -4)5 (0 {iso Since QP, then q #1. Therefore 1 q=—7y and Q has coordinates (-S-<") ‘The point er ? :) lies on the circle on PQ as diameter. Hence gradient RP x gradient RQ = -1. But gradient of RP is 1 ¢ ‘. 12-1 and gradient of RQ is dt-1).1 _--+. rus coy ee teers yaar req) cr-q) org ? Therefore r=—t, because t=r=- +. since g=—-, then 7 19 7SD Solutions Series 48 R# P. Sothe point R has coordinates ( ct 19 Solution If M(2,y) is the midpoint of AP, then x= F(ceco+) and y=e-r[u 3h) 0. Since Q# P, then q #1. Therefore 4 a=-$ and @ has coordinates ( *). If M(x,y) is the midpoint of PQ, then a and (8) We obtain from (7), (8) that 2 : - Substituting this formula for 1? into (7), we get (-2-4) = Pa) ary eet(at yt) = apy» 7 4y xty’ ‘Therefore the locus of M has equation 4x°y? +¢?(x? — y?)? = ‘7SD Solutions Series

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