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Group role inventory

Who in your group,

including yourself, most
likely to:
Take initiative, propose ideas, get
things started?
Sit back and wait passively for
others to lead?
Express feelings most freely,
frankly, openly?

Who in your group,

including yourself, most
likely to:
Keep feelings hidden, reserved,
Show understanding of others feeling?
Be wrapped up in personal concerns
and not very responsive to others?
Interrupt others when they are

Who in your group,

including yourself, most
likely to:

Give you a feeling of encouragement,

warmth, friendly interest and support?
Conversely privately with others while
another member is speaking to the
Criticize, put people on their guard?
Feel superior to other members?
Be listen to by everyone while speaking?

Who in your group,

including yourself, most
likely to:

Feel inferior to other members?

Contribute good ideas?
Contradict, disagree, argue, raise
Agree or conform with whatever is said?

Matrix of Role Inventory

Develop a matrix as an assessment
of group potential (who is who)
Use as training and development
need analysis

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