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WOODROW WILSON HIGH SCHOOL, JROTC 1401 ELMHURST LANE PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA 23701 MEMORANDUM FOR WHOM ITMAY CONCERN: SUBJECT: Support letter for Ms. Shelia Bowser 12 April 2016 1. Itis my pleasure to know and have the opportunity to work with Ms. Shelia Bowser, while ‘working as one of the school’s Instructor Assistant of the Woodrow Wilson High School. 2. Ms. Bowser’s professionalism and dedication to duty are in keeping with the values that the JROTC Cadets and Staff believe; loyalty, respect, duty, selfless service, honor. integrity and personal courage, She is truly ore that all others could emulate. Her willingness and initiative to extend that extra effort contributed immeasurable to the overall success of the JROTC program. 3. Ms. Bowser not only performed her duties as an Instructor Assistant, she also provided superb support to the JROTC program. She is totally responsible for our four resource Cadets assigned to JROTC. This is a program that has been in place for over four years. The program allows students here at Wandraw Wilson High School, who would not normally associate with the standard high school core and elective classes, to participate in JROTC with the same standards as all other Cadets assigned to JROTC. Ms. Bowser has been fully dedicated since September 2014 to present. 4. Her responsibilities include, but not limited to, ensuring that the four Cadets wear their uniform to standard each week, ensuring that they are present for class, to inelude drilling, «uniform inspection and physical fitness. She also communicates to the parents of the Cadets to ensure that the Cadets are afforded the same opportunities as the rest of the Cadets such as attending the JROTC Annual Ball, marching in parades and many other events. In fact Ms. Bowers is the reason one of the four Cadets have earned a volunteer cord for participating in ten or more events in support of JROTC. She has to be commended for the Outstanding Job and support she provided, ensuring that all task were accomplished to standards. Her selflessness and dedication to mission accomplishment demonstrates outstanding achievement and reflects grcat credit upon herself, JROTC and Woodrow Wilson High School. 5. Ms. Bowser has truly served as a professional and anyone fortunate to have the privilege to work with her will be fortunate indeed. 6. POC for this stion is ISG(R) Caldwell, 757-465-2947, Ronald.caldwell@pps.k12.. (ONAl f Avelf ISG(R), USA JROTC Army Instructor Lats.

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