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F0180238 0045E893
Money max
20326444 1000000A
Get 1024x experience for beating an enemy
203B6BC4 0002AA80
LP 256x
203B6C5C 14400035
203B6C70 14400030
203B6C88 1440002A
203B6C9C 14400025
203B6CBC 1440001D
203B6CC4 1220001B
203B6CE0 14620014
203B6D28 10400002
203B6D34 00031200
ALL the weapons in your inventory
20326334 0803F800
200FE500 3C03004C
200FE504 3C0205F5
200FE508 080C98CE
200FE0C0 3C020055
200FE0C4 34426300
200FE0C8 240500C8
200FE0CC 24010063
200FE0D0 24061000
200FE0D4 24C500C8
200FE0D8 A04510BC
200FE0DC 2442A000
200FE0E0 A0411028
200FE0E4 24426000
200FE0E8 A446024C
200FE0EC 24420002
200FE0F0 24C60001
200FE0F4 14C5FFF9
Master Code
9045E890 0C118559

HDL Support
203B2BBC 24040000
203B2CC8 24040000
99,999,999 Gil
2054AA08 05F5E0FF
Always get 1024 LP after each kill
202ED200 00000000
Always get 102400 EXP after each kill
202ED1DC 00000000
Unlimited Chocobo ride time
20302958 3C01461C
Quick Action (CT=0)
2030D8E4 AEB5070C
2030D8E8 AE150030
Get all Magic & Technique
40551A70 00040001
FFFFFFFF 00000000
All Bazaar Goods appears after selling any item
202F0B7C 38020063
Steal always successful and always get all possible items (Thief's Cuff not required)
203CE198 00000000
203CE1D8 00000000
203CE214 00000000
203CE170 00000000
Enemies drop all loots that they have
20317830 00000000
20317878 109E0004
2031789C 109E0004
202ED3B8 00000000
Press R2+L3 to activate 5x move speed
Press L2+R2+L3 to activate 12x move speed
Press L2+L3 to restore normal move speed
D056E5DC 0000FEFD

2025D0E8 3C0142D7
D056E5DC 0000FDFD
2025D0E8 3C0141A7
D056E5DC 0000FCFD
2025D0E8 3C014107
Every enemy drops Seitengrate (224ATK bow)
1CA8FB64 3853D757
Every enemy drops Gendarme (90DEF shield with all element absorption)
1CA8FB64 3853D7DD
Every enemy drops Trango Tower (153ATK sword)
1CA8FB64 3853D756
1-Hit-KO any enemy. (Game will crash when encounter Rogue Tomato)
202F5154 24150000
All enemies Immoblize + Disable (can't attack and can't move)
Down + Start to activate
Left + Start to deactivate
202F5150 24020060
D056E5DC 0000FFB7
202F5154 A2020019
D056E5DC 0000FF77
202F5154 00000000
202F5158 24020000
Poach always success
R2 + Up to activate
R2 + Down to deactivate
203C2F0C 10000009
203C48B0 10000006
D056E5DC 0000FDBF
203CE3C4 00000000
D056E5DC 0000FDEF
203CE3C4 10000010
Invincible (Game will crash if you wear any equip with element absorption)
203C92C8 80990005
203C92CC 13200004
203CA020 80990005
203CA024 13200004

Can re-select job

Open License panel, select a character, press Square, select another job then press
D17936E4 00000058
217936EC 00000000

Master Code
9044BEA0 0C112F50
Max Gil <= Se+Lt (press Select+D_pad_Left buttons simultaneously =>
99,999,999 Gil)
E001FF7E 0056E5DC
//if(buttons_inverted == 0xFF7E) //Select & D_pad_Left
pressed ?
2054AA08 05F5E0FF
// money = 99999999;
Exp rate *= 1,K,M <= Se+Dn,Rt,Up (3 combos to set Experience gain rate
E001FFBE 0056E5DC
//if(buttons_inverted == 0xFFBE) //Select & D_pad_Down
pressed ?
203B6BC4 0002A800
// Exp_opcode = no_shift_opcode // Use original values
E001FFDE 0056E5DC
//if(buttons_inverted == 0xFFDE) //Select & D_pad_Right
pressed ?
203B6BC4 0002AA80
// Exp_opcode = 10_shift_opcode // Use multiplier 2^10
E001FFEE 0056E5DC
//if(buttons_inverted == 0xFFEE) //Select & D_pad_Up
pressed ?
203B6BC4 0002AD00
// Exp_opcode = 20_shift_opcode // Use multiplier 2^20
LP rate *= 1,32,999 <= R3+Dn,Rt,Up (3 combos to set LP gain rate multiplier)
E001FFBB 0056E5DC
//if(buttons_inverted == 0xFFBB) //R3 & D_pad_Down
pressed ?
202ED1CC 0040902D
// LP_opcode = original_code
// Use original values
E001FFDB 0056E5DC
//if(buttons_inverted == 0xFFDB) //R3 & D_pad_Right
pressed ?
202ED1CC 00029178
// LP_opcode = 5_shift_opcode
// Use multiplier 2^5
E001FFEB 0056E5DC
//if(buttons_inverted == 0xFFEB) //R3 & D_pad_Up pressed
202ED1CC 000292B8
// LP_opcode = 10_shift_opcode2 // Use multiplier 2^10
NB1: The changed rates will remain set as for the most recently used combos
for the remainder of that game session.
NB2: LP values displayed on screen when an enemy is slain only reflect
values before multiplication. But it is the multiplied values that are added
to each characters' accumulated LP count.
NB3: LP gains are always limited to a maximum value of 999 LP. So even if the
normal LP reward for an enemy should give a product in the thousands, you'll
never get more than 999 LP per kill.

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