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Client has consider 'Quickbook' interface for entering and matching datas.

So, p
lease look at quickbook interface. We need to the following pages
Before Login
1. Login
2. Forgot Password
After Login - We shows the menu's item in left side. Every listing page we show
data using data table with 4 to 5 columns.
1. Users (Listing/Add/Edit/View/Delete)
Listing Page Fields : Select All,First name, Email Address, Status (Active/In
active), Action. Under 'Action' column we shows 'View, Edit & Delete' pages link
Add Page Form Fields : First name, Email Address, Password, Confirm Password,
Select Role (Super Admin, Corporate Admin)
2. Clients (Add/View/Search)
Listing Page Fields : Select All, First name,Account no,Secret key,Status, Ac
3. Accounts (Listing/Review/Search)
Listing page fields : Name, Address,No of transactions, Action
4. Investments (Add/Review/Associates/Search)
5. Subscriptions (Add/View/Search)
6. Cash Matches
7. Tax Reporting
Username: matrixcapital_apiuser
Password: dr7QkYM6
1. What's the difference between Account & Portfolio in BD?
2. Is there multi BD account integrate to corporate admin?
3. What are the input fields we provide in Portfolio & Accounts form?. We tried
to get the inputs from API. But most of the portfolio's don't have much more inf
Our Suggestion

Portfolio ID (Unique)
Name (String)
Address (String)
Advisor (String)
Account Form
Portfolio ID
Account ID
Acc Name
Acc No

- (Unique Manually we generate in PIM)

- (String)
- Schwab OR Millenium Account no - It should be one to one relat

Chief Investment Officer
CCO Chief Compliance Officer
CS Client Services and Reporting
CS+ - Indicates that CS/CIO/CCO will have the ability to perform these tasks.
Each BD have an multiple portfolio account. We consider portfolio as a client.

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