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Foreshadowing - the hinting at things to come through early elements of a story. Mimesis - mimicry. A story, for example, may mimic the gasping breath of a pursued protagonist by using short, sharp, sentences and lots of aspirant alliteration. Pastiche — a piece of art or writing that imitates a form or genre to generate humour, Satire ~ a piece of writing or art that pokes fun at the societal establishment. Neologism — a newly invented word. Portmanteau — a newly invented word, created by merging two words together, for ‘example snozcumber (from schnoz and cucumber) or chillax (from ‘chill out’ and ‘relax’). ‘Compound words — a word created by utilising two existing words separated by a hyphen, e.g. global-village, bone-headed, to go-straight. There are compound versions of nouns, adjective, adverbs, verbs. Clipping — colloquial omission of parts of words to create a more casual alternative, eg. ‘cause, bra, pram. Rhetoric — an example of persuasive language, arguably including advertising. Stereotype — a label for a social group, utilising certain characteristics of group members and applying it to everyone within the grouping. Taboo language — words that are considered socially unacceptable to say in polite, civilised society, e.g. swear words or words that are politically incorrect. Connotation ~ the associations that can be gleaned from words. Denotation - the literal meaning of the words. Irony ~ language that conveys a meaning other to than that literally expressed by the words, usually for humorous effect. Sarcasm — the use of language in an ironic way with the express purpose of offending or wounding the recipient in some way. Euphemism — the polite way to say something not normally considered socially appropriate, usually to refer to going to the toilet, death etc. /meed a tinkle, Ineed the little boys’ room, he’s pushing up daisies, she’s gone to meet her maker. Dysphemism — an unnecessarily extreme way of saying something, not normally socially appropriate. It could incorporate taboo language or contain too much

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