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UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture & Spirasi Student Graduation



JUNE 2016 AT 9.30AM

Spirasi an introduction
Spirasi was founded in 1999 by the Spiritan Congregation (Holy Ghost Fathers).
Spirasi works with asylum seekers and refugees who have been victims of torture in
their countries of origin.
We see people on a daily basis, who have been tortured because of their political
views, religion, sexual orientation, family associations, or simply because they spoke
out about human rights abuses. We provide Medical, Therapeutic and Social
supports as well as offering English Language, Art and I.T. classes to torture victims.
In 2015 Spirasi assisted 600 victims of torture from across Ireland, and since it
began this work, Spirasi has assisted almost 4,000 victims of torture in total.

United Nations International Day in support of

Victims of torture
Every year, at the end of June Spirasi celebrate the UN Day for Survivors of Torture.
This day is about raising awareness and showing victims of torture that they are not
alone. The day is attended by victims and their families, Spirasi staff and invited
guests. The event itself, features guest speakers (including Bergen-Belsen
Concentration camp survivor Tomi Reichenthal), video presentations, live music,
poetry and inspiring words from torture victims themselves. The event itself will start
at 10.00 with light refreshments being served at 09.30am
The second part of the event of starting at 11.30, is a Graduation ceremony for
students, who undertook classes in Spirasi during the previous academic year

This years event will take place in St Patricks college Drumcondra.

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