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: i ; , \ ~ Sales

V ' I Y i T % Encland
: i i u > ~ Si i c s PI:. LI~ITLL:
Kothrchl!~! Arcnue, I i o \ e k ~ e ~SSW'
~ i . 7018, A u s ~ ~ ~ l ~ ; , .
h 4 i:r)ih Srrccr. London




2"., -,,r:

:,i :hi: p~t\.ltcnr~onby s n v means i n c l i ~ d ~ n ~

rrhorocopy~nr!> 2n ~nfrtngcnienrof copyrieht
r . , ~r~i i )o r ~lras hren mad< ro ionricr tile
~c1:11.11~11:owners oi rhc songs ~ c p ~ o d u c e:I,d
rh;s ic,i,l<, hut somc could nor h r traced.
V:: would be p,lrciul if the coprrirhr o v n e r i
,r,ncc;nrd n,ooid conrai: us.
Ainrrc .I:-ranged b r Dcrel: J i l n r s ,

rnccpr PICJesrl arranger] by Roqrr Day

h ~ l u ~~l i~ O C C S S/ I ?C Paul
Exilrrs h l u s ~ rDesign
?;inred 11: Great Brit,an bv
P r i n r n i ~ c'Harcriliili L ~ m l r e d S. ~ t f f o l k .
'i'onr Cruaranrer of Quality.
A: publishers, i7:r srrive to produce evrr! book
to rhr hipbcst cornrnerr~alsrandards.
lVhil-I endmvourins to ret;un the <ltlginal l u n n ; ilrdcr
of the recorded alhilm. rhe book has been careiullr d c s ~ g n e d
t o mlnlmise zn,l:uard p q e rurlis and tn make playlnr.
horn l t B rral pleasure.
Parrlcula; care has been given rn sprc~fvingacld-free,
nerlrral-sczed paprr made irom pulps which have no, b r e ~ l
clernenral chlorine blcached
This pulp I S from farmed susta~nabirfortsrs and
n a ' produced u.1t1, spccial rpyard for rhe envirnnment.
Throuohour. the prinr~ngand hintilng have heen planned l o
ensure 3 F I I I T ~BY~ I,T B C ~ I Yp,tblic~tlon
u . h ~ c hshould
g i , ~v r a r s of enlorment.
If "our copy fails ro rnret our high standards,
please inform i l s and we mill gladly r e l ~ l t c c~r
M ~ s i cSales' cornpleie caralogur describes ihourands
of rirlrs and is avnilohle in iull colour seercon, by suhlccr
d ~ r e c rfrom MUSK Sales Llrnlrrd.
Plcdse stare r o u r areas of lnreresr and send a
cheque/posrai order iof f 1.50 for postapr ro
,Vuslr ';llr? Llnlited, Neumarker Road.
Bury St Edmund:, Suffolk IP73 3'i.B.

The songs fmm the album.

Complete voice, piano 8 guitar arrangements
Wih chord symbols 8 lyrics.

Wise Publl

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