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Exam 1 HR Management IBA36510

Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6
1. Describe and provide many details on the history of diversity and inclusion in the United
States workplace.
2. Define Sarbanes-Oxley Act and then provide the implications it has on U.S. corporations.
3. List, define and provide examples of each potential discriminating practice described in
chapter 3.
4. Define and provide examples as well as the differences between scientific management
and employee motivation theories.
5. List, describe and discuss current issues regarding employee rights.
6. What is the philosophy behind job analysis, what are the steps and how does a company
implement each step?
7. List and describe the different theories of creating better jobs through job design.
8. What are the external and internal ways to recruit employees? What is the advanatage and

disadvantage of each?

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