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What I learnt was that the steps of first

language acquisition. In the first step to send

their messages babies babble coo and cry, in the
second step (when they reach the end of their
first year) they make specific attempts to make
imitation, by about 18 months of age they make
telegraphic utterances (all gone milk), by about
age three children can comprehend linguistic
input, at school age children also learn what not
to say. I also learned about behavioristic
approach. It deals with publicly observable
responses so its limitation is abstract aspect of
language (what goes in mind). Moreover, we
learned about nativist approach. Chomsky
accepted the existence of innate knowledge;
according to him this innate knowledge is
embodied in a language acquisition device.
According to LAD we are born with a genetic
capacity and in both English and Turkish we make
similar mistakes and we make these mistakes in
a systematic way.

What I had difficulty in figuring out was

almost nothing everything was clear enough to

I suppose I need to focus more on again

improving my English.

I believe I may use nativist approach in my

teaching. Because it is free of the restrictions and
it gives great importance to explore the unseen,
unobservable, underlying, abstract linguistic
structures being developed in the child. Also,
taking into consideration we make similar
mistakes in both languages, as a teacher we can
guess our students’ probable mistakes and we
give more importance to them.

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