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This chapter is the beginning of this research, and the function introduce
the background of this study, the statement of problems, the objectives of the
study, the significance, the scope and the limitation of this study.
1.1.Background of the Study
Nowadays, English is considering to be lingua franca because English is
important language which used in international term. English not only use
to communicate when we go to another country or meet people from other
country, but also English is used in our society. In this globalization era,
most of people prefer to use modern technology to accompany and help
their life, and the instruction of the modern technology almost use English.
Such as, in hand-phone, laptop, air conditioner, washing machine, etc. But,
English is as foreign language. Many people still lack of confidence and
bravery to use English when they communicate with other people. The
other factor is they feel shy and are afraid if they will do some wrong
when they use English. However, in the English class where there is the
teacher who will correct them they still feel unconfident if they are not
pursue to use English.
Some people claim the reason why people especially student do not brave
to use language is because the unsuccessful of teaching process. But the
most important thing which make the teaching or learning English will
successful or not is the peoples attitudes themselves towards English.
In A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics which is written by Crystal,
language attitude is defined as the feelings people have about their own

language or the other languages. The attitudes may be positive or negative

towards the language (2008: 266). It is interesting to observe what the
impact of our attitudes towards language and the results of learning that
language. Some people stated that they happy learn English and have
positive attitude towards English, but they still cannot speak English
confidently. Besides, there is people seem not enthusiastic when learn
English and give negative attitudes but they can speak well. This cases
make me curious, and I think most people also curious about this case. I
think there is differences between their attitude in thought and act. Thats
why, now, I try to solve this problem in this research.
Even though, there are some paper which discuss about language attitude
towards English, but the others only observe the student of university
which major is English itself. In this research will observe one of English
course in Bangkalan which member is Senior High Schools students from
poor families. and as I know some students will pretend speak English and
enthusiastic only when their teachers are around them. So, the result of this
research will be an important information to know the real attitudes not
only the attitudes how they act but also how they taught towards English.
1.2.Statements of the Problem
In this research, there are some problems that already formulated to make
more focus to solve and guide this research to achieve the objectives. The
formulation of the problems are below :
1. How is the attitudes of students in English Course (ACCESS) in
Bangkalan towards English ?
2. How do they apply their attitudes in their daily life ?
1.3.Objectives of the Study
There are the objectives of the study that want to achieve after the
problems are solved, those are :

1. To observe the attitudes of students in ACCESS towards English.

2. To describe how the students apply their attitudes toward English
in their life.
1.4.Significance of the Study
The result of this research is aimed at giving benefits both theoretically
and practically.
a) Theoretically, the significance of this research is became one of the
reference to people who need information about language attitudes
towards English in student of senior high school. It also become
comparison the attitudes of people in university, or in other region or
b) Practically, this research can be guided when they want to learn foreign
language, how they have to face and feel when they learn other
language. This research can also help teacher know what the good
attitudes towards English, how the teach the students to make them
give positive attitudes towards English.

1.5.Scope and Limitation

This topic discussed about language attitudes that include into one of parts
in sociolinguistics. Sociolinguistics is the study about relationship between
language and society. It is tied to some social sciences such as sociology,
anthropology, and social psychology. Gumperz (1971, p. 223) has
observed that sociolinguistics is an attempt to nd correlations between
social structure and linguistic structure and to observe any changes that
occur. In other words, it means that sometime linguistics structure can
change social structure and vise versa. Chambers (2002, p. 3) is even more

direct: Sociolinguistics is the study of the social uses of language, and the
most productive studies in the four decades of sociolinguistic research
have emanated from determining the social evaluation of linguistic
variants. Then, Holmes (1992, p. 16) says that the sociolinguists aim is to
move towards a theory which provides a motivated account of the way
language is used in a community, and of the choices people make when
they use language.
Jung[1921] (1971) expresses several attitudes within the broad definition
readiness of the psyche to act or react in a certain way. He argues that
attitudes very often come in pairs, one conscious and the other
unconscious. Similarly, Ajzen & Fishbein (1977) states that attitudes
are held with respect to some aspect of the individuals world, such as
another person, a physical object, a behavior, or a policy. Schiffman &
Kanuk (2004) suggest that there are three types or component of attitudes
that can be used to identify people how their attitudes while response
something. The three parts also called tripartite of attitudes. There are
affective component, cognitive component, and conative (behavioral)
component. In addition, to measure the attitude of someone toward the
language which is being learnt by people, Wallace Lambert and Gardner
introduce a measuring instrument, the orientation index. It divided into
integrative and instrumental orientation (Gardner, 1985: 11).
Then, the writer will limit the source of this research from students in
Access batch 4 and 5 randomly. The data will collect using interview to
students that have already chosen by the writer. The interview in this

research will have two steps, spread the questionnaire then do direct
1.6.Definition of Term
Here, the writer want to clarify what ACCESS means in this research.
Because we cannot translate that word literally based on dictionary. Acces
is one of the English course in Bangkalan. It is kind of micro scholarship
that is held by United States Embassy.

Crystal, David. 2008. A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics. USA: Blackwell
Fazio, R.H., and M.A. Olson. 2003. Attitudes: Foundation, Function, and
Consequences. The Sage Handbook Social Psychology. London: Sage.
Gardner, R.C. 1985. Social Psychology and Second Language Learning: The Role
of Attitudes and Motivation. London: Edward Arnold.
Jain, Vishal. 2014. 3D Model of Attitude. International Journal of Advanced
Research in Management and Social Sciences. 3(3), 1-12.
Wardhaugh, Ronald. 2006. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics fifth edition. USA:
Blackwell Publishing.

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