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Boundless Forms

The scent of simmering tomatoes and caramelised onions filled the air as he
chopped in time with his musical accompaniment. He had been home for a couple of
hours, returning as he did most days from a job that filled him with inextinguishable
hope. On this Friday evening, excitement danced in his heart with even greater pace than
usual. Athough he certainly took pleasure in the fact that the weekend allowed more time
for his creative pursuits, this was not the true source of his elation in this moment.
The knock on the door could only faintly be heard over the sounds that echoed
through the kitchen. However, his ears were atuned to the arrival of an individual who he
had spent a great deal of time seeking. Despite coming close to abandoning the search at
times, his perserverance had allowed success a small number of years ago. Upon opening
the door to his home, he was reminded, as he was each Friday evening, how
unbelieveably fortunate he was. She stood before him, a look of pure adoration on her
face. In an instant, she became wrapped in his caring arms.
The door closing behind them, great relief was felt knowing that nothing else truly
mattered. It was their time, and nothing could take it from their tightly clasped hands.
Leading her to the kitchen and providing her with a spoon, he displayed his work to her,
as an ancient hunter would have done millenia ago. Feeling the warmth of their open fire
in the small forest clearing, the two sensed the quiet company of others passing between
the trees that surrounded them. Near the glowing embers, he stood behind her as a
dilligent protector, watching her caring hands stir. Whispering in her ear, he took her
hand as the two walked to the comforting confines of his living room. After inviting her
to take a place on his grey sofa, he assured her that he would return soon.
It was not long before he reappeared in the doorway, two plates in hand. Having
not heard his footsteps, her concentration remained on the Jenga blocks that she had
begun stacking in a considered tower. He took joy in watching her create, even during
such a seemingly trivial action as arranging pieces of wood. Her eyes turned towards him
as he moved closer, a smile once again on her face. Handing her the plate, he joined her
on the sofa.
Their conversation and minds drifted together on far-off adventures. Thoughts
were shared and discussed with one another like the gentle to-ing and fro-ing of a boat on
a vast ocean. In their small dinghy, the two faced each other, their legs entwined, feeling
their warm hearts beating for one another. With no particular destination in mind, they
drifted aimlessly through the calm waters. As the golden sun sank below the horizon, it
was not long before the stars provided the illumination on their path.
Returning briefly to his humble yet elegantly decorated home, he carried their
empty plates to the kitchen, his best friend in close pursuit. While washing, his eyes
enjoyed the dancing shadow on the wall, emanating from the beautiful figure behind him.
Upon finishing, he turned, bowing gracefully with an open hand held towards her.
Accepting his offer, they saw themselves in a grand ball room, a number of centuries in

the past. Near to them, a quartet of musicians played to them. Onlookers admired the
young couple as they soared across the room. The contentment of the two proved
infectious as others joined them in dance, celebrating the wonders of connected life.
They came to rest on his sofa a little while later. A keen observer of films, he
offered his collection to her, which she carefully flicked through, pondering the titles that
he had amassed over decades of time. Having made her selection, he carried out her wish
before taking his place by her side. In darkness, she crept closer, her head upon his chest,
hearing his slow, calming heart and all that it carried with it. Together, their observations
led them to the future. Surrounded by stars, they found themself moving through space.
In a vessel containing a small earthly environment, the two meditated on the significance
of life and the universe. Time became meanigless as they grew to exist in countless
forms among ancient stars.
Making the return journey to their home planet, he listened to the gentle rhythm
of her breathing as she lay asleep on his chest. Being able to spend time with such a
wonderful individual brought him a deep, quiet joy. His hands wandered with slow ease
through her curling locks of hair, waking her gently. Looking up with half-closed eyes,
she smiled and pulled her arms tightly around him. Grasping her, he took to his feet as
she felt herself hovering above the ground, gliding through the air before being
surrounded by thick bed covers. When he joined her a minute later, all was complete.
His arms around her, the two let go of everything except each other as they were engulfed
by the infinite arms of sleep.

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