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Philippine Vernacular

Architecture: A Metasynthesis


Philippine vernacular
architecture has been somehow lost
with the rise of modern Architecture.
Taking over tradition, building designs
has lost its language and heritage
identity. With the growing concerns
along with other countries who share
the same issues, modern architecture
has been now advocated to be used as
a cultural device that is a means of
propagating nationalism. Philippines

trying to incorporate such design adapting vernacular styles in modern

design, is the focus of this study. This
study aims to trace and map the
process of vernacularization as a
strategy used to express the national
character of modern architecture in
the Philippines. Also this study makes
basis on studies to clarify the characteristics of
the modern Filipino style which was introduced
by leading architects to have a full
understanding of the said aim. Knowing this,
this study tries to make new horizons for those
professionals in architectural practice the
possibility of a Filipino style that was based on
their culture and gave clear direction to modern

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