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Smithsonian air and space


Me with the sr-71 Blackbird

While I was staying in America I was also exposed to quite a different

environment, including a cultural one. During my stay I went to quite some
museums due to the fact that there were like six in Washington itself. But the one
I will be telling about is the Smithsonian air and space museum. The Smithsonian
air and space museum is located somewhat further than that. To encourage
people to visit and admire the beauty of aerial advancement.

So, for this activity I visited a worldly known museum. This museum housed
several planes which were of great significance to the world. The Discovery was
stored there and is known for its impact on space exploration. Due to the delivery
of the Hubble telescope its legacy lived on because the Hubble telescope is still
exploring galaxies.. Another planes which had a great influence on our history are
the Enola Gay and the blackbird. These were both used in warfare situation. The
blackbird, however, was used as a means to observe the soviet union during the
cold war. The soviets were passed off of this masterly engineered aircraft.
Because the soviets knew they were being spied on by the rs-71 blackbird but
were unable to shoot it out of the air due to its advanced building. This enabled it
to fly above Soviets weaponry range. Then about the Enola gay, this aircraft has
greatly altered the world as we know it, without it we could be living aside a
whole different Asia. The carriers most impressing job was to deliver the final
blow to the Japanese during WW2. The devastating bomb delivered by the Enola
Gay enforced the surrender of the Japanese empire.

Most of the before-mentioned information was known to me in big lines. However

I was surprised about the historical value located in this facility. Because just
these 3 planes enormously influenced the past and although the other planes
might carry less historical context, if accumulated will be too much to
comprehend. I obtained pictures of many but was not able to process all of its

Still, I really enjoyed visiting the Smithsonian air and space museum because of
its great contribution to the modern world and influence on the past. I really felt
overwhelmed by the historical value of all these magnificent aircraft. The size of
the blackbird was gigantic and very impressive. It is difficult to understand the
vast amount of planes and types that were used in securing the freedom we

The discovery.

Enola Gay.

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