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Dng Prepositional Phrases (Cm gii t) cu vn thm lch s, trang trng

Chia s bi: Phoenix Nghiem Ging vin ting Anh i hc Ngoi ng - i hc Quc
gia H Ni
Admin group chia s kin thc-kinh nghim hc ting Anh ENGLISH PHOENIX ENGLISH
Sau khi xem li b phim Sherlock Holmes 2011: A Game of Shadows mnh rt thch lp lun
ca Sherlock Holmes. T b phim mnh cng ch ti 1 cch dng t m Sherlocl Holmes
hay chnh ngi Anh thng s dng. l thay v dng ng t (Verbs Verbalization) h
c xu hng chuyn sang dng Danh t (Nouns Nominalization phn ny mnh s chia
s trong post khc) v c bit l Cm gii t (Prepositional Phrases = Prepositions +
Nouns) thm tnh trang trng cho cu ni.
A. Cm gii t c s dng thay th cho ng t chia dng B ng trong cc th
nh hin ti hon thnh tip din, qu kh hon thnh tip din, tng lai tip din, tng
lai hon thnh tip din v cc th ny khng th tn ti dng b ng theo cng thc bnh
V d, thay v vit:
Preparations for the flight will be being made as the President arrives at the airport. (Cu ny
sai hon ton v mt ng php chng ta khng dng c b ng trong tng lai tip
C th dng cu sau thay th (c s dng prepositional phrases)
Preparations for the flight will be in progress as the President arrives at the airport.
Tng t nh vy chng ta c mt vi cm prepositional phrases ph bin nh sau:
1. In training
- At the end of this year, I will have been being trained as a pilot for four years.
At the end of this year, I will have been in training as a pilot for four years.
2. On display
- Vintage cars have been being displayed in the town center all this week.
Vintage cars have been on display in the town center all this week.
3. Under consideration
- By the time they came to a decision, the problem had been being considered for some
By the time they came to a decision, the problem has been under consideration for some
4. Under construction
- The new railway station has been being built for two years now.
The new railway station has been under construction for two years now.
5. In operation

- The Education Business Partnership has been being operated in operation since 1989.
The Education Business Partnership has been in operation since 1989.
B. Cm gii t c s dng trong vn phong ni v vit to s lch s nhiu hn
cho cu vn.
V d, thay v dng sb has no idea of = sb doesnt know about st happening, c th vit
without sbs knowledge
- She borrowed my car without my knowledge.
Tng t nh vy chng ta c mt s prepositional phrases ph bin nh sau
1. With the full knowledge of sb = sb knows about st
- She acted with the full knowledge of her boss. (= Her boss knew about her action)
2. In/During sbs absence = while sbs away
- Ms. Leighton will be in charge during my absence.
3. In sbs presence/In the presence of sb = with sb
- He was determined not to complain in the presence of the nurse.
- I asked you not to smoke in my presence.
4. To sbs (great) disappointment = be disappointed
- To Edwards disappointment, Gina never turned up at the party.
5. In sbs excitement/in (all) the excitement: be excited
- In his excitement he couldnt remember her name.
6. To sbs horror = make sb shocked or afraid
- To my horror, I realized my shirt was wet with blood.
Ngoi ra cn c: in horror, with horror (be shocked/afraid)
7. In surprise/with surprise = be surprised
- Bill looked at him in surprise
Ngoi ra cn c: to sbs surprise = in a way that surprises sb)
8. In shock / In a state of shock (medical condition) = be shocked
- She looked around in shock.
- He is clearly in a state of shock.

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