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R un

Cape Town

Words: Ryan Scott

Photos: Nick Muzik

Time: 06h30
Start: Cullinan
Hotel Foreshore
Distance: 8-K+
Parking: In front
of the hotel
Route: Run to the back of the Hotel and
over the bridge that delivers you safely over
Buitengracht to Dock Road. At the circle
cruise right towards the Port Control tower.
When you hit the sea turn back on yourself
and head to Clock Tower and over the swing
bridge. Cruise through the touristy section
of the Waterfront with the water on your
right and Table Bay Hotel in front of you.
The 4km mark is at the end of East Pier Road.
Now turn back, find Breakwater Road and
take a right towards Mouille Point. Cruise
Beach Road till Fritz Sonnenberg, take a left
here and pass the Greenpoint Stadium with
euphoric thoughts of the World Cup gone
by. Now back to Waterfront via Granger
Road and onto Port Road which runs around
the One&Only Hotel and the marina. Out
of the Waterfront now, and back over the
bridge to your car for a completion of 8.3km.
Danger! Dont ask
to use the One&Only
toilets. Watch out for
seagull droppings
from the sky.

w w w. r u n n e r s w o r l z a


[ My Run ]
Time: 06h39

The first signs of dawn compete with the night lights

Time: 06h37

Quiet boat reflections as the muscles begin to warm..


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[ My Run ]

Time: 06h46

The passing ship is the first sign of activity..

Time: 06h51

The turnaround and the return leg begins..


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[ My Run ]

Time: 07h07

As the world wakes up, the run is nearly over.


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