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Null hypothesis: the metabolic rates

of goldfish in up to 10C warmer water
compared to room temperature is not
affected. Metabolic rate will be
measured using oxygen consumption

2. Collect 4 goldfish and weigh them.

3. Measure oxygen consumption rate

of 2 of the fish under room temperature
conditions as control. Collect oxygen
concentration data every 20 seconds
for 10 minutes.

9. Data analysis:
a) Calculate O2 consumed per kg of
fish per minute for each trial.
b) Calculate average O2 consumption
rate for both fish in each trial.
c) Show data in scatter plot with

8. Clean up.

4. Record raw data and regression data.

7. Repeat experiment (steps 2-6) with

other 2 fish.

5. Remove 300 mL of water from

oxygen measuring chamber and add
300 mL of warm fish water.

6. Repeat steps 3-4 with warmer water

conditions for these 2 fish

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