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Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that has been prevalent since time immemorial

. Known for its overall healing and meditative properties, it has slowly been em
braced as a lifestyle by people across the globe.
Yoga can do what medication can't. It is not only curative, but also provides a
sense of calmness within those who practice it.
It is a spiritual practice consisting of several asanas or positions that are me
ntally, physically and emotionally healing.
The origins of yoga have been speculated to date back to pre-Vedic Indian tradit
ions and is also mentioned in the Rigveda.
International Yoga Day was adopted in the year 2015 and is celebrated annually o
n June 21, while it was declared as a unanimous decision by the United Nations G
eneral Assembly on December 11, 2014.
One of the most popular positions or asana of Yoga is the Surya Namaskar, which
is a scientific technique combining twelve asanas in a sequence. Because of this
, it is also known as a complete workout if repeated several times in one sittin
Apart from being beneficial for one's overall health, the surya namaskar, or the
sun salutation, offers numerous health benefits.
Therefore, today, on International Yoga Day, we have compiled a list that will h
elp you understand why and how surya namaskar holds immense importance in our da
ily lives.

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