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OTTO) TL Developing English Fluency ; YUE TMS DCU) 1 (or. L Aa VO LR LS aCe COL = ah een Lesson A | How do you feel? Beret lary Link | me) It gave me indigestion ® Use the words under the pictures to complete the sentences below. seratch 1, When L exercise, I alot. 4, When my back itches, |__ 2. I'm going to____ if I don't eat soon. 5, Cigarette smoke makes me : 3.1 a lot in the spring when the flowers 6. I used to___all the time. Then I bougil bloom. a heavier coat. Match the words in blue with their definitions. Write the letter. 1, ___ He ate too much spicy food and it gave him indigestion, a. dizzy 2, ___I feel lightheaded after riding the rollercoaster. T'd better sit down. _b. very tired 3, ___ After she finished the marathon, she was exhiausted. a stomach pain 4. ____ My allergies are bad this year. [ have itchy eyes and a runny nose, d._with liquid coming ask& ANSWER Have you or has anyone you know ever fainted? What happened? What gives you indigestion? What makes you lightheaded? 70 Unit7 » Health 2, Petals) Mystery illness isten and circle the best headline for i ruise ee cere, Holiday surprise Holiday Cruise for Doctors aa ) Disease Shortens } - Holiday Cruise Holiday for Many/ Holi, A _ Disease Kills Gaeas Cruise Disease _ Three Passengers Hea eVvere —Sadaches for Many ») 8 Listen auain, Put the events in the order that they happened. (CD 2, Track 2) o> a ‘The passengers ate some bad food. a The cruise ship departed. b. _____ The passengers had severe indigestion. e. _____ The cruise ship returned home. « ‘The passengers went to the hospital. f ‘The passengers felt lightheaded. ask& ANSWER Have you heard of any other mystery illness? ‘What was it and what happened? ® Bete Look at these pictures. Listen to the advice given for each one. Notice how the h- sound is dropped when tthe pronouns are linked to the word before them. (CD 2, Ireck 3) Ed is about to faint. ‘Ann has already fainted. Stop-him from falling. Lay her on her back. Ask him to sit down, Raise her legs. ey oS Loosen his collar. Check her body for injuries. Pair work. Practice reading the sentences in A. Pair work. Choose one of these situations. What would you tell the person? Make a list of advice. ®e 1. Your best friend has indigestion. 2, Your classmate is lightheaded. 3. Your teacher is exhausted. Lesson A * How do you A visit to the doctor ) ) ® Chad is visiting the doctor. Listen to their conversation. Underline Chad's problems. (CD 2, Ti Hi, Doctor Ferguson. Hi, Chad, How are you today? Not so great. Doctor: What seems to be the problem? Chad: Well, I have a rash on my arm. can't stop scratching it. Doctor: Is there anything else? Chad: Yes. I have a slight fever + Isee. Have you been in the woods recently? Chad: Let's see. .. 1 went hil : Maybe an insect bit you, Please sit up here. Let's take your temperature. | | ig last week. ask& ANSWER Do you like your doctor? How often do you visit him or her? @ Prir work. Practice the conversation with partner. Checking how someone feels ions. Work with a partner and answer these questions. ® Pair work. Look at the two situ 1, What has just happened in each situation? 2. How does each person feel? © Paic work. Rote play. Choose one ofthe situations in A and write a conversation, Student A: You are a helpful person. Student B: You have the problem. Use the Useful Expressions to help you. JA: Excuse me, Are you all right? Useful Expressions: B: I'm not sure. My wrist hurts. Checking how someone feels ‘A: What happened? B: [ had a bicycle accident. ‘A: How do you feel? Are you dizzy or. ‘Are you OK? / Are you all right? How do you feel? | How are you feeling? Is anything the matter? / Is something wrong? @ ce acy Peo your conven forthe dae 72 Unit7 * Heath Write the letters of the expression in the box that can complete each sentence. (There is more than one answer for each one.) Then answer the questions below. 1. Thave a 3. Tean't stop A = MK F 2. Lfeel_cf = G -f On 4, My B= hurts, a. coughing ae weak _& food poisoning | je the flu 1m, shivering b. shoulder a stomachache he Wrist kc scratching _n. ‘nauseous © arash £ sneezing ic Sick Die exhausted — ox dizey a, What part of speech follows have? Follows feel? Follows can't stop? 'b, What part of speech comes before hurts? © complete these sentences. Use the correct form of have, feel, can't stop, or hurt. PA: what's wrong? | B:1(1)___‘vcl__ exhausted. I didn’t sleep well last night A: Do you (2) acold? 2 No, I'm fine. It's Fred—he (3) "a> the flu, A: I'm sorry to hear that. Yeah, it's pretty bad. He (4) Co coughing. It keeps me awake at night. "A: Mom, my stomach (5)__oe*S_ B: Do you (6) a _a fever? No, { don't think so. , B: Do you (7) e\ dizzy : No, not at all. 'B: But you (8)... __indigestion. Hmm... what did you eat for dinner? : Potato chips and popcom. ee 6 Pair work. Imagine that your friend has these problems. What would you tell him or her to do? Compare your answers with a partner. 1. “I can’t stop hiceupping,” 2. “L feel anxious." 3. “Ihave high blood pressure.” 4, “My tooth hurts.” germs can't survive. World Link You cannot catch a cold at the North Pole in winter. The ‘temperature isso low that the Lesson A + How do youfeel? 73. iF i ry ne Pal ereliceda} Have you tried hypnotism? (What do you do when you have a medical problem? Who do you talk to first?) @ Pair wore what do you know about these dtferent kinds of treatments? Would you ever try any of them? Tella partner. ® Group work. Role play. In groups of four, role-play the following situ Student A: Think of a health problem. Ask your friends for advice. Students B-D: Give Student A advice about his or her problem. Each student should recommend a different treatment: hypnotism, acupuncture, yoga, or some other treatment. You can use the notes below to help you. | Hypnotism -Acupuneture | + used to treat nervous energy or pain + helps with headaches, backaches, and sore mus + good for treatment of bad habits + has been used for 2,500 years | + uses the mind—no medicine required + safe ~ Some people are not easily hypnotized. ~ Some people are afraid of needles, Yoga ‘A treatment of your choice: +a good way to exercise + + emphasizes breath control + + no special equipment necessary + - Yoga can be physically challenging. | A: Thave a headache all the time. B: Absolutely. It really works. |B: Well, you should try acupuncture. | A: I don't know . . . I'm scared of needles. [a Really? Have you tried it? BB: Don’t worry. It’s very safe. @ Group work Rote play. Student A chooses the treatment he or she prefers and explains why. Then swit roles and perform the role play again. Repeat until everyone has had a chance to play Student A. 74 Unit7 * Heath Health Lesson B | Getting better 3 7 1 Vocabulary Link £3 ‘A personal health history G eas Jerry's neatth history Then lok atthe objets in the medicine cabinet: Which treatment would you use for each health problem? Match the sentences with the treatments below. _d__ 1, Asa child, Ihad bad allergies. Every spring I got a slight sore throat. 5 2.1also had a stuffy nose. 3, When I was eight, I fell out of a tree and hurt my arm, 4, That same summer, I was playing in the woods and developed a terrible rash. 5. Now I'm an adult. I'm not so active because I sit at a desk all day. 1 frequently get headaches. <6, Last winter I had the flu, I couldn't stop coughing. 7. My job is stressful, so I worry 2 lot, Sometimes I can't fall asleep at night. 8. My wife tells me that I have bad breath in the moming. Group work. Think about your personal health history. Write about three health problems in the chart. Then tell your group about each problem. | When/ waseight | | inastoteboarding ‘What happened = Lesson B + Getting better a Listening ¢) Last-minute checklist How long does it take you to get ready for a night out with your friends? To go to school or to work in the morning? 2) ® Listen. What is Bill getting ready for? Check the box. (CD 2, Track 8) big aate [J] an overnight camping trip fees ft i) cramer isten again. Check (¥/) the items Bill is going to take with him. (CD 2, Track 6) aspirin 7. [Z) toothbrush 8, [2] toothpaste vy Surprising syndromes If you're feeling sad, you may 6 fl Kk ick? Explain, suffering from SAD (Seasonal Can modern life make you sick? Explain, Pt Sea is due to lack of sunlight durit ; r months, and affects treatise on oye 77 Win etre tomes of anes the five syndromes (medical conditions) mentioned? " Write them below. What do you think they are? Read the article on page 77. Then complete the chart about each syndrome and its treatment in your own words. If a treatment is not mentioned, write NIM in the chart. You feel embarrassed because your house is always messy. bea SURPRISING SYNDROMES Margarets friend is taking a new job in 2 faraway city She wants to hold a farewell dinner party at her home. But she can't. Margaret suffers from CHAQS (Can't Have Anyone Qver Syndrome}. Her apartment is messy and she’s embarrassed by it. “Ive ever been a tidy person,” she says. "My best friend some good advice. He told me to get a maid.” Today it's so easy ta get information and lots of it. We receive telephone calls all Tong, People expect a quick response to ieir faxes, text Messages, and e-m: Messages. Fer some people, t's too much. S They have information fatigue syndrome. There is so much information, they become _ Paralyzed and can't think Clearly. “I can't sleep at night because | worry,” says Bahman, a college senior. "t's terrible,” Hurry sickness is a straightforward name for another syndrome of modern life. “lm always rushing. | get headsches a lot. Taking aspirin seems to help," says Mari, a Mother of two and a part-time company employee. Do you engage in “deskfast” __ leating breakfast at your desk at work) _ More then once @ week? Then you, too, may suffer from hurry sickness! ask& ANSWER OF MODERN LIFE ‘We've all complained about having too much work to do. Well, how about not having ‘enough work? Underload syndrome is Caused by having little or nothing to do at the office. You have to pretend that yau're working. Steven works as a project ‘manager. “I can finish my work in about four hours, but I'm afraid to say anyching about it, I don't want to be assigned too much work!" In severe cases, people with this Syndrome can get very bored and even become depressed. ‘Chancas are you've experienced phane neck before. Another name for it would be “pain in the neck," because that’s what people with this condition experience, Halding the hone between your nack and your ear for @ long time causes phone neck. jood long massage is the suggested treatment for this syndrome: 5 ‘Do you suffer from any of these syndromes? Do you know anyone else who does? What advice would you give to the people who suffer from these syndromes? Lesson B * Getting better 77 ’ He sci to toke< pill ca Look at the pictures and read the sentences in the ee earccne chart. Notice the different ways sayand tell are used in reported speech. Take a pl a day. Get some rest. ele ee eee eeeet eee eae eee Rea oe Cha tne) Quoted Speech (Commands) Reported Speech (Commands) “Take a pill a day.” ‘The doctor said to take a pill a day. “Get some rest.” The doctor told me to get some rest. Read what Nate and Gail say. Then look at the doctor's suggestions listed in the box below. Match each suggestion to one or both of the situations. Bs ee Gail: “My allergies are so bad I can hardly Nate: “'m planning to run in a marathon. Heahtrin'nat sexing Reith” Doctor's suggestions Check your heart rate regularly. Drink plenty of water. Don't go into the flower garden. _____ Take some sleeping pills. ___ Don't miss a dose of your medicine. Run at a steady pace. | l ___ Don't overdo it. ____Use this nasal spray. @ rms vor tte rs repring te dtr aggenion (Thabane ae for Nate and Gail. Use reported speech. his heart rate reguloriy. 78 Unit7 = Health ‘syndromes and treatments ® Write about 2 person you know (or yourself) who suffers from one of the syndromes you read about on page 77, or from another problem of modern life. ® air work. Exchange papers with 2 partner. Suggest one oF more treatments forthe problem. Vy boot fend Maro outer rom phone na “fe ie aaye complaining about te ore neck ‘and shoulders. He ie constantly con the phone at “home, and he takes hi cel phone everywhere. (irerstria tii Lccoel Ys The problem wil probably get worse because he, ‘Ahealthy and happy life uot got a [ob ao a telemarketer. ® Look at this list of tips for leading a healthy and happy life. Add thres more tips to the list. Tips for leading a healthy and happy life Get plenty of rest. Eat healthy foods. ‘Appreciate your friends. Be kind to others. Don’t get angry. Do more than is expected. oa a i eee = ae eee class activity Ask three different classmates: “What is important Fora healthy and happy life?” Write their names and answers in the chart. Name Answer @ cosy wrk Workin sal rows. Take Ua Pitas aie. ne aa reporting what the students you talked to sald. me not to give UP on cron ® Group work, Review all the advice you got in 8. Together, choose the three best tips. @) praetioe your English online at worldinihelnle: 2, It’s not dangerous here. It's enough safe to go out at night by yourself. \/ 3. It's crowded. There are too much people in this little room, efe oSC tom ely 4, We can’t finish by 5:00. We have too few time. (ie Me} Cocerfh tie ‘ 5. These condos are expensive enough to buy. We need more affordable housing. OCU GC 90 Clo co on. 6. There are too little people registered for this class, We have to cancel it. 1} ¥5e euph 7. He's only 12 years old. He's old enough to drive, © \30)F_Olel_20e jo Jue housing @ Pair work. Imagine that you are having a bad day. ie an Write down your complaints about the items in the box. Use too much, too many, not enough, too little, or too few. ore ree a jobs police officers 1, Tdon't have et De ice afFicer ice eaeRa) i 7 ° {rm to busyt the ofc. don't have ® Pair work share your complaints with | noe aati your partner, and get some advice about how to improve the situation. Lesson A+ Inmy community 93 oe : 1. Are some people at home during the daytime? 2. Can you see people in the local parks late at night? 3. Do you know your neighbors well? 4. Do children often play in the street? 5. Are there sidewalks for people to walk on? 6. Are there frequent police patrols? 7. Is there little or no graffiti? 8. Do people drink alcohol at bars in your neighborhood? 9. Are the streets clearly marked with traffic signs? 10. Are there any abandoned lots? Now use your partner's answers from A to calculate his or her neighborhood’ (10 points = very safe, 1 point = not so safe) OOOOCSSORs EaReRoOcK oe. 's "safety score” below. Explanation Scoring x J. | When people are around, there is less criminal activity | point for Yes 2. | There is more crime when people hang around in parks late at night I point for No 3._| You'll pay more attention when you know your neighbors, | point for Yes 4. | Its dangerous for people to play in the street. | point for Yes 5. | When people stay on the sidewalks, they are less likely to be hit by bicycles or cars. | point for Yes 6. | There is less crime if there are more police patrols. 4 | 2 I point for No 7. | _Graffit is a sign of an overall decline of a neighborhood. I point for Yes 8._| When people drink, they tend to fight more, | point for No 9._| Traffic signs need to be clear to help with traffic flow. | point for Yes a 10, Kids can hang out in abandoned lots and cause trouble. | point for No + Total (Safety Score) = 5 @ Pair work. Tet your partner the safety score. ighborhood didn’t score a point, and make Then discuss any problem areas where his or her suggestions about how to fix them. Social Issues , Lesson B | On a global scale The environment Urban spravil is a big problem as humans build cities in wildemess areas. When that happens, animals lose their natural habitats. Sometimes the problem is critical because the animals are rare. They are endangered species World problems Read about these world problems. Notice the words highlighted in blue. AIDS AIDS is a serious problem worldwide. The infection rate is climbing as more people become sick with the disease. Many people are dying from the disease, so the death rate is climbing as well. Countries develop disease prevention Programs to educate people about AIDS and how to avoid it. The world’s population Worldwide population growth is fueled by an increasing birthrate in many countries. Some countries have started family planning programs to fight the problem. They are encouraging couples to get married later and have fewer children, 8 Complete these sentences with the correct form of the phrases highlighted in A. Hunting and increased human competition (due to rapid (1) population growth ) have dangerously reduced the numbers of the Javan rhinoceros. The rhino is an (2) coe <0 Only 60 rhinoceroses remain in their (3) vrkore of the tropical rainforest. Their population continues to fall because th (4) Woon Soret) is higher than the (5)__(z4C.)y plone), The rainforest is also threatened by (6)__ bic Cari caused by growing ci An cstimated 38% of pregnancies around the world are accidental The World Health Organization (WHO) develops (7) ©) Seo” rd Programs to reduce family size. WHO is also working to combat sickness around the world: Therg are various WHO-sponsored programs in (8) ¢elion fie. Examples are programs to prevent higher —lfeechion ee. (9)_decith scrie for diseases like AIDS and SARS. Lesson B * Onagiobal scale 95, oomonel mia In 2001, India had 35 cities with ‘the best title more than 1 milion people. By 2050, India's population is expected to be more than China's. City or suburb? ® ® Listen to the beginning of a radio show. What i for the show? Check (/) your answer. (CD 2, Ireck 18) 1. [[] can we stop urban sprawl? 2. [_] More people are moving to the city. 3. [_] Let’s move to the suburbs! 4, [2] ts urban sprawl really a bad thing? Now listen to the rest of the show. Where do the people live now? Where do they want to live in the future? Write $ for suburbs ar C for city. (CD 2, Track 19) > Now Future ‘Tyra Matt Mercedes Read each statement. Then listen again. Circle the name of the person who would probably say each statement. (CD 2, Track 20), 1. “I don't like to live too close to my neighbors.” Tyra Matt Mercedes 2, “Til live in the city for now.” Tyra Matt Mercedes 3, “City life isn’t perfect, but I prefer it.” Tyra Matt ‘Mercedes, 4, “Tm single and enjoying my life.” ‘Tyra Matt Mercedes 5. “Til move someday.” Tyra Matt Mercedes ask& : . 7 ANSWER 3 Reading | Do you prefer to live in the city or in the suburbs? Why? Successful population control? i eaehen A Do you think we should try to control the world’s population? | ® Read the article on page 97. Then match the people on the left with their opinions on the right. ‘that population control has been too successful. about Gina's future marriage prospects. ‘that women’s education helps family planning. ‘hat a lower birthrate is a positive change. that people used to have more children. € 1. Bisa Sanchez says a A _ 2. The Italian government worries db. © a. _ Gl 3, Blisa’s husband thinks _C© 4, Experts believe 5, Gina’s mother worries e rany counties the population continues to grow and create a lot of new problems Interestingly, People. The world’s population now stands at over six billion people. here wore 111 cities with more than one milion people in 1960. By 1995 there were 280, Every 20 minutes, 3,500 new lives are added to the world’s population, THE s#rwewe FAMILY you know that @ {took only 12 years—from 1987 to 1999for the population of the world to increase by one billion, 935 g SII Os inaewema however, family Size ic nat increasing everywhere in the world. In some places, women are having fewer bien Experts believe that the education of successful population In both Mexico and Italy, femily planning programs and new job Opportunities for women have changed everything, Elisa Sanchez is a mother in Monterrey, Mexico. She and her husband are both high school teachers in their thirties, They have two children. The “Iwas one of six c family of seven. Peopik and seventies. Now it Check (7) Tor 2. Family size 3. Family planning is having an impact in Italy 4, In the past, large families were common in Mexico. 5, The birthrate in Italy is increasing. 6. Most Italian mothers have their first child in their twenties, ask& ANSWER, 3 What other problems can occur when there is a lower birthrat control. When women and young girls are edlucated, they participate more in family decisions: They become ‘equal partners in the decision-making process, le usec s different.” Read the article again, According to the article, are these statements probably true or false? FE . The population of the world is increasing. yy don’t plan to have any more, ren,” says Elisa. My husband comes from a to have more children in the sities increasing everywhere in the world. ‘women is important for Elisa's husband thinks the lower birthrate isa positive change. “With a amaller population, there will be less competition. That means there will bbe more job opportunities for young people.” Gina Moretti works hard as @ TV news announcer in Milan, ttaly. “My mother thinks | work too hard, Every time | visit her she asks me the came question: When are you getting married?” Gina is 32 and her mother is worried about Gina's ability to get married and raise a family in the future. The Italian government is worried, 100. In 1958, one million babies were born in taly. In 1998, it was half that number. The average mother in Italy has her frst child atthe age of 30 Ater 30, experts note, there isn'ta lot of time for women to have many children, The population is aging rapidly. Some wonder: Has population Control in italy been too successful? SwWOUND OCOUBROW- Lesson B * On agiobal scale 97 This is the final question. If you answer it correctly, you'll Future factual conditionals ye on the gamed Look at the picture and study the sentence in the box. Then circle the correct answers below. {fyou answer the question correctly, you'll win the game. if-clause result clause 1, The iftclause states a condition. That condition has / hasn't happened yet. 2, The condition of the if-clause could / couldn't happen in the future. 43, Use this type of sentence to make predictions about the future / talk about the past. 4, The result clause gives a possible result. It contains a verb with will / a verb in the simple present tense. Match the clauses to make logical conditional sentences. 1. 4 _ tthe gets marsied, your cost of living will increase. 2. _A_ Ifyou move to the city, . they'll make better decisions about their families 3, © _ There will be less competition for jobs the population will continue to explode. 4, b Ifyou educate women, d. he'll have a family. 5. _Q_ They'll lose their farm . if there's a smaller population. 6, _£ There will be fewer crimes f. if they increase police patrols. 7. ©__If the birthrate doesn’t decrease, 4. if urban spraw] continues. Pair work. Answer each question with a future factual conditional sentence. Then ask and answer the questions with a partner. What will happen if. 1. fewer people have children? If fewer have childrer the world will sto 2. there's no more oil? she cqovong cod Cegket wil) sa)) seme ) Feit sé 3. people don't recycle?) ‘ "Whe tare) wil) be « bic cearbege Fai) predeve_ngte) 4, the world’s population continues to increase? the go) and glace wi) old enphy 5. other: Pag hueq 2 ® ® Look back at page 98, Activity C. Write 'f there's no more oil, there will be a lot of an explanation of your response to one problems. Corporations need oil for eneray. of the questions. Describe both the positive and negative effects. We need it for traneportation and to heat our homes. | think the world economy will collapse if we Pair work. Exchange papers with a partner. | UN OUt OF oil, Tell your partner one thing you learned from reading his or her paper. 6 Communication s You're in charge! to develop other sources for eneray ® Pair work. Read each problem. Work with a partner and suggest answers for each problem. Problem: There is no money for building new schools. Suggestions: 1) Raise taxes to pay for more schools. Problem: Most of the younger workers in rural areas are moving to big cities. Suggestions: 1) Encourage people to stay in their hometowns through tax breaks Problem: The number of people visiting national parks has increased dramatically. The parks are being damaged. Suggestions: 1) Limit the number of visitors with a lottery system. Imagine you are running for political office. Choose a political office to run for and prepare a short speech. Include suggestions and promises to solve problems in your town, city, state, province, or country. @ Class activity. Give your speech to the class. GG an ane aint Deter yr ton ne iio Lesson B+ Onaglobalscale 99. WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF THERE’S NO MORE IV's not all bad, however. Without oil, we will have eee 9 Mr. Stevens and his son, lan, are waiting in the doctor's office. Look at the pictures and complete the conversations. More than one answer is possible for each blank. ~~ Excuse me. complaint about the service, OK. What exactly isthe problem? I'm sick. Ihave a bad cough and It's for lan’s cough. He should Have you o Group work. Practice the conversation in groups of four. Then change roles and practice again, @ Pair work. Make up and act out your own conversation between a doctor and a patient Pn a TT] oa ee ee aro cnt © What can you see in the picture? © Would you like to go to this ski area? Why or why not? Use sentences with too and enough to explain your reasons, Pair work. Discuss a ski area or other resort you know. Tell your partner about its good and bad points. Review: Units 7-9 101 Ree Sch eee Pair work. Match Camille's behaviors on the left with the causes on the right. Compare your answers with a partner's. She played a hard game of tennis. She forgot to bring her coat. She was bitten by a mosquito. |. She skipped breakfast and lunch. She ate too much at a party last night. She has bad allergies. Camille is scratching her leg . She just fainted. - She is sweating, She has a bad case of indigestion. . She is shivering. . She is sneezing. een Ces pope ee ® In five minutes, add as many items as you can to each category. ‘Things that make you... Tecoughi: cigaretietemokeme i cciiausted: Cates Wipe aT ih ee aa a | dort know why Marcus lives in the suburbs, It's Complete Teri's diary entry about her visit to the suburbs | Tue thathefound (1) affordable ____ there, with words from the box. but surprisingly there's a problem with ¢ et oN a there aren't very many sprawl restaurants oe atetee Cgavtts— pabls (@) police but there is till a problem cg stk with crime, Aleo, the problem of ©)urvan is bringing ¢ “traps pollution () population to the euburbs, |! was happy to return to my home in the city and see all the (7) ethnic and the tacky | (6) tourist love it here! € Pair work. Which do you prefer, the city or the suburbs? Discuss your opinion with a partner. 8 > Poker tips Imagine that you want to learn to play poker (a card game in which players try to win money). Read these tips from Poker Pete, professional poker player. Then rewrite each sentence twice, once using say and once using tell. 1. Learn the different kinds of cards. He told me to learn the different kinds of cards./He said to learn the different kinds of cards. 2. Don't bet too much money. 3. Study the other players’ facial expressions. 4, Don't take unnecessary risks. 5. Be patient. 6. Don't expect to always win, Now think of your own board, card, or computer game. Write answers to these questions about your game. Don't show your answers to anyone else! 1. What is the game? 2. What are the best strategies for winning? 3. What should you avoid doing? 4, When does the game end? Group work. Join two other students. Take turns telling each other about your game. Don't forget to whisper! Student A: Tell Student B the tips. Student B: Tell Student C the tips you just heard. Use say and tell with commands. 6 Listening: Is it healthy? Dr. Schwartz has just finished giving a talk. Now she is answering questions from the audience. Listen. What do you think was the main focus of her talk? (CD 2, Track 21) a. healthy habits b. dieting c. exercise Listen again. Which ideas does Dr. Schwartz support? Check (7) your answers. (CD 2, Track 22) 1. a. (_] drinking more than five glasses of b. ) drinking fewer than five glasses of water a day water a day 2. a.) drinking no coffee at all b. (drinking a cup of coffee a day 3. a. D] taking weight loss drugs b. } avoiding weight loss drugs 4, a. | eating junk food once in a while b. [2] always avoiding junk food Pair work. Which habits in 8 do you regularly follow? What other healthy habits do you follow in your life? Tell a partner. Review: Units 7-9 103 * a lee ee S ‘Amber is fifteen years old. Read about her life. Notice the highlighted phrases. Trieste I'm 15, Tattend Cherry Lane We have a summer house in Greece, I got my first credit cart ‘Academy~it’s a private school. We fly there in our private jet. I's. was 13, and I also work awesome! personal trainer, ‘This is Stan. He's my limousine [receive spending money from my Sometimes 1 go with my driver. When I feel lonely, I talk Dad to buy clothes. I only wear —_trips. We always stay in to him about my problems. designer clothes. suite in a hotel. 8 Use the highlighted phrases from A to fill in the blanks in the fantasy lottery prizes below. 1, spend August in a __ by the sea 2. hire a 4111 to drive me to work every day for a month 3. buy the latest at an expensive boutique 4, send your child to an expensive for an academic year 5. hire your own, for six months and get in shape 6. stay ina __ ina five-star hotel for a month 7. have all the money you owe on your paid off for you 8. hire a and fly around the world for a week 9, invite your friends on a fifteen-minute shopping spree with unlimited 104 Unt 10 = Wealth 2 Listening A luxury suite When choosing a hotel, what features do you look for? >) )) ® George and Megan are looking at a brochure advertising luxury hotels. Which hotel has the most expensive suite? Listen and check (/) the appropriate box. (CD 2, Track 23) The Burj Al Arab Hotel The Peninsula Hong Kong The Hotel Ritz Dubai, United Arab Emirates Kowloon, Hong Kong Paris, France ) ® Listen again. What do George and Megan say about the luxury suites in each hotel? Write Bor Burj Al Arab, Pfor Peninsula, or R for Ritz. (CD 2, Tack 24) 1, ___ You'll have your own limousine driver. 5. _ You can fly there by helicopter. 2, __ There's a butler available all day. 6. ___ It's the tallest hotel in the world 3, __ It's a convenient location for sightseeing. 7. _ It’s George's favorite. 4, ___ Its guests are well known. 8, __ George is going to stay there. ask& ANSWER Which suite would you choose? Why? What's the name of another famous hotel you'd like to stay in? Listen to what he says about his children (Stan, Will, and Taylor) and his dog (Sam). Listen to how the linked sounds are pronounced. (CD 2, track 25) 1. “My kids still ask me for money!” 4, “Taylor really has too much fun. 2. “Sta never visits me fe} Jonely.” She doesn't take anything seriously.” 3. “Will loves money. He spends so much of it!" 5. “love Sam most of all. He's a good dos.” 8 Pair work. Practice saying the sentences in A to your partner. Be sure to pronounce the linked sounds only once. Lesson A + Having ital 105 yi Speaking | toad I gave him the winning ticket. @) ® Listen to the conversation. Who bought the lottery ets? Who won the lottery prize? (CD 2, Jack: I have the worst luck. ‘Angela: Why? What happened? Tack: | bought two lottery tickets. One of them was a winning ticket. Angela: That's great news! What's so unlucky about that? Tack: Well, | gave one of the tickets to my best friend as a present. Angela: That's a nice thing to do. Jack: Well, I gave him the winning ticket. I ‘Angela: That's too bad! Jack: Yeah. I wish { still had that ticket, He won a big cash prize. ask& ANSWER Should Jack's best friend share the lottery with Jack? Why or why not? Do you ever play the lottery? Why or w jdn't win anything. @ Pair work. Practice the conversation with a partner. 5 Speaking Strategy % Expressing sympathy Pair work. Look at each situation. What happened in each ‘one? Take turns telling your partner in your own words. Pair work. Role play. Imagine that you are one of the people in A. Tell a friend your bad news. Role-play the situation with a partner. Useful Expressio Then choose another situation and switch roles. _ Expressing symp ‘A: You won't believe this, but I crashed my car yesterday. Oh no! You must be ups B: I'm sorry to hear that. Are you OK? What a shame. ‘A:1'm fine, but the car was damaged. That's too bad. ~ I'm sorry to hear that. © 106 unt 10 weatn Present sruamion Wist-StaTeMENT ‘My car won't start. will > would L wish (that) my car would start. can’t speak Russian. can —> could L wish (that) I could speak Russian, Tam not tall, am —> were* L wish (that) I were tall. She doesn’t have acar. have» had She wishes (that) she had a car. “Were is considered more correct than was in wish-statements. Feed each sentence. Then write a wish-statement. + 1, P'm not a model. 4, He can't pay off his credit cards. 2. They don't have a summer home. 5, Ican't wear designer clothes. 3. She works hard. 6. My cat won't eat. could and, @ Read this joke about Dumb Dave, Complete the sentences with wish the verb in parentheses. Why is the character called Dumb Dave? One day, a genie appeared to Dumb Dave and his three friends. The genie said, “I will give each of you one wish. Don't waste it!” The first friend said, “(1. fly) in my own private jet right now.” There was a cloud of smoke and he disappeared as his wish was granted. The second friend said, “(2. exercise) with my own personal trainer right now.” He suddenly disappeared too. The third friend said, “(3. stay) in an expensive hotel right now!” He, too, disappeared. Dumb Dave looked around and saw that he was alone. Then he said, “I'm lonely. Where have my three friends gone? (4. have) them here with me right now . ® Pair work. Imagine that a genie has given you three wishes. What will you wish for? On a separate piece of paper, write three wish-statements and share them with a partner. Lesson A + Having ital 107 z Reta ets da) My wish list Philip is bored, He is daydreaming about his wish list. What can you say about him based on his list? My Wish List 1, buy a diamond ring, 2. run the company. 3, take a long vacation, 4. Dlay in the World Cup, 5. buy a house in the suburbs. 6. star in the big budget movie | He wishes he could buy an expensive diamond i ring. Maybe he has a serious girlfriend, and he ‘wants to give the ring to her | 8 What things do you want to change in your life? Write a wish lst for yourself. Use three of these topics, O time [money home O fin [_} vacation ] fiienas appearance J other: work. Exchange wish lists with a partner. What does your list tell you about hhim or her? Ask questions about each wish. Jove sports wish I could be the star J World Link On average, an engagement diamond ring is the third most expensive item that a person will buy in thefr lifetime (other than a home anda car). {_leyerino bis tasteta gone Serene, Wealth Lesson B | Striking it rich = 4 From rags to riches 100 at tne pictures and read about these thre famous people. Notice the words in blue as you read. ACULIAD DE INGENTERIA When Jim Carrey’s family ran out of nsreyptheyrmaved into a camper. Jim worked as a janitor in Canada before he moved to Hollywood. He was broke then, but now he is wealthy. He made his fortune playing funny characters in big movies. At one point Djimon Hounsou was penniless and living on the street. That is all in the past. He was discovered and became an actor. His films have been prosperous. The ‘money he has made has allowed him to lead a more affluent lifestyle. ‘As a child, Jewel's family was often short of money. | ‘They didn’t even have hot water in their home. Jewel did : hhave an amazing voice, though. At age 19, she struck it rich when her first album became popular. Although she is financially well-off, she works hard because she’s afraid of becoming poor again. | ran out of money ANSWER, What would you do if you suddenly struck it rich? What if you suddenly ran out of money? Lesson 8 * Striking itrich 109 ®) ® Listen to Nick and Janet talking about a TV show. Then answer the question. (CD 2, Track 27) ‘The TV show is about celebrities who _- a. have lost their money b. were poor when they were young ®) Listen again. Write D for Djimon Hounsou, JC for Jim Carrey, or J for Jewel. (CD 2, Track 28) 1 appeared on TV 5, ____ lived in Paris 2 _ was born in Africa 6. _____ worked with Madonna 3, worked after school 7. parents divorced 4 worked as a comedian 8. knows a cowboy ask& ANSWER Bice ee Name someone poor who became famous. What did he or she do? The San people and the monks What are some unusual ways that people have struck it rich? Pair work. Look at the pictures and the title of the reading, How do you think these two groups have made money? Discuss your answers with a partner. Then read the article to check your answers. 7: Southern Africa's San people Greek monks 1, Most San people hunt animals today. True False 2. The new drug will make you hungry. Tre False 3. The San know a Jot about plants. Tre False 4, The monks play music in different styles. ‘Tue False 5, The monks don't sing about world issues. True False 6. Teens play soccer at the summer camps. True False 110 unt10 + Weatn 1 The san peopt vein southern Arca Scientists say that they may have been living therefor as long as 40,000 Be ren anting animals and gathering plants. Uni recenty, the once mighty San wore broke and unemployed. They 1ad lost their land and were no longer al activities, such as hunting. The few young San people with Jobs were working as farm laborers. They were not learning abocttheit ancient Culture and language. That may all change. The San have struck it rich, They recenty signed — spaateement with a large drug company. The San have tradtonal knowedge about plants, The drug company is especially interested in a particular exctus "and how the San use it, “on Sa” used to go on hunting trips. While away from home, they chewed (on the cactus to suppress their appetite—they no longer felt hungry afterwards, paina the San's knowledge, the drug company plans to make a new drug from nis plant. For people around the word who eat too much and have weight Problems, this new drug could really help them by suppressing thelr appetites, i rhe San have a positive plan for this new wealth, Their fist step wall be to get jobs for their people. Their next priority will be education, Through education, they hope to save thelr culture and language for future generations. Wen yu tk of oman ou mh in of et man vg | monks" of Greece do live in a monastery, but they 2s arthing but cui. In fat they sing, They have been recarding a their songs and selling many records in Greece, : - ‘Young music listeners fove to listen to the “free monks." are recorded in different styles (digital keyboard and rock, for « and the themes are not only religious. The brothers also sing abe Problems like drugs and globalization. c The monks haven't made a fortune from their record sales, for summer camps for teenagers. At the camps, the teens onate money to other social programs that help people, @ Pair work. Ask and answer these questions with a partner. an’s plan to make money? 3. What did the “free monks” do to make money? 4, What do the “free monks” use the money for? 1. What is the 2. If the San make money, how will they spend it? ask& aa : 2 Why or why not? Lesson 8 + strking rich 111 Expressions with get a Study the chart about expressions with get. What part of speech follows get? get angry, get cold, get ready ice erences get a promotion, get a haircut pe eecae get up early. Did he get on the bus? Read about Akemi’s dream. In each example, does get mean obtain (0), become (8), or is it the passive with get(P]? Write the correct letter. (Hint: Check the part of speech that follows get.) My bicycle got stolen. Sarah got arrested. My friend Dean is a well-known actor. He got famous (1, B ) after he appeared in a popular TV drama. 1 asked Dean for help with my TV career. First, he told me (0 get a haircut (2. _), see a photographer, and get photographed (3. __}. Next, he recommended I get a subscription (4. __) to Backstage magazine because it list the times and places of auditions. Finally, he said, “Acting is very competitive. Don't get discouraged!” (5. __) ‘At my first audition, there were 250 people. I got very nervous (6. __) and started to sweat. I didn’t get the job, (7. _) but it was a valuable experience. I go to audition: at least once a month, I know that soon I will get noticed (8. __) by a director. ‘The sentences on the left contain a phrasal verb with gets ‘Match them with the meanings on the right. start to feel well again 1, ____ I miss you so much. Let's get together a. soon and tlle b. have enough money to live 2, ____ Linda talks too much, If you start a conversation ee, ‘with her, you can never get away! a ecece 3, ___ Sherrise doesn’t make enough money at “ her job. She uses her credit card to get by. oc 4, ____ What time does your flight get in? peu 5, ___I get down at times, but I usually feel preity good. 6. Ricky caught a cold two weeks ago, but he still hasn't gotten over it. Fe ee ___THE MISSING Money One time, I lost alot. een eo ares gaveme a $20 bland seid, “T GQ) complete the sentence below with one ofthe verss hand brong back all the changes” ‘An experience with money in the box, Then write about the experience. When got to-the str store, I veached borrow lend save Toe diane have the money, eam lose spend Thad lost the $20 watt a invest pay waste Ewasscaredand. eatoeny One time, 1 a lot of money. Pair work. Exchange papers. What is the most interesting thing about your partner's experience? An official lost and found center in Tokyo receives 17,000] lost wallets a year containing ‘over two billion yen! 6 Communication EJ Potential millionaires oe pov peal something once LL) vs (J » 2. Do you know exactly how much you faa yes. ay no & spend on food and clothes? ‘ 3. Are you single or married? Oo single [_] marries 4. How much of your salary do you save? (none O some [] ator 5. Will you inherit a lot of money someday? li yes [ea no. 6. Do you usually shop at designer boutiques [J boutiques [_] discount stores or discount stores? 7. Do you like to negotiate prices? [] ves [_] not realty ee ao aad el eee eae 9. How much sleep do you get each night? [] se nours [7] 7-8 hours {_] 8+ hours 10. When playing a game, do you get [L] ves always [[] sometimes [[] never competitive and try to win? Pair work. Compare your partner's answers with the potential millionaires’ answers on page 154. Is your partner a potential millionaire? Qa ‘Check out the World Link video. ae online at wc Lesson 8 « Staking i Is lying ever OK? ® Is lying ever OK? Read these people's answers to that question. Notice the words and phrases in blue. “Honesty is always the best “Lying to an adult may be OK, "You should never lie when policy. There are no exceptions but you shouldn't lie to children. against the law. You could g to this rule.” They need to be taught morals.” arrested.” -., Aimee “Telling the truth can hurt “The truth isn't always so clear—__ “Lying is risky-it's not wort someone's feelings. In those it’s not so obvious. It depends doing, Besides, you will have | cases, it's OK to tell a little white on the circumstances—every it on your conscience. You'll lie so the person won't feel bad.” situation is different.” worry about it for a long tim @ Match each set of expressions with their definitions. 1, © ___to depend on the circumstances a. something not included (in a rule) 2, 1 _ an exception . to make someone feel bad 3 against the law ©. to vary according to the situation 4 morals 4. to feel guilty or worry about something 5. ___ to hurt someone's feelings €. easy to notice or understand 6. _awhite lie f. illegal 7. obvious g. not beneficial or helpful 8 not worth doing h, the knowledge of right and wrong 9. ___ to have something on your conscience i, an untrue statement used to avoid hurting someone's feelings 114 unt?) Honestly speaking Pour) ¢) I think people lie sometimes, D) GQ] ister. How do Roger and Denise fel about ving? Circe the correct answers. (CD 2, Track 28) 1. Roger thinks lying is always / sometimes | never OK. 2. Denise thinks lying is always / sometimes / never OK. ») © Listen again. Write R for Roger or D for Denise. (CD 2, Track 30) 1, _)_ has never met Cindy. 2, _{__ wasn’t surprised that Cindy lied. 3, might lie sometimes. 4, > _ thinks it's safer never to start lying, 5. 6. . respects someone with a strong sense of morals. 7 feels sorry for Cindy. ask& ANSWER Do you feel sorry for Cindy? Do you think anyone should be fired for lying? Pair work. Listen. Speaker B shows surprise by repeating a word that Speaker A says. Notice the rising intonation and stress. Then practice the conversations. (CD 2, Track 31) ~ Conversation 1 neo ‘A: Cindy was fired. ‘A: Cindy got into trouble. B: She was fired? Why? Bs: She got into trouble? How? ‘Az Because she lied on her resume. A: She dented her parents’ car. B: I can't believe it! B: I can’t believe it! Pair work. Use these situations to make short conversations about Cindy like the ones in A. Remember to repeat with rising intonation to show surprise. ask& 1, fail her exam / cheat on it ANSWER, 2, get a ticket / be caught speeding Do you agree with the following statement? Why or why not? 3, move out / have an argument with her roommate “Telling a lie is OK as long as you don’t get caught.” Lesson A Totellthe truth. 115 4 Sy tTel etal] x It’s not cooked right. D) Q) Ww. anc is. Ward are celebrating thei wedding anniversary in a restaurant. Listen to the conversation. What dd they order? What's the problem? E So, how’s the chicken? Delicious. How about your steak? It's all right, I guess. : You don't sound very happy with it. Well, it’s not cooked right. I asked for medium rare. This is well done. Mrs. Ward: Why don’t you send it back? Mr. Ward: Oh, that's OK. I can eat it. I don't mind. Mrs. Ward: Don't be silly. I'm sure they'll make you another one. I'l call the waiter. ask& 8 Pair work. Practice the conversation with a partner. (~ ANSWER Why do you think Mr. Ward didn’t want to 5 send the steak back? What would you do in th RE aca ie 9 same situation? Giving direct advice cerry ks ® Read each person's problem. What advice would you give each one? When Mari’s check arrives, she Fernando works in a busy office. Monika is upset because she ha notices the waiter has forgotten He has noticed that one of his _ promised to do volunteer work to charge her for dessert. co-workers wastes a lot of time but her schedule is too busy. SI playing games on the computer. doesn’t know what to do. eS Useful Expressions: Giving direct advi Pair work. Choose one of the situations in A and make up a conversation aeiewarere about it, Use the Useful Expressions in the box to give direct advice. If I were you, Td You shouldfought to Why don’t you...? acne rrr dul copereten (or wa. I 116 Unit 11 + Honestly Speaking iFclause and a result clause IF-CLAUSE RESULT CLAUSE If I saw the Loch Ness Monster, 1 would take a picture of it. If Thad a yacht, 1 would sail around the world. If I were* dishonest, 1 would lie on my resume. ‘The if-clause presents a condition that is not true right now. The result clause shows the unreal result of that condition. “The verb in the if-clause is in the past tense. For be, use were instead of was. ® Match each if-clause on the left with two result clauses on the right to make logical sentences. ___ 1. If Host the keys to my apartment, | a. I would call a locksmith. ___.2. If Host my wallet, b, T would buy a new one. c. Iwould cancel my credit cards. 4. I would change the locks. @ vs: these pases to make present unreal cond 1, inherit a million dollars / buy a huge house 2. write a book about it / travel to another planet 3. run my own company / hire all my friends 4, play tennis every day | don't have to work 5, can be an animal / choose to be a tiger 6. get under a table / be in an earthquake right now ® Pair work. When would you do these things? Use conditional sentences. 1. eat something you don’t like 2, steal something 3. tell a lie Lesson A + Te tel the truth Would you ever do this? Qa Look at these situations. Would you ever do any of these things? Write Yfor yes, NV for no, or IM for may Would you ever... _— have dinner at an art 2, __ make free phone calls 3. __use the restroom in gallery opening because the using a telephone card that thhout actually buying food is free? you found? anything there? 4, ___ stand and read an 5. __ download music __ lake extra supplies entire magazine in a store illegally from the Internet? from the office to use a without buying it? home? "ir work. discuss your answers in A witha partner. People lie, research has shown, in one-fourth of their daily, so cial interactions. We are most likely to lie on the telephone. gallery opening. Why not? The food. ic ‘were hungry, 'd hove dinner at an art Honestly Speaking Lesson B | Who do you trust? Tenn =) Thave confidence in... Firefighters, nurses and Match the words and phrases in olue with their synonyms ‘teachers are some of the most in the box below. Two items have the same answer. trusted professions, according : Tieamttlesima eas imneriatica ae semi bal to_a 2004 Australian survey. The least trusted are car salesmen and politicians. He's a trustworthy employee. In two years, he's never been late to work, a A truthful person doesn’t lie on a resume. You should always do what you promise. I's important to keep your word. T'm sure she'll win the contest. I have confidence in her. T'm not sure the plan will work. It's a questionable idea. The deceitful man tried to cheat at poker. He can't walk. He relies on his wheelchair to get around. S exo dependable, possibly not true or right —_e, to depend on d. honest £. to do what you promise someone's ability & Pair work. Work with a partner and take this quiz. Discuss what you believe. 1. Do you have to be truthful to succeed in life? 5. Who do you think is more deceitful? [_] yes | | no. : [_] politicians {_] tawyers 2. Inan emergency, who do you think would be 6. Do you always keep your word? the most trustworthy? [Jv [_}no 7. A stranger stops to talk to you on the street. Do you usually think he or she has questionable reasons? [_] aperent |] abrother or sister [_]afriend [_] Which system do you have the most confidence in? |_| yes [_] ne i | ‘the police [] ‘the school system 8 What news source do you usually rely on? [J the government [| [_] rewspaper [_| the internet 4, Who do you usually count on to give good []w [| ‘personal advice? |_| radio CJeperent — (_] aorotheroraster [_] a friena Lj Lesson B + Who do you trust? 119 ps Listening ¢) Where do you get your news? @ Listen to these on-the-street interviews. Then answer the question. (CD 2, Track 33) Who do you think takes news more seriously? a. Graham b. Lucinda ®) o Listen again. Check (7) where Graham and Lucinda get their news. (CD 2, Track 34) | 1, Graham Ow [J cntine [_] newspaper QO magazines | 2. Lucinda Liw (J ontine [J newspaper [_]} magazines | ask& ANSWER fos Stole lilo] What is your opinion about the different The Kindness of Strangers sources for news? Explain. Have you ever been lost or stranded somewhere? What happened? ag Read this story through line 19. What do you think will happen? | | | Discuss with a partner. Then read the rest of the story to find out. @ Fins these words in te reading 1, Find a word in line 9 that means sleep lightly: 2. Find a word in line 9 that means strange: 3. Find a word in line 13 that means showed with gestures 4. Find a word in line 15 that means far away: 5, Find 2 word in line 22 that means smile: 6. Find a word in line 22 that means signalled to someone to come near: 7. Find a word in line 26 that means rare or expensive types of foo! 8, Find a word in line 26 that means strongly suggested: 9. Find a word in line 27 that means excited, very pleased: 10. Find a word in line 31 that means friendliness to guests: @ Read the story again. Then rewrite these false statements to make them true. 1, Philippe and his wife were traveling alone, 2. The story begins in the morning, 3. The man who got out of the other car was dangerous. 4, Philippe and Sophie didn’t cat or drink anything. a. 120 Uniti = Honestty Speaking Cle Kinkatce f Strangers you‘te cold and alone. You're afraid. You've lost your way. You can’t speak the local language. You've log your money and Passport. You could experience any of thea situations 'nanother country, Who would you tum to for help? = = 2 a = 3 8 a 7 cificult situation while traveling by car in the mountains. pias traveling with my wite, Sophie, and our hired driver, [vas Boing to be a long ride and we were tied Just as we began to doze, the engine made an edd lav noise and 10 then stopped working. 15 We were in a remote location, with no houses in sight. We started to hear the cries of wild animals. Sophie was scared. Would the cas be fixed soon? We didn’t know, We didn’t have much food and it was ee Ie coider, and darker. | began to lose confidence. Should we leave the car and seek shelter Isc tel our driver might return and leave without Us. We didn’t know what to do, % A couple of hours passed. Suddenly, the head ights from another car appeared in the dark. An Pelore we left, he put a note on the windshield of the car with his phone number on it. Then 2 be drove us to a nearby village, and we me ho Family. His cousin spoke basic French and offered us tea and local delicacies. They were fae cious. Then everyone insisted we stay for dlinnet. They asked us questions and were thrlet to have unexpected guests, tater that evening, the phone rang. It was our driver. He said that the car was running again We thanked the people who helped us. | couldnt helieve the response from the cousin: "No, 8 we thank you for coming into our home." ! will never forget the warmth and hospitality we received on that day because we relied ona complete stranger for help. fi nger? ever trust a stra ae and Sophie trusted a stranger, Would you ever trust a shy not? -ver helped a stranger? If so, what happened? If not, why “— Lesson B * Who do you trust? Reported statements @g Study the chart about reported statements. Notice how the verbs shift from the present to the past tense. er na ee ee pone) ere eccn nao cia Tm the hospital, a patient talked to a nurse. Later, the nurse told the doctor ‘what the patient said. REPORTED STATEMENT Nurse to Doctor: Mr. Brown said (that) he was hungry N to D: Mr, Brown said (that) he couldn't move his to N to D: He said (that) he would leave tomorrow. N to D: He said (that) his wife was coming today. ORIGINAL STATEMENT Patient to Nurse: fm hungry. | P to Nz I can’t move my toes. P to N: I will leave tomorrow. P to N: My wife is coming today. ® Read Harold's online profile. What do you think of him? | = z= BEAUTIFUL GIRL YOUNG AND HANDSOME GUY LOOKING FOR I My interests: | work out at the gym every day. i My lifestyle: | don’t ike to watch TV. | only eat healthy foods. | keep a clean house. | {drive a sports car to work. \ Mytalents: | can speak five languages fluently. I My goals: will become a famous model someday. ] ii | @ Gina read Harold's profile. She contacted i| hhim and they went on a date. Look at the “real” Harold. Complete what Gina said about him. .e_, but he’s actually middle-aged and unattractive. 1. He said yng.and & | but in fact he rides a bicycle to work. | but his house was completely messy. 3. 4. “ut the truth is he eats junk (008. = Spun) BUNA SRLS HK BAUS, , but in reality he watches it all the time. , but in fact he only speaks English. . but he actually never exercises at all Ge oes ys a a ea 122 Unit 11+ Honestly Speaking LL Sssaa_»a” = ————__ CAUGHT IN A LIE _ BE ices metog. coe am Movies I didnit want-to-go: Lalso-did, want to luuthisfeelings. I said that 4 Read “Caught in a Lie." Then write about a time you lied to make an excuse or to fee ete movie Drentegh we avoid hurting someone's feelings. fine; I soid that I woy sick. He | Pair work. Exchange papers with a — later that same day, 1 partner, Read what heppened. Was Re meine) your partner caught in a lie? Lae oe a “agian tvmy lie: Ity ere eee ee, Siar] I said that | was sick. 6 Communication s My little white lie G] sic work. Look at these white ies. Then ask your partner, "Have you ever told white He ike any ofthese?” Yourdoughterisso 1) iaiented for her age. Pair work. Role play. A white lie can avoid hurting someone's feelings. Role-play one of the situations in A. Be sure not to hurt the other person's feelings. A: Your hair looks great! B: I did it myself, B: Thanks. Tike it, too, ‘A: Really? It looks like you went to an expensive salon. ‘A: Where did you get it done? caucasian Lesson B * Who do you trust, 123, | M1 vocctucrs une) 3] Natural wonders Look at these pictures, Have you ever visited or seen places like these? Check (/) the boxes and tell a partner about your experiences. ask& ANSWER Which place in A woul most like to see or visit Match the adjectives below with the places in A that they describe. (Some adjectives can be matched to more than one place.) a. active _ 4. busy glong (intl cae Ged h, natural ©. dark f. high aa i steep) 124 > Uniti2*OurEarth Date uy: ia A report about Greenland ® Listen to Mary and Blake talking about her paper. Then answer the question. (CD 2, Tack 35) Mary is writing a report about Greenland’s a.foods b. plants and trees c. people ») 6 Listen again. Circle True or False. (CD 2, Treck 36) 1. Mary's paper is due next week. 2. Greenland is near Canada. 3. Greenland is part of Canada. 4, Greenland is in the north. 5, Building in Greenland is challenging. 6. There aren't any animals in Greenland. 7. You can do outdoor sports in Greenland. ask& ANSWER Would you ever visit Greenland? Why or why not? Have you ever visited an extremely hot or cold place? What place was it? Why did you go there? a; ane eM liao} Similar stress patterns The driest place on Earth is G] steno these phrases. Notice the stress in the Calama, inthe Atacama Desert tundertined syllables. (CO 2, Track 37) in Chile. No rain has ever been recorded there. Ledeep cave 3. long mountain range 2. arid desert 4. active volcano © Now listen to these phrases. Underline the stressed syllables. Then match each one to a phrase with the same stress pattern in A. (CD 2, Tack 38) narrow harbor a b. ong, sunny beach e busy vacation a. zh cliffs Pair work. Think of other phrases with the same stress patterns as the phrases in B. Say them to your partner. Lesson A * The natural world 125 Gustav and Carolina are international students. They're telling Bart about their summer work experience in the United States. Did they enjoy themselves? (CD 2, Track 39), So what exactly did you do over the summer? We worked as volunteers at Glacier National Park. ve never been there. What's it ike? It’s beautiful. There are mountains and lakes... and, of course, glaciers! How was the job? We had to do a lot of physical work. It was kind of hard, That's true, but it was exciting, too! We actually saw bears! = Wow! That does sound exciting. Maybe I should apply. Il need a job next summer. 7 Sorry, Bart, but you can't apply to that program. It's a special program for international stude ask& ANSWER If you could work overseas for the summer, where would you go? What would you do? | RS Chemie ya Offering another opi ion | ® Pair work. Imagine that you and your partner are looking for a place to live together as roommates. Write down some of the important things to consider. i aaa?) es Pair work. Read about these two possible places to live. Discuss their positive and negative aspects. Use the Useful Expressions to help you. That's very nice, but... Yes, but on the other hand Even so But then again The apartment in the city exp big backyard need a car quiet neighborhood nothing to do on weekends expensive near public transportation small bedrooms big balcony with a great view Pair work. With your partner, choose one of the locations in B. Tell the class which location you chose and why. 126 Unit 12+ Our Earth Expressions with like ) scot the intormation in the chart Notice the different uses ofthe word ie Meee eee en Ls * as a verb to talk about likes and dislikes: like musicals. ike to go hiking. ‘asa verb with would to talk about desires and preferences: I'd like to take a trip abroad. Would you like tea or coffee? * as an adverb with somerhing to talk about approximate amounts: It took her something like four hours to finish! * as a preposition to talk about similarities: Ann and Lea are very close friends. They're like sisters. & Pair work. Match the answers in the box to the appropriate questions below. Then practice the conversation with a partner, Td like to go in the winter to escape the 4. Yes. It was like a big sheet of ice. cold weather. 5. Yes, [like to visit a different place every year. 2. I'd like to visit Hawaii, Last year I went to Greenland. 3. It took something like nine hours. ‘Az Do you enjoy traveling? oO [As Wher vilyou olen your nfer x7 ati] Q A: low long did it take to get there? Q ‘A: When would you like to go there? you see a glacier? @ Pair work. Read about a country. Then ask and answer the questions. 1, What language do people speak? 4. Who are the Maori people? . What's the environment like? 5. What fruit do they grow? . What’s the weather like? 6. What's the population? Pair work. Guess the name of the country. Check your answer on page 154. Lesson A «The natural word 127 7 1 Vee roll) 3 What in the world? ® Work alone. Take this quiz. | What is the world’s... 4, busiest harbor? 4, oldest active voloano? 7. deepest lake? a, Singapore Kilauea (USA) a. Lake Superior (USA/Cana¢ b. Busan (South Korea) b. Yasur (Vanuatu) b. Lake Nyasa (Africa) cc. Hong Kong (China) c. Etna ({taly) cc. Lake Baikal (Russia) 2, largest island? 5, longest mountain range? 8. largest desert? | a, Great Britain fa. the Austrian Alps (Europe) _a. the Sahara (North Afri b. Greenland (Denmark) , the Andes (South America) b. the Australian (Australia) c, Honshu (Japan) , the Urals (Europe) c. the North American (Mexico/USA) 3. highest waterfall? 6. longest cave? a, Tugela Falls (South Africa) a. Mammoth Gave (USA) 9, longest coastline? b, Angel Falls (Venezuela) b. Hollach Gave (Switzerland) a. Australia’s c. Sutherland Falls 6, Sistema Ox Bel Ha (Mexico). Canada’s c, Chile’s (New Zealand) coup work. workin group oF four. traine that you are on a quiz show. Student A: quiz show announcer ‘Student B-D: quiz show contestants 1, Announcer: Read a question from the quiz in A. 2. Contestants: Write down your answer ‘ona piece of paper. Then hold your paper up and show the group, 3, Announcer: Check the answer on page 154. Give each contestant 1 point for a correct answer. Continue asking questions. i 4, Contestants: The person with the most points at the end of the game wins, ask& ANSWER Which of the places i you think it would take to get there? What do you think in A would you most like to visit? least like to visit? Why? About how long the place is like? 128 Unit 12 + OurEarih Our Earth Lesson B | The man-made world Engineering feats Pair work. Fitst look at the pictures of these engineering feats, What do you know about them? Discuss with a partner. Then read about them to learn more. enn Japan There were severe obstacles that made building this bridge difficult. (One exampl is the strong water currents.) This incredible? bridge can handle almost anything. It ca withstand both high winds and earthquake’ s an amazing engineering feat. The engineers changed the course of a huge river to be able to build it. Some people were against the project, while others supported it It was a big controversy. There are actually three tubes that connect the “Chunnel” to England and France. Two tubes accommodate trains while a third is an escape route. Trains transport both goods and people through the tunnel. 8 Write each highlighted word in A next to its definition below. 1, an accomplishment feat 6. to have space for Be 2. 10 carry from place to place 7. people who design and build bridges and 3. a serious disagreement among many buildings people 8. the road or path you use to get to a place 4, to resist 9. things that are sold to customers _ 5. things that prevent success _____10, serious and harmful ask& ANSWER Name another man-made wonder or engineering feat. What makes it special? Lesson B * The man-made world 129 A flying disaster nt, Listen and check (7) the correct picture, (CD 2, Track 40) Q) ® Jay and Elise are talking about an acci i B®) & Listen again. How was the zeppelin described? Check (V7) your answers. (CD 2, Task 41) 1. [Dp a tying hott ail eeeeees cia) acto xt 2 Eee reatenginering eat 5. [_] man's greatest achievement _7-[[] the Tae ofthe sy in flight 3. [_] better than an airplane ae | Building down | ‘What should be done about overcrowding in citi Read the interview with Erika Van Beek, an engineer, on page 131. | Then write the questions below in the correct spaces. i any tand-teftfor building ight? Isn't “bi ig down” more dangerous than other kind of construction? Isn't it expensive?

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